Board Meeting 2022-08-27

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This board meeting is scheduled Saturday 27 August 2022 at 07:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker. F2F meeting at code sprint venue in Florence Italy


Current items

  1. roll call - all
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary - all
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. Approve pygeoapi as OSGeo project
  5. OGC Updates
  6. Elections and CRO members for 2022
  7. Summary of F2F meeting with OSGeo/OSM/HOT communities
  8. FOSS4G locations
  9. Creation of Conference Working Group
  10. Geo-ethics Locus Charter
  11. Feedback from AGM
  12. OSGeo Code Sprint 2023
  13. Projects status
  14. Website - mailing list discussion
  15. OSGeo EU - ESA
  16. GeoForAll website updates


  • Presiding: Michele
  • Scribing: Angelos, Codrina, Marco
  • Attending: Michael, Codrina, TomK, Angelos, Vicky, Michele, Rajat, Marco, Adam
  • Guests: Astrid, Luca

Review and approve past minutes


Approve pygeoapi as OSGeo project

OGC Updates

  • MOU completed, presented at FOSS4G keynote
  • Action: Complete the membership agreement
    • A new committee - OSGeo OGC Committee - to handle the OGC activities within the next 4 weeks and also define an architecture of the participation of OSGeo reps in OGC; Report back to standards mailing list
  • OSGeo OGC Committee
  • Reference implementations
    • Max 2 reference implementations
    • Figure out how to list all OSGeo related projects in the compliance list on OGC web site.
  • Budget for OGC participation (meetings/code sprint attendance, etc.)
    • next in person OGC meeting:
    • Amendment of the budget to include the travel to the member meeting
    • There is an online option for the OGC member meetings.
  • CI for Cite testing

Elections and CRO members for 2022

  • Vicky willing to step in to help Jorge
  • Discussion about members list and how to maintain it. Several points of truth.
  • Action: Send an email to all members 3 weeks before elections to check email; and then announce on discuss list about it so people that didn’t receive it can contact us or update their email on the website. Perhaps also use social media as well.Need the marketing committee to help with social media for e-mail updates.
  • Start nominations now, leave September for nominations, finish in October - keep this calendar consistent over the years;
  • Perhaps avoid summer months for nominations.
  • We need to reach out to find people that are not nominated? No self nomination.
  • Action: Astrid will go through all projects and check if the members are charter members
  • Discussion about CRO technical issues (LimeSurvey etc)
  • Update the columns in the database to be shared by CRO
  • Discussion about charter members not voting the last 4 years: reach out to people not voted to check with them if possible.
  • Action: Create an e-mail template.
  • Discussion about attracting more board member nominations. Should the CRO email include this wiki page?
  • Discussion about treasurer role.
  • Discussion about creating a youth group to attract young people on places/technologies they are active on. What would be the target group?
  • Action: Rajat to write an email to GeoForAll and GSOC to let them know of this idea from the board to ask of their opinion and support.
  • Motion to appoint Jorge and Vicky as CRO for 2022 passed on Loomio.

Summary of F2F meeting with OSGeo/OSM/HOT communities

FOSS4G locations

  • e-mail from Adam.
  • “Drop 'rest of world' and include more defined regions in the FOSS4G

priority cycle. This makes the priority cycle longer, but explicitly names that places other than Europe and North America exist”

  • Discussion about priority from specific regions. Perhaps a different cycle like US-Other-EU-Other. How would that affect the regional events?
  • How to help a new LOC: Try to re-use things that have worked before (web site, pretalx, mail chimp). Make sure FOSS4G cookbook is up to date.
  • A conference working group could provide an option to have a volunteer pool to help with FOSS4G.
  • How to address in case we do not have a bid some year. Do it completely online?
  • Discussion about how to encourage people to submit a bid e.g. announce the opening of bids in the closing session or describe how the next FOSS4G organized a bid and how they made it happen.
  • Discussion about sponsors and how the change of cycle would affect them.
  • How to attract sponsors/funding outside the conference (e.g. the NumFocus case).
  • email from Maria about OSGeo EU - ESA wishes to collaborate with OSGeo

Creation of Conference Working Group

  • Luca: we need a group of people helping the LOC with guidance but also with practical solutions (without overstepping LOC).
  • HOT is interested to get involved, we need to investigate more.
  • setup working group with a mailing list
  • Luca to send an e-mail to mailing lists proposing the formation of the working group and then we will make a motion.
  • Make OSGeo more involved in FOSS4G: Proposal to create a roadmap or timeline to decide if LOC needs help with organization topics.

Geo-ethics Locus Charter

Feedback from AGM

  • Sustainability - how to operate FOSS4G in a climate and ecosystem crisis (Vincent P)
  • Engaging younger contributors TODO send mails to geo4all and GSoC
  • Project retirement (Louis de Souza)
  • UN open GIS: OSGEO board rep? What does OSGeo want?
    • Why are we promoting hybrid GIS? Can OSGeo put money into crisis response?
    • People need to have a ‘whole solution’ - are we communicating enough that there are companies that can respond
    • Advocacy challenge: maybe it's not a company, people can just do it (Jody)
    • Restructuring of UN open GIS: do we need to review the MOU?
    • We have to make sure that all work happening goes back to upstream projects.
    • Action: Get more of our members to join the meetings to help the committee. Get in touch with Maria Broveli.
  • OSGeo in research (Peter Lowe)
  • More open meetings during the year to get feedback from members?
    • Discussion about IRC, Matrix, Telegram, mailing lists, Discourse. How to reach out to more people? We will try to make a group on Telegram

OSGeo Code Sprint 2023

  • The Athens sprint was not done due to COVID
  • Perhaps we want to consider to open up the options for other cities
  • When? FOSS4G is in June this time. The sprint should happen Feb/Mar 2023 or after the FOSS4G (like Oct 2023)
  • Action: Angelos to check the venue options for Athens and report back
  • Action: Talk to OGC about the joint code sprint timing.

Projects status


Moved to next meeting


Moved to next meeting

GeoForAll website updates

Moved to next meeting



  • no log, a jitsi meeting

Next meeting