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Face to face meeting 21-09-2015


Claude Dirk Gaël Johan Oliver Maëlle Marc Moritz Theo Tommy


* Call for papers & agenda
* Call for sponsors
* Organisation and call for volunteers
* Translations
* Hackathon
  • OSGeo
* OSGeo-BE Legal structure
* OSGeo-Europe


Call for papers & agenda

At the moment, we have 7 requests. Two or three other presentations are expected very soon. We should have at least 20 presentations. On the website, the deadline for submissions is October 2. Reminders will be sent. The idea is to make as much noise as possible around the call for papers : OSGeo local chapters, Regions, Agoria, Administrations ... Possible keynotes presentations are : OSGeo, OSGeo Live, OSM, OGC, Open Knowledge Foundation, ... Those presentations should target the Belgian community as much as possible. Concerning the agenda, it is decided to postpone the discussions around the detailed program until we have a good view on submitted papers. Bruxelles environnement will probably give a short introduction about themselves during one of the keynotes.

Action: Dirk will contact Tom Van Herck from AGIV
Action: Gaël will contact some GIS actors in Wallonia : Xavier Demarets, Jean-Claude Jasselette, AM/FM-GIS Belux
Action: Claude will contact Agoria (Tanguy De Lestré)

Call for sponsors

At the moment, we have 4 platinum sponsors, 4 gold sponsors, 2 silver sponsors and 2 bronze sponsors. Since OSGeo Belgium will also have a booth, there is only 1 more exhibition slot left (Platinum and Gold sponsors). This has to be written on the website. Bruxelles environnement doesn't need a booth.

Action: Johan, Gaël : add the exhibition slot left on the call for sponsors webpage

Organisation & call for volunteers

Oliver has prepared a wiki page with all the organisation details. Names have to be added. The technical informations about the booth are the following : 1 table, 2 chairs, electricity, wifi, no wall. There will be WiFi available for everyone via Urbizone. This should be announced before the event in order to let everyone register. A technical person from the venue will be available for free. Parking may be an issue during the event. Parking at a rate of 3 € per hour is available. It is free on the street (parking disc). We can also reserve parking places at the rate of 5 € per place. This will be done for the sponsors. Concerning the t-shirt, Marcos has proposed a design with the hat on the front side and the logo on the back side. The sale price will be 20 €. There will not be a goody bag but we will have a A5 booklet. The lunch organisation is complex. Many scenarios are evaluated but we'll wait for more detailed informations from Biorganic before we take a decision. Anyway, we need to open the registration ASAP. This will be done via EventBrite with two alternatives : free tickets and sponsor tickets (50 €). Theo will prepare a poster for the event. The possibility of filming the sessions has also been discussed. Even if it may be interesting, this is not a priority. Oliver has also prepared a call for volunteers wiki page. At the moment, it is in English but it will be translated in Dutch and French.

Action: Gaël : Open Registration ASAP
Action: Marc : contact the platinum and gold sponsors and provide them with the technical informations about the booth
Action: Oliver : translate the "call for volunteers" in Dutch
Action: Tommy : translate the "call for volunteers" in French
Action: Oliver : send the "call for volunteers"
Action: Johan : Check if filming hardware can be available for the event
Action: Theo : Prepare a poster


There is no need for English translations.


The BRIC will organise a Hackathon on October 28. It will be open to people from administrations, students, companies, ... The theme will be Open Data and the objectives are to promote Open Data and to develop a wider community. Ckan will be used. The Bric would like to promote this event in a wider context. This is where we could help : promote the Hackathon on foss4g.be website, technical support with OSGeo projects, session during the Foss4G Belgium event, ...

Action: Gaël and Claude : Prepare a web page describing the Hackathon


OSGeo-BE Legal structure

The ASBL/VZW statutes are almost ready. Initial board members will be : Dirk, Gaël, Johan, Maëlle, Marc, Oliver, Tommy.

Positions in the board will be held by Marc (Treasury), Tommy (Secretary) and Johan (President).

Action : Moritz: send the statutes definitive version


The idea is to use this organisation as a platform between European local chapters. The structure should be up by the end of this year. Dirk expects help from the the European Commission. Known founding members are : Dirk, Vasile, Jáchym. They would like to create the equivalent of an ASBL/VZW at the European level.

The next skype meeting is scheduled for September 28, 17:00.
The next face to face meeting is scheduled for October 5, 17:00 at Brussels (Bruxelles environnement).