LizardTech Report 2009

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LizardTech has been a sponsor of OSGeo since its inception and we continue to be a proud supporter of the organization and its initiatives.

LizardTech helped out OSGeo in several ways in 2009.

  • We continue to host the meetings of CUGOS (The Cascadia Users of Geospatial Open Source), the Seattle-based chapter of OSGeo. Every month, ten to twenty people from industry and academia attend our meetings.
  • LizardTech's own mpg concluded his series of columns for GeoConnexions magazine. Twenty-five articles of over 1000 words each were written by OSGeo members and friends over the past few years.
  • LizardTech was a sponsor for the Toronto Code Sprint and sent two of its engineers to the event. We look forward to sponsoring and attending the 2010 event in New York.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, LizardTech contracted with OSGeo developers to fix bugs or add features in OSGeo's projects. Our products rely heavily on open source libraries under the hood, and we continue to find open source to be a cost-effective approach to managing areas outside our core competencies.

We look forward to another year of collaboration and growth.

Michael P. Gerlek

Director of Engineering
