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Face to face meeting 29-01-2016


Johan Maëlle Marc Tommy


  • OSGeo.be
* OSGeo-BE strategy
* General assembly
* Website and logo
  • Next events
* FOSS4G-BE 2016
* Mapping party for homeless people
* Geo dev evening
* Other events
  • Miscellaneous
* Next meeting


OSGeo-BE strategy

Basicaly, the strategy will be based on the resources that we have. Marc has prepared a spreadsheet with the perspectives for 2016. This is based on two assumptions : for reasons of caution, we should count on less income (-20 %, if we have, for instance, less sponsors) and more expenses (+20%, if we need a location for our next FOSS4G). In addition, if we plan a budget with some expenses for small events (carto party, ...) and outreach events (Begeo, mandataires, ...), it becomes clear that we won't have much flexibility. Having a constant stream of sponsorships seems to be difficult. Consequently, we should focus this year on one major event (FOSS4G) and possibly some smaller events. We'll also contact others organisations in order to see how we can collaborate : Open Knowledge Foundation, OSM, ...

Action: Johan : contact potential partners

General assembly

General assembly will probably be organised the week before Easter holidays (21-25 /03). The general assembly could also be the occasion to organise a social event with a few guests.

Action: Johan : send doodle for the general assembly

A website seems essential. We need to communicate about the events we organize / endorse / support. For the website, we could use OSGeo.nl template. Beside that, we still need a logo. We will not use the atomium in order to avoid potential legal problems.

Action: Johan : ask OSGeo.nl for their template
Action: Maelle : ask her colleague at ULB if he has time to make a proposition

Next events

FOSS4G-BE 2016

FOSS4G-BE 2016 will be our major event. We think that it is better to keep it as a one-day event and that it should take place in Brussels. Ideally, it should be kept as a free event (at least for students / job-seekers). Another idea is to try to reach the surveyors if our event get recognised by FPS ecnonomy. Since the next State of the map will also take place in Brussels on September 23 - 25, September 22 seems to be an excellent date for the FOSS4G-BE 2016.

Action: Gaël : see if it is possible to organize FOSS4G-BE 2016 at Bruxelles environnement

Mapping party for homeless people

This event will take place on February 27. It will be organized in association with Poppy (Christophe Cloquet), Dewey and ULB-IGEAT (Maëlle). This event raises a question about how we should mention such a collaboration. Individuals inside OSGeo.be are also part of organisations / companies / universities / ... It is sometimes difficult to draw a clear separation line between OSGeo.be and those organisations. This may result in a "conflict of interest". Clear rules about that are welcome.

Action: Maëlle : write a wikipage about the mapping party
Action: Marc : search for "deontological rules" inside OSGeo.fr

Geo dev evening

The Geo dev evening will probably be organised the week after easter holidays. It will consist of two technical presentations of 45 minutes each. The budget we have won't allow us to invite a speaker. As a result, we'll try to find more "local" speakers to come and talk that night. We'll also ask them what they would like to talk about.

Action: Johan, Marc : contact potential speakers

Other events

FOSDEM'16 : 30-31/01/2016.
Paris Code Sprint 2016 : Tues, Feb 23 - Fri, Feb 26 (4 days)
BeGEo will take place on 03/03/2016. We could have been there but the budget for a small booth is 750 € (VAT excluded) which is a bit too much for us. We could organise a partnership in the future.
Geospatial world forum will take place on May 23-26 in Rotterdam. A partnership may be possible in order to have some visibility there.
FOSS4G 2016 BONN will take place on August 24-26 in Bonn.


Next meeting

The next meeting is not yet scheduled.