Board Meeting 2014-06-12

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This board meeting is scheduled for the 12nd of June 2014 at 20.00UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.



  • Attending: mckenna, FrankW, dmorissette, jachym, aghisla, jsanz, CameronShorter, djay
  • Presiding: mckenna
  • Scribing: jachym

Assigned Tasks

  • aghisla: coordinate with Andrew (as OSGeo rep) to try to have OSGeo speakers at each stop of LocationTech Tour
  • CameronShorter: draft a proposed voting process within 48 hrs, community review for 1 week, will include auto accepting as charter members people voted into specific positions within OSGeo roles, plus up to a fixed number (10) open positions. jsanz to act as CRO. Start voting in 10 days.

Motions (to be confirmed by email)

  • aghisla: To approve past meeting's minutes.
    • 6 times +1
  • dmorissette: to sponsor LocationTech Tour 2014 for 2,000$ (
    • 6 times +1
  • CameronShorter: MOTION: propose: Cameron draft a proposed voting process within 48 hrs, community review for 1 week, will include auto accepting as charter members people voted into specific positions within OSGeo roles, plus up to a fixed number (10) open positions. jsanz to act as CRO. Start voting in 10 days.
    • 8 times +1
  • djay motion to have a board meeting during foss4g this year (can't we make it as a rule for each year ?) and jmckenna taking time to plan and propose time and location
    • 6 times +1, 1 times +0

Full, raw minutes notes

IRC Log at
  • 20:00 Meeting starts
  • 20:05 Previous meeting minutes approved
  • 20:07 Sponsoring LocationTech Tour 2014
    • aghisla: andrew mentioned that any osgeo member can have presentations at LT events
    • aghisla: i also see it as something that osgeo could organise too
    • jmckenna: why do we so fast approve such an event but require so much from our own osgeo code sprint events?
    • aghisla: because here the decision is simple, does not involve writing our own bureaucracy :)
  • 20:14 Discuss charter and board elections plan
    • jorge have examined lime survey ( and we will use this for the elections
    • jorge is proposing the following timeline:
    • 20:16 jsanz joins the meeting
    • aghisla: i like limesurvey, I used it in the past and osgeo-fr use it as well for elections since a while
    • jsanz: I'd prefer to do it all the election before august, so most of the people are not on vacations, more or less
    • 20:19 CameronShorter joins the meeting
    • discussion about how many new members will OSGeo accept. Numbers are varying between 20 and 30 up to 'all' people.
    • CameronShorter: An alternative would be to define a criteria for automatically accepting a charter member (eg PSM of a osgeo project)
    • dmorissette: I see the potential value in CameronShorter's idea, but unfortunately it could be complicated to manage, so I prefer to keep things simple, FrankW concurs with dmorissette.
    • Discussion result: we are tight of time, we stick with the old procedure for this time and start to organize things for next election process
    • CameronShorter: Ok, propose: Cameron draft a proposed voting process within 48 hrs, community review for 1 week, will include auto accepting as charter members people voted into specific positions within OSGeo roles, plus up to a fixed number (10) open positions.
  • 20:00 Next face-to-face meeting
    • 21:03 FrankW leaves meeting
    • At FOSS4G, Portland
  • Next meeting: Mini face2face 2014-07-17, Bremen, same time