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Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)


  • This wiki page summarises relevant facts about DOI and related persistent Identifiers (PID) for the OSGeo communities.
  • A DOI is a persistent identifier (PID).
  • More infomation about PID for OSGeo is available here in the wiki

Useful background information

HowTo information about ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID -> a PID for people)

Howto information for GitHub Repo maintainers (source Zenodo FAQ)

My organizational repository does not show up on the GitHub list

"In order to see and archive your organizational repositories on Zenodo you will need to have "Admin" permissions on said repository, either as an Admin of the organization or an Admin of one of your organization's repositories. Additionally, please make sure that the OAuth application on GitHub is granting permissions not only to your personal repositories but also to your organizational ones - to verify that go to your GitHub OAuth settings in your profile, and click on the Zenodo application to see more details. Make sure that Zenodo is given access (green tick) to your organization under "Organization access".

After that, navigate to your Zenodo GitHub settings page and click the "Sync now" button at the top."

I made a GitHub release, but it does not show up on Zenodo.

"Make sure the repository was enabled before the release was made, otherwise feel free to contact ZENODO."

Is it possible to archive a GitHub repository, before it was enabled on Zenodo?

"Only the repositories which were enabled before a release was made will be archived automatically. If you want to archive some of your old releases, you can always download a release ZIP from GitHub and upload it to Zenodo using our web interface as a regular upload."

How to change the default metadata for my GitHub releases?

"You can include metadata in a .zenodo.json file at the root of your GitHub repository. This file's contents should be in line with the Zenodo deposit metadata schema and will be used to update the metadata from future GitHub releases. For more information on how to create a .zenodo.json file, you can have a look at our GitHub integration documenation."

Do you support other software metadata files, like CITATION.cff or codemeta.json?

"Part of our plans and ongoing work is to take into account or improve our integration of other software metadata schemas such as the Citation File Format (CFF) and CodeMeta. We are working closely with our users and scholarly software and citation communities to figure out exactly when, in what form, and how all these different metadata schemas and their files will be integrated into Zenodo."

How does a CITATION.cff file affect the metadata of my GitHub release?

"When we find a CITATION.cff file in your GitHub repository's root folder, we make a best-effort attempt at parsing Zenodo-compatible metadata from it. For backwards-compatibility, if you have a .zenodo.json file in the repository, only the .zenodo.json's metadata will be taken into account. Of course, any existing valid CITATION.cff file will still be used to display the citation box on the GitHub repository page, but will not affect in any way the metadata we extract for your published release Zenodo record."

Usage examples for people writing articles


How to include a DOI-based reference to a LaTEX/Overleaf document.

BEWARE: As of now (20230327) it remains to be confirmed that DOI-tags in citations work without the This might (just) reuslt in human readable information, but not machine-readable.

Publication DOI

@article{Chen_2003_Giants, title={On the Shoulders of Giants}, url={\url{}}, DOI={10.1007/978-1-4471-0051-5_5}, journal={Mapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization}, publisher={Springer London}, author={Chen, Chaomei}, year={2003}, pages={135–166} }

Video DOI

@article{Inman_1987, title={GRASS}, url={}, DOI={10.5446/12963}, abstractNote={Video presentation explaining the features and capabilities of this computer-based mapping system.}, publisher={Moving Pictures, US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory}, author={Inman, Roger J.}, year={1987}, language={en} }

Software Concept DOI (a reference to a software project as a whole)

@article{GRASS_CONCEPT_DOI, title={OSGeo/grass: GRASS GIS 8.2.0}, url={}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.5176030}, abstractNote={ .. CONTENT OMMITTED FOR BREVITY ..}, year={2022}, month={Jun} }

Software Version DOI (a reference to a particular software release)

@article{QGIS_Contributors_2022, title={QGIS}, url={}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.5869837}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={QGIS Contributors}, year={2022}, month={Jan} }


How to include ORCIDs to a LaTEX/Overleaf document: Include these packages: \usepackage{orcidlink} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}

\author{ Peter Löwe\,\orcidlink{0000-0003-2257-0517}~\textsuperscript{1}\thanks{Corresponding author}, Markus Neteler\,\orcidlink{0000-0003-1916-1966}~\textsuperscript{2} } (Source: OSGEO, PERSISTENT IDENTIFIERS AND THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME)


TBD: How to include a PID for an institution (like OSGeo) from the Research Organisation Registry (ROR) ?

Added-value services based on DOI

DOI availabe for OSGeo Projects

OSGeo Project DOI First minted Citation example Integration Status
actinia 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) automated
GDAL 2022 Nature: Scientific data (2023) automated
Geopaparazzi 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) status
GeoServer 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) status
GeoTools 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) status
GMT 2019 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) status
GRASS GIS 2021 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) automated
gvSIG 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) manual upload
Hortonmachine 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) tbd
Mapbender 2022 tbd tbd
MapServer 2021 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) tbd
MOSS 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) automated
OSGeoLive 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) tbd
OSGeoLive Documentation 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) tbd
PostGIS 2021 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) manual upload
PROJ 2022 MDPI: Remote sensing (2022) automated
QGIS 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) manual upload
rasdaman 2017 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) manual upload
SMASH 2022 Springer Handbook of Geographic Information (2022) tbd
OSGeo projects with DOI 19

<Add your project DOI here, while maintaining alphabetical order>

Projects considering a DOI

  1. degree
  2. (GeoPython: pycsw)
  3. (NASA World Wind)

<Add your project here>

DOI for datasets related to OSGeo

This is an incomplete overview over geospatial data sources which can be referenced by DOI. Many more datasets are available in Open Access repositories such as Zenodo


  1. New Orleans Dataset for GRASS GIS
  2. Hilltop Arboretum Landform Dataset for GRASS GIS
  3. Sichuan Dataset for GRASS GIS
  4. The Hills of Governor's Island Dataset for GRASS GIS
  5. Louisiana Dataset for GRASS GIS
  6. Natural Earth Dataset for GRASS GIS
  7. Global Dataset for GRASS GIS
  8. Governor's Island Dataset for GRASS GIS

(add datasets here)


  1. Governor's Island Dataset for QGIS
  2. Louisiana Dataset for GRASS GIS

(add datasets here)

DOI for OSGeo Video Recordings