Board Meeting 2023-01-30
Revision as of 07:40, 27 February 2023 by Kalxas (talk | contribs) (→Review and approve past minutes')
This board meeting is scheduled Monday 30 January 2023 at 16:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- FOSS4G 2023 LOC joint statement with OSGeo
- OSGeo_Budget_2023
- On boarding pendings
- Executive positions
- org.opengis name usage by GeoTools [1]
- Mailing lists and GDPR
- OSGeo security initiative; similar model to code-sprints: Require a CVE to participate. Priority emergency funding. Secondary preventative measures.
- OSGeo sponsorship prospectus
- GISTAM 2023
- Add your topic here
- Presiding: Angelos
- Scribing: Vicky
- Attending: Vicky, Codrina, Angelos, Marco, Tom, Mike, Ariel
- Guests: Regina
Review and approve past minutes'
- Board_Meeting_2022-12-29
- Motion passed on Loomio:
FOSS4G 2023 LOC joint statement with OSGeo
- Situation not seen too critical.
- Get immediate information if the situation changes.
- How do others perceive the situation?.
- Invite the LOC to our next meeting for an update. Perhaps send a (monthly) status update on the private mailing list.
- ACTION: Codrina to draft an email about the joint statement (Done).
- Moved to next meeting on Thu Feb 2nd 16:00 UTC
On boarding pendings
- Ariel reports access ok
- Discussion about strategic plan, update or review
- Primary location for OSGeo Documents: NextCloud, Wiki, Gitea
Executive positions
- We need all board members present to discuss this topic.
org.opengis name usage by GeoTools
- Long technical side discussion on PSC meetings.
- They are pinning themselves to an old version of the GeoAPI library because of often API breaks.
- Apache projects that want to use both, have conflicts because GeoTools does not use the latest version.
- Needs funding for the technical proposal, sponsors are not willing to fund technical dept as Jody described on e-mail.
- Discussion is not only technical.
- ACTION: Angelos to set up a meeting with GeoTools and Geoserver before call Apache (Done)
- ACTION: Angelos to organize a call with Apache and OGC.
Mailing lists and GDPR
- Regina reports that removal from mailman can be done.
OSGeo security initiative; similar model to code-sprints: Require a CVE to participate. Priority emergency funding. Secondary preventative measures.
- Postponed to next regular meeting
OSGeo sponsorship prospectus
- Postponed to next regular meeting
- Postponed to next regular meeting
- no log, a jitsi meeting