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Skype Meeting 08-09-2015


Dirk Gaël Johan Oliver Marc Tommy


* Call for papers
* Call for sponsors
* Organisation
* Translations
* Hackathon
  • OSGeo
* OSGeo-BE Legal structure
* OSGeo-Europe


Call for papers

At the moment, we have 3 papers but we expect a lot more to come. The website has not been updated yet. The idea is to get the papers titles ASAP so that we can prepare a balanced program. On the website, the deadline for submissions has been changed to October 2 but the notification date must also be changed. We should not have too many keynotes speakers : someone for "what is OSGeo", a second one for "OSGeo-Live" and maybe Bart De Lathouwer from OGC. Another idea to get more papers is to directly contact people from the academic world. We can use Maëlle's list to do that. To synchronize ourselves, we'll just add a column in the spreadsheet.

Action: Johan and Gaël : update website : drop long description and invite people to send a title ASAP
Action: Dirk and Oliver : Promote the call for papers via Twitter
Action: Tommy : Promote the call for papers via Facebook
Action: Dirk : Contact the OSGeo contact list to see who is going to come and who would like to speak

Call for sponsors

The logo of Mercator should be added to website ASAP. About the website, there's still a configuration problem with GitHub in order to push the changes. Johan will configure the gandi hosting in order to make it work. Marcos has started a new job in London and may be less available during the next days. Camp to Camp is now a bronze sponsor. GIM contacted us to see if they can have a presentation slot if they sponsor the event. This cannot be guaranteed. It will depend on their presentation quality. Some sponsors asked for an invoice with VAT. This cannot be done as OSGeo Belgium will not be subject to VAT. The 'Bruxelles environnement' logo should be moved. They are not a gold sponsor but a "location" sponsor. We'll move the logo to the green section just ahead of the logo's.

Action: Johan : configure the gandi hosting
Action: Johan, Gaël and Marcos : update the logo's on the website : Mercator, Bruxelles environnement, Checksum


We need a detailed planning and somebody has to take the lead. Oliver will do that. His first action will be to review Gaël's spreadsheet of tasks. Oliver will also send a "call for volunteers". A new email address should be created for that : volunteers@foss4g.be. A Foss4g.be T-shirt could be given to the volunteers. We could also sale T-shirts (with a different design) for the event. Marcos will prepare a design for these T-shirts. Gaël made an EventBrite page but he has not received any feedback about it. At the moment, the page is in french. If possible, it should be translated. For the event, there is at the moment two ticket types : one for free and another for 50 € (Ticket sponsor). The idea was to give the opportunity to people from administration to contribute to the event. It is possible pay via the Eventbrite infrastructure. They charge 3,55 € for a "ticket sponsor". We should probably add more possibilities : lunch, T-shirts, ...

Action: Oliver : review the tasks spreadsheet and organise the tasks distribution
Action: Johan : create a new email address : "volunteers@foss4g.be"
Action: Oliver : send the "call for volunteers"
Action: Gaël : translate the Eventbrite page
Action: Gaël : send an email with the options for the Eventbrite page


We have hired two translators NL-FR and FR-NL. We also have the coordinates of someone who could do the translation EN-NL. We should refine our needs concerning the FR-EN and NL-EN translations. This will partly be done via a form on the Eventbrite page asking a few questions about the people's provenance and natural language. We could also hire EN translators for half a day.


The BRIC will organise a Hackathon this year. It will happen on October 28. Despite the fact that this subject was discussed during the July meeting, Gaël has not received any feedback about that. This would be a good opportunity for OSGeo-BE to promote OSGeo projects and OSGeo-Live.


OSGeo-BE Legal structure

We now have a bank account. We should go further with the ASBL/VZW creation but since Moritz is on holidays, the actions are postponed until Moritz is back.


A wiki page for the European chapter has been created. Discussions are ongoing about who might be interested to participate in this structure. Dirk would like to have a complete inventory of all OSGeo projects as it could be a good base for discussion with the European Commission.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 21, 17:00 at Brussels (Bruxelles environnement - face to face) .