MetaCRS Incubation Status

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Revision as of 20:31, 31 March 2009 by Warmerdam (talk | contribs) (preliminary)
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Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
Yes, in September 2008.
Has an Incubation Mentor been assigned to the project?
Yes, Daniel Morissette

Infrastructure Transition

Has the domain been populated with the projects web presence?
Yes, points to the primary wiki page for the MetaCRS project.
Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project?
Yes, but distinct instances for each subproject (,,,
Is the OSGeo mailing list manager ( being used for the project?
Yes, for most mailing lists though the geotiff mailing list is still hosted at
Is the OSGeo SVN being used for the project?
Are binary and source downloads available from ?
Yes, for at least some of the sub-projects.

Community Functioning

Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
CSMap and Proj4js issues are addressed on the primary metacrs list, and PROJ.4 and libgeotiff have their own mailing lists. User support might be considered less than robust currently for libgeotiff, CSMap and Proj4JS though support is available.
Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the project?
yes, as described at Currently sub-projects have a fair amount of latitude with the PSC used to approve overall commiters, and to resolve issues. The MetaCRS PSC has not yet really proven itself.
Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.
How many active developers are there? Are they from multiple organizations?
CSMap -Hugues Wisniewski (Autodesk) and Norm Olsen (Autodesk). PROJ.4 - Frank Warmerdam and Didier Richard (IGN). libgeotiff - Frank Warmerdam and Howard Butler. Proj4JS - Mike Adair (DMSG)

Foundation Membership

Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
yes, to some degree. I think there is room for improvement in this regard.
Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation web styling and branding marks?
No, not beyond the use of Trac, and services in the domain.

Code Copyright Review

Has a Code Provenance Review document been prepared for the project?
Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
Are Commiter Responsibilities Guidelines covering legal issues in place?
no, however, there is already a PSC based approach to commiter approval.