Project Mentions
This page lists all the places where OSGeo projects are referenced and need to be updated when a project moves status to Incubation, Graduated, or Retired.
OSGeo Pages
To update OSGeo pages, send an email to the Webcom email list requesting write access, to to get someone on the committee to update the page for you.
Wiki Pages
Subversion based documents
There are a number of Marketing documents developed in subversion which need to be maintained. These include:
- Two page summary of OSGeo projects.
- One flier per project.
Packaged OSGeo Stack
The various OSGeo packaging projects provide an excellent marketing channel for projects, as DVDs are handed at at conferences, and the DVDs are downloaded by potential OSGeo users.
Projects should include themselves in:
Windows based:
Linux based:
- Debian GIS: Projects that produce .deb files are easily incorporated into Debian, Ubuntu, LiveDVD, Portable GIS, GIS Virtual Machines.
- Live DVD, meta-project for various Linux based distributions.