Configuration Files Mapnik

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Mapnik Python Script for Start-up and Processing

#!/usr/bin/env python

from mapnik import *
mapfile = "population.xml"
m = Map(1400, 600)
load_map(m, mapfile)
bbox = Envelope(Coord(-180.0, -75.0), Coord(180.0, 90.0))
render_to_file(m, 'world_population.png', 'png')

Mapnik XML Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Sample Mapnik XML template by Dane Springmeyer -->
<Map bgcolor="white" srs="+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84">
  <Style name="population">

      <!-- Built from Seven Class sequential YIGnBu from -->
      <!-- Quantile breaks originally from QGIS layer classification -->
      <Filter>[POP2005] = 0 </Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#ffffcc</CssParameter>
      <!-- Outlines for Antarctica look good -->
        <CssParameter name="stroke">black</CssParameter>
        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">.1</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] > 0 and [POP2005] < 15000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#c7e9b4</CssParameter>
      <!-- Outlines for Antarctica look good -->
        <CssParameter name="stroke">black</CssParameter>
        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">.1</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 15000 and [POP2005] < 255000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#7fcdbb</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 255000 and [POP2005] < 1300000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#1d91c0</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 1300000 and [POP2005] < 4320000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#41b6c3</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 4320000 and [POP2005] < 9450000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#225ea8</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 9450000 and [POP2005] < 25650000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#225ea8</CssParameter>
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 25650000 and [POP2005] < 1134000000</Filter>
        <CssParameter name="fill">#122F7F</CssParameter>
      <ElseFilter/> <!-- This will catch all other values - in this case just India and China -->
      <!-- A dark red polygon fill and black outline is used here to highlight these two countries -->
        <CssParameter name="fill">darkred</CssParameter>
        <CssParameter name="stroke">black</CssParameter>
        <CssParameter name="stroke-width">.7</CssParameter>
   <Style name="countries_label">
      <!--  Only label those countries with over 9 Million People -->
      <!--  Note: Halo and Fill are reversed to try to make them subtle -->
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 4320000 and [POP2005] < 9450000</Filter>
      <TextSymbolizer name="NAME" face_name="DejaVu Sans Bold" size="7" fill="black" halo_fill= "#DFDBE3" halo_radius="1" wrap_width="20" spacing="5" allow_overlap="false" avoid_edges="false" min_distance="10"/>
      <!--  Only label those countries with over 9 Million People -->
      <!--  Note: Halo and Fill are reversed to try to make them subtle -->
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 9450000 and [POP2005] < 25650000</Filter>
      <TextSymbolizer name="NAME" face_name="DejaVu Sans Book" size="9" fill="black" halo_fill= "#DFDBE3" halo_radius="1" wrap_width="20" spacing="5" allow_overlap="false" avoid_edges="false" min_distance="10"/>
      <!--  Those with over 25 Million get larger labels -->
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 25650000 and [POP2005] < 1134000000</Filter>
      <TextSymbolizer name="NAME" face_name="DejaVu Sans Book" size="12" fill="white" halo_fill= "#2E2F39" halo_radius="1" wrap_width="20" spacing="5" allow_overlap="false" avoid_edges="true" min_distance="10"/>
      <!--  Those with over 25 Million get larger labels -->
      <!--  Note: allow_overlap is true here to allow India to sneak through -->
      <Filter>[POP2005] >= 1134000000</Filter>
      <TextSymbolizer name="NAME" face_name="DejaVu Sans Book" size="15" fill="white" halo_fill= "black" halo_radius="1" wrap_width="20" spacing="5" allow_overlap="true" avoid_edges="true" min_distance="10"/>
  <Layer name="countries" status="on">
    <!-- Style order determines layering hierarchy -->
    <!-- Labels go on top so they are listed second -->
      <Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter>
      <Parameter name="file">path/to/your/unzipped/TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.2/TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.2</Parameter>
