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Simo (Simon Georget)

I'm Simon Georget, also known as simo (or simogeo) on Internet - France.

I'm involved in OSGeo French chapter since many years. First as active member, I spent last years as responsible of the OSGeo-fr non profit infrastructure (website, services).

I've been responsible of the Communication Committee for FOSS4G-fr edition 2016 and 2018.

I'm involved in open source software since 2003. I'm Linea21 co-conceptor and lead developer (first release in 2004).

I have created and maintain geostats, a tiny and standalone javascript library for classification and basic statistics, aimed to work with webmapping frameworks such as leaflet, openlayers, ... Geostats is embedded into Oskari project, currently in the incubation process to become an OSGeo member project.

I teach GIS in Master's degree in Paris I - Sorbonne University and Paris Sud - Orsay. I make students use QGIS and promote FOSS4G and OSM.

I'm also on GIS-SE.

I'm running intermezzo company since 2015.

OSGeo Member
Name: Simon Georget
Job Title:
Company: Intermezzo SARL
City: Paris
Country: France
Local Chapter: Francophone OSGeo Chapter
Instant Messaging:
Personal Description :
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OSGeo Experience and Roles:

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