FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting 17th December

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FOSS4G LOC Meeting Minutes December 17, 2013

Next Meeting: January 14th, 2014


  • In the Room: Darrell, Matt, Neill, Jacob, Beth & Molly from VTM
  • On the phone: Eli, Tanya, Amy from Victoria, Greg from CUGOS, Elizabeth from EVH Design


  • Logo (Elizabeth will join us)
  • Website
  • Academic Track
  • Sponsors
  • Field Trip update
  • Gala idea
  • Announcement LIst (eli)
  • Update to CUGOS (eli)
  • MapWall (eli)


Logo Concepts

Elizabeth showed some updates to the logos.

The first change shows different contours within the log (representing a distinctive mountain).

The second and third shows different ribbon placement and colors, and experiments with different fonts.

She will draft some questions to Darrell to use to send out with the update logos and use in the next poll. Schedule has the next iteration of the design coming in at the end of this week for final tweaks, with final logo being delivered on Dec 23rd.

Website & Presentation submission

Greg and Sam have gotten Symposian installed on a AWS installment, and are working on setting up some basic style templates and and working on the basic containers. Sam is doing template styling and Greg will be adding in a calendar module. They hope to have a demo early in the new year.

We now need to know what extra needs we will want in terms of extras, security and scaling related stuff, etc.

We need to decide on who and how many people will be inputting content.

Academic Track

We have 2 chairpersons from last year who will be renewing for this year (Yay - Thank you!) They will be handling review of submitted papers to this track, and will coordinate with journals. They have asked for an instance of OCS which Darrell will provide. They have asked for timeline information, but everything seems under control at this point.

Possible local contact could be Webb? Gary Sherman may be interested in helping connect this with the OSGeo Journal.


Tanya posted draft flyer text to the TeamworkPM site, and also an example draft flyer for general feedback. The text and flyer design will remain fluid until at least Dec 23rd while we wait for final logo design, colors and fonts. Target is to have a final sponsor packet ready to go in the early new year time frame.

Most discussion centered on the 10% discount window - when should it close, and how long should the lead time be? Need to talk to folks from previous years to figure out what is typical.

We need to factor in the timeline for printing any materials that need to be mailed to sponsors.

Field Trips

Nick Martinelli is going to take on the Timbers Game item and will go with option 3.

Other field trips mentioned have been Mt St Helens, Coast, Gorge, etc. We need people who are interested in leading field trips.

Gala Ideas

VTM will look into the World Forestry Center in addition to OMSI. Any other good ideas for venues that can hold this number of people??

Announce List

Do we want an announce list for high volume? do we need Mail Chimp for ease of unsubscription?

Decision is that we will have one publicity stream for people to subscribe to.

CUGOS Meeting

CUGOS has a meeting tomorrow and is looking for ways they can help us.

One awesome idea is to have adjacent chapter folks help staff an OSGEO booth for the event to take that load off the LOC members.

Follow our FOSS4G account and retweet us, link us on your blog, mentions in software and other related communities, etc.

In general we need a running list of small tasks that volunteers can help with.

Map Wall

A very popular item at the Nottingham event, and we have the potential for some great PNW cartographic contributors.

Barry was the main contact for Nottingham. There were 16 iPads rotating 70 maps in the gallery. Tanya will contact Barry for information on how everything was done.

VTM has encountered vendors that rent equipment e.g. SmartSource, so Molly will reach out to see what this sort of thing costs...

New Business

Marketing and sponsorship will be big in the new year.