Board Meeting 2023-07-25

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This board meeting is scheduled Tuesday 25 July 2023 at 18:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on Loomio and actions on the OSGeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat at UN-Habitat request
  5. Bolsena code sprint request for €2,000 EUR
  6. OpenGIS harmonization initiative
  7. GeoMajas project status
  8. Sponsors relationship maintenance
  9. ESA MOI
  10. Code sprint announcement
  11. EU CRA directive [1]
  12. Add your topic here


  • Presiding: Angelos
  • Scribing: all
  • Attending: Michael, Vicky, Angelos, Marco, Ariel, Rajat, Codrina
  • Guests: John Gitau (UN habitat), Jody, Lior Kaplan

Review and approve past minutes

Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Secretariat at UN-Habitat request

Bolsena code sprint request

OpenGIS harmonization initiative

  • Discussion about the approved budget and the results of FOSS4G code sprint.
  • The board will discuss through e-mail about the path forward.

GeoMajas project status

Sponsors relationship maintenance


  • Discussion about the draft document and the feedback given on chat discussion.
    • Adam has expressed the opinion that the word "enforce" in Exhibit A could be changed to "use". The reasons are: 1. the MoI(U) doesn't give either organization power to enforce anything. 2. OSGeo shouldn't be about enforcing things, with external organizations - we can lead, mentor, encourage.
    • During the meeting the wording was discussed. The word "enforce" is on ESA’s side and not OSGeo. It explains why ESA signs this MoI: “In this context, the current MoI represents a key strategic element to enforce open source practices and maximise outreach and community building for the open source components developed under the ESA EO Science for Society activities.”
    • We agreed that this is ok on OSGeo side. It does not imply whatsoever that OSGeo is an enforcer. Some organizations need/use such language on regulations and agreements.
  • ACTION: Codrina to send an e-mail to the board mailing list with the draft to make it publicly available (Done) [2]
  • ACTION: Angelos to open a motion to approve (Done)
  • Motion passed on Loomio:

Code sprint announce

  • Already published on the website [3].
  • We need to make a follow up announcement with QGIS and Pangeo participation.
  • ACTION: Angelos to follow up on e-mail (Done)

EU CRA directive



  • no log, Jitsi meeting

Next meeting