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Osgeo3 is an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS machine administered by SAC, hosted on OSU OSL servers for a long time. It in the past was running Ganeti, but was reformatted in March 2020, had fresh new disks put in and LXD installed for managing containers.

Up-to-date info about containers can be found (password-protected) in https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/sac/osgeo9/wiki/


It's makeup is as follows:

Item Settings
Disks 6 1.8 TB drives
Memory 48 GB
Processors 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5540 @ 2.53GHz (8192kb cache) (each processor has 4 cores for total of 8 cpus)
lsblk -i
loop0             7:0    0 91.4M  1 loop /snap/core/8689
loop1             7:1    0   67M  1 loop /snap/lxd/13901
sda               8:0    0  1.8T  0 disk
|-sda1            8:1    0  953M  0 part /boot
`-sda2            8:2    0  1.8T  0 part
  |-osgeo3-root 253:0    0  800G  0 lvm  /
  `-osgeo3-swap 253:1    0   32G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
sdb               8:16   0  1.8T  0 disk
|-sdb1            8:17   0  1.8T  0 part
`-sdb9            8:25   0    8M  0 part
sdc               8:32   0  1.8T  0 disk
|-sdc1            8:33   0  1.8T  0 part
`-sdc9            8:41   0    8M  0 part
sdd               8:48   0  1.8T  0 disk
|-sdd1            8:49   0  1.8T  0 part
`-sdd9            8:57   0    8M  0 part
sde               8:64   0  1.8T  0 disk
|-sde1            8:65   0  1.8T  0 part
`-sde9            8:73   0    8M  0 part
sr0              11:0    1 1024M  0 rom

sdb,sdc,sdd,sdd  form a zfs osgeo3_lxd partition (sdb,sdc) mirrors sdd,sdf for total lxd capacity of 3.62 TB
sda (composed of 2 1.8TB disks) is under hardware RAID1 - root lvm partition is 800GB, 1TB unallocated for future use 


As of 2021-03 the ssh port of the main host (the physical server) is 2222 and there is only one non-root account on it and can only be accessed via key access. Keys are deployed using AnsibleDeployment repo of gitea

It has an LXD installed from snap.

So to SSH - ssh tech_dev@osgeo3.osgeo.osuosl.org -p 2222

It has 2 public ips:

  • ( osgeo3.osgeo.osuosl.org ) = not currently mapped to anything aside from 2222 ssh) planned for disaster should say osgeo7 go down and all need to be remapped
  • web-osgeo3.osgeo.osuosl.org

For console access, you need to have OpenVPN installed and vpn config for OSUOSL. Once connected it can be accessed via:

``` apt install ipmitool ipmitool -I lanplus -H osgeo3.osuosl.oob -U tech_dev -P passwordhere sol activate ``` or web interface:


Some configurations of this machine are deployed using AnsibleDeployment It was upgraded in 2021 from Ubuntu 18 to Ubuntu 20.04.

Containers and Services

Refer to SAC Service Status#osgeo_3