Conference Setup Guide

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Revision as of 01:56, 11 November 2008 by Neteler (talk | contribs) (+Category: Best practice)
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The OSGeo Foundation supports local communities to promote OSGeo by encouraging exhibits at conferences an other suitable venues. This page provides some guidance on how to organize and deploy a successful public outreach event.

This page is in DRAFT TODO:

  • Make a page template
  • Add more details

Identify the event and relevant information

  • Booth registration and cost
  • Possible Sponsors
  • Volunteers


Put together a proposal on the wiki following the template: Include a proposed budget with necessary materials. If you know of possible sponsors list those to.


Make sure to tag your page as Category:Proposed Event


Communicate your intentions to the Marketing Committee and attend the next marketing committee to secure approval of your plan. Do not expect OSGeo to fund the whole event, you will need to approach sponsors and indicate how much you plan to get from sponsors in your budget. Marketing will help you obtain an Exhibition Pack.

Once approved you can change the event page to Category:Event


Obtain an Exhibition Pack:

  1. Try to borrow one from the nearest local chapter.
  2. If they don't have one yet contact Marketing about obtaining one for use in your region.

Other Arrangements

  • Getting demo machines
  • Finalizing Sponsors
  • Scheduling Volunteers

The Event

Post Event Accountability

  • Make sure the budget and materials were all accounted for.
  • If you borrowed materials, return them.
  • Write up a summary, post some photos and other information about how the event went.
  • Change the category tag to Category:Past Event and start thinking about next year.