Board Meeting 2008 04 04
Revision as of 05:19, 23 July 2008 by Neteler (talk | contribs) (Thirty Fifth Board Meeting moved to Board Meeting 2008 04 04)
This board meeting has been scheduled for the 4th of April 2008 at 15:00 UTC (fixedtime), by phone and IRC (#osgeo) at the same time.
Communication will use the Conference Call facilities.
- Appoint meeting secretary,
- Review and approve Thirty Fourth Board Meeting minutes.
- Discuss timing, and responsibility for 2008 charter member and board elections.
- FOSS4G 2008 contracting and budget status review.
- Update from Tyler
- Meeting started 15:06 UTC
- Real-time log files from IRC are available here
- Attended: Frank, Tyler, Dave, Paul, Jeroen, Arnulf
- Appoint meeting secretary: Tyler appointed
- Review and approve Thirty Fourth Board Meeting minutes.
- MOTION: Arnulf moved to adopt 34th board meeting minutes. All were in favour, minutes approved.
- Discuss timing, and responsibility for 2008 charter member and board elections.
- Asked Tyler to act as chief returning officer (CRO) again this year
- Frank proposes timing - June 1 Charter member, July 15th Board
- MOTION: Frank motioned to set Tyler as CRO and to use the above timing deadlines to wrap up process. Arnulf seconded, all were in favour.
- FOSS4G 2008 contracting and budget status review.
- TODO: Finance committee wrapping up review of budget.. will be forwarded to board shortly
- TODO: Paul to circulate letter of agreement between OSGeo and GISSA.. for review
- Report from Tyler
- Other business
- Arnulf reports FOSSGIS 2008 event very successful - 430 attendees
- Close meeting - Arnulf motioned, Frank seconded.. all were in favour, meeting closed 15:21 UTC.