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Online Communication


Welcome everybody to the geospatial devroom at FOSDEM 2021 The devroom is hosted by OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation

You are welcome to visit the OSGeo website & join our community

It is great that we could join FOSDEM with the geospatial devroom. Thanks a lot to the FOSDEM team for the great conference.

We have many great talks today in the geospatial devroom. We hope you will enjoy the program.

The organizing team are Luca Delucci (Italy) and Astrid Emde (Germany) and we will guide you through the day.

If you need help or have questions let us know. We hope to have a vibrant discussion today and that we get many ideas for our work with geospatial data. We are excited and hope you have a great time.

FOSS4G 2021 Have you heard about FOSS4G Free Open Source Software for Geospatial conference. The annual global gathering of OSGeo thanks OSGeoLive - try all the software on your own

Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint 2021 17.-19. February 2021

The FOSDEM Geospatial devroom has a history. It started in 2014 and was part of FOSDEM since then. We enjoyed beeing in Brussels and we hope we will also have a great virtual day today. - 2014 johan van der Wau, Anne Gishla, FOSS4G Belgium team, Just

The FOSDEM Geospatial devroom has a history. It started in 2014 and was part of FOSDEM since then. We enjoyed beeing in Brussels and we hope we will also have a great virtual day today.

With the FOSDEM 2021 online version we are lucky to have speaker from all over the world. Some of them might be still asleep now at the start of the program.

We hope you will all enjoy the day.

Good Morning Backstage

Good morning everybody & welcome to the geospatial backstage room. We hope we will ahve a great day today. If you have any question or problems let us know. We can be very relaxed as all the talks are already recorded.

Some things you may check

  • you may add some more links that are connected to your presentation at your submission if you like
  • please check your biography. You can use markdown
  • please add your slides (if you have any) before your talk
  • we prepared a document with some questions that the moderators may ask. You can have a look and add more


We are at the end of the program of the FOSDEM 2021 geospatial devroom.

We hope enjoyed the day at FOSDEM 2021 geospatial devroom. Please submit feedback to the talks The videos from FOSDEM will be published at Thanks a lot to all the speaker & people involved & great to see so many geospatial enthusiasts from all over the world in our devroom.

Big thanks to the FOSDEM team. It was an amazing conference.

Get your FOSDEM T-Shirt or maybe a GDAL T-Shirt teespring -> /gdal?pid=793&cid=103538 or both ?

Follow us on twitter Follow our OSGeo Events page to stay tuned Join Google Summer of Code 2021

See you at FOSDEM 2022 - hopefully we will meet in person again.

It was great to meet you all today. Stay save!

From the Organising Team of the FOSDEM Geospatial Devroom 2021


We prepared a nice program for you with a many exciting talks and speaker from all over the world.

Times are in CET (UTC+1)

10:00 Introduction to OSGeo Angelos Tzotsos / Till Adams (luca)


0. You celebrated the 15th Birthday of OSGeo some days ago. Could you tell us what you achieved in this years and what is the biggest success. What is the goal for the next years search 15YearsOSGeo

1. Could you tell us more about the upcoming virtual community sprint - who could get involved?

Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint 2021 17.-19. February 2021

3. What would you recommend to people how to join the community?

4. Please give an example of a Software that is used worldwide?

5. Is OSGeo teached at Universities?

6. Who do you attract to OSGeo and how do you do this? Do you attract young people f.e.?

7. How OSGeo changed since it's born

10:30 OSGeoLive your geospatial toolkit - Get to know OSGeoLive and discover a whole world of geospatial tools and data Astrid Emde (enock)

Question: 1. Could you give some examples of events where OSGeoLive was used?

2. Which software should I have a look at first if I start with Open Source Geospatial Software?

3. Do you think it is difficult to work with a linux distribution for newbies?

4. Could you give an example for a very successfull software project on OSGeoLive?

5. Why is OGeoLive incomplete in my language?

6. The OSGeoLive ISO is large :), how are you able to reach communities / individuals / instutions with barriers such as internet, ...

11:00 MoveTK: the movement toolkit - A library for understanding movement Aniket Mitra (luca)

Question: - You have shown an example of finding access link. What other kinds of projects have you done with MoveTK so far? - Have you done projects with other movement data besides car tracks? - What were the most challenging issues you ran into when developing MoveTK? - For trajectory similarity: do you also support finding similar subtrajectories (i.e. only parts of trajectories)? - What is the visualization tool you used for your examples? Can you show movement direction using arrows? - Do you see overlap with other projects? - What is the best way for others to contribute to MoveTK?

11:45 Iaso: Geo-aware Data Collection, Curation and Analysis. A new web+Android platform geared toward enhancing geographical data by benefitting from the routine health data collection activity. Martin De Wulf (astrid)

Good visualisation, easy to use and bring the data of the surveys together. Great to have an API and the possibility to use Jupyther notebook to analyze

Q&A will start at 12:25 Question: 1. How many people do you think +- are using Iaso at the moment?

2. Compare with ODK solutions what are the benefits of Iaso?

3. You showed that you can load external data - in which format is this provided and how can you configure it?

4. Was it a big discussion for your team to provide Iaso as Open Source project and do you have external contributions

5. Are you connected to the OSGeo Community?

6. In the examples Iaso was running on your server. is it possible to run your own instance?

12:35 Telegram Bot For Navigation - A perfect map app for a neighbourhood doesn't need a map Ilya Zverev (Enock)

Question: 1. How does data from the bot gets into OpenStreetMap?


13:05 OpenStreetMap in Africa - The Rise of participatory mapping in Africa Enock Seth Nyamador (luca) Question: 1. Would you mind to share your personal story how you got involved and what impact it had on your live?

2. you talked about SotM Africa in Kenia in 2021 - how can people get involved?

3. I got to know you at FOSS4G in Tanzania and I experience the African Community as very vibrant and active.

4. What would you recomment to young people or people interested in general how they could join

5. What do you need as technical equipement to get started as Youthmapper?

6. Do you think OSM has a different impact for African regions / people than for people f.e. in Europe

7. Crowed2Map Tanzania - could you tell us about the project and their goal

13:50 --CANCELLED --two-flavoured Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis - an exercise on Bolivia elections 2019 / 2020 with Python and R Cesar Ariel Perez Mercado (Astrid)

Live panel

  • quick introduction of the people

topics to discuss

   "What succeeds slippy maps?"
   "GIS / JS+Python divide: myth or something to mind?"
   "Mobile cartography: is it time to go mobile-first?"

14:40 r.accumulate: Efficient computation of hydrologic parameters in GRASS - Improving the performance of geospatial computation for web-based hydrologic modeling Huidae Cho (vero) Question:

15:30 Spatial data exploration in Jupyter notebooks - The power of interactive vizualizations with GeoPandas and HoloViews Anita Graser (luca) Question: 1. Please tell us about the background of the project HoloView

2. How easy is it to setup a Jupyter Notebook?

16:05 YouthMappers - Building a global community of young changemakers using open maps Laura Mugeha (vero + enock as another youthmappser) Question: 1. Could you tell us more about the USAID Geocenter?

2. What is the motivation of the Youthmappers

3. How much do you think the maps are used? Is it in use in private live or more in planning?

4. What does it need to implement a youthmapper chapter at a university & is the administration open for the project?

5. You mentioned the new skills that students learn and that in the lectures it is more theoretical. Do the professors encourage the students to join youthmappers to learn the practical skills? How many students (in %) do you think participate the youthmappers

6. Great to have the Network between OSGeo and Youthmappers and also HOT OSM and Youthmappers

7. How long could you be a Youthmapper?


FOSDEM 2021 - your talk was accepted. =

thanks a lot for your contribution to FOSDEM 2021.

Your talk was accepted.

Please have a look at the schedules time and check whether it is ok for you.

We will reach out to you with further details about the recoding and presentaion soon.

We are looking forward to FOSDEM 2021

See you


OSGeo at FOSDEM 2021 (Online) - join us in the geospatial devroom an Sunday February 7th 2021

Sunday 7. February 2021 10:00 - 17:00

FOSDEM is the largest free and open source developers meeting in Europe, with 8000+ participants. It normally takes place in Brussels (Belgium).

FOSDEM 2021 will be an online event. We will have a geospatial devroom again and are pleased to invite you to join us there.No registration necessary.

See the schedule to find out about the program in the other rooms:

How to join the Geospatial devroom? You find information aout how to join here