Board Meeting 2011-10-05
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This board meeting is scheduled for the 5th of October 2011 at 17:00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype.
- Review past minutes: Face to Face Meeting Denver 2011
- Action items from last meeting
- Appoint new secretary
- Board meetings
- Find a regular day and time for board meetings (can also be agreed via mail up front).
- Evaluate options for IRC or voice conf and provider, or go for a combination
- ED tasks transfer (link forthcoming)
- Provide guidance to the Conference Committee wrt FOSS4G Beijing and potentially conflicting regional events
- Results from the foss4g 2011 attendee survey (Batty to summarize - latest results sent to board list 10/5/2011)
- North American regional conference for 2012
- Discussion to fund Jeff for conference management
- Finances
- Status update
- Outsourcing options (get quotes?)
- Open session regarding the future style of the organization (mpg's 3 suggestions)
- Three roles needed (to be filled by 1 person, or more?)
- Administrative tasks
- Project work (SAC, code sprints, etc.)
- ED / ambassador:
- Outreach
- Fundraising
- Conferences
- Sponsorships
- Sponsoring Memberships?
- Other suggestions
- Three roles needed (to be filled by 1 person, or more?)
- MOUs
- appointment of an MOU Czar
- proposal for Geomatics Laboratory of Politecnico di Milano
- Review/adopt Code Sprint Guidelines
- please add items
- logistics
- detailed conversation log:
- Attending: Jo, Jeff, Daniel, Peter, mpg, Mark, Tyler, Frank (10:26)
- Regrets: Arnulf
- Absent: Tim
- Chair: Daniel
- Scribe: mpg
- [10:12] review of previous meeting's minutes
- daniel moves, jeff seconds -- passed
- [10:14] action items / TODOs from last mtg
- wiki page on CodeSprint policies (
- noted that last line needs to be removed
- action punted to end of mtg
- make mission text same on all pages
- TODO: pmbatty (w/ Frank in loop)
- draft RCMRD MOU
- TODO: Jeff and Tim
- motion to appoint mpg as secretary
- Daniel moves, Peter seconds -- passed
- wiki page on CodeSprint policies (
- [10:32] new time for mtgs?
- agreed to Thursday of the second week of the month at 17:00 UTC
- [10:38] format for future mtgs (IRC/skype/other?)
- pmbatty to look into conference call options, others to email him with other ideas
- for now, stay with IRC
- [10:46] transfer of ED tasks
- Tyler has a list going (on google docs)
- we're making slow progress
- board members encouraged to grab items
- [10:53] "provide guidance to conf committee"
- Peter sent out survey results, w/ summary
- [10:58] mtg extended 30 mins
- discussion about dilution relative to Beijing event, 50/50 deal with GITA, ...
- no closure -- fundamental questions about who/what we are and want to be
- we will move beijing-specific items to list; larger topic to be addressed next meeting
- suggestion we allocate 2 hrs for next mtg
- [11:36] Frank moves to close, mpg seconds, motion passes
Action Summary
- mpg: remove last line from codesprint guidelines [done]
- Peter: make mission text same on all pages
- Jeff/Tim: draft RCMRD MOU
- Peter: look into conf call options
- All: review Tyler's task list and volunteer for something
- approval of previous meeting's minutes (m/ Daniel, 2/ Jeff, all +1)
- appoint mpg as secretary (m/ Daniel, 2/ Peter, all +1)
- close meeting (m/ Frank, 2/ mpg, all +1)
Update: Motions approved by email vote with +1 from all board members in the days following the meeting (see