FOSS4G2008 Information for Instructors

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Back to FOSS4G2007...


This page provides Information for the Instructors of the Workshops and Labs at the FOSS4G2007 conference in Victoria, BC, Canada (September 24-27, 2007).


More information about all of these deadlines and tasks is available on this page.

Deadline Task
September 7 upload of materials for printing


This section will be updated for each significant change to the content of this page.

  • 2007/09/05
    • FOSS4G 2007 FTP server
      • update/correct information about where "data" and "software" files will be located on the PCs
    • Classroom PCs Configuration
      • Other
        • update info about locations for attendees to use to create/store files
  • 2007/08/26
    • move Application and Utility Software stuff to new FOSS4G2007 PC Software page, as August 24th deadline has passed
  • 2007/08/22
    • Classroom PCs Configuration
      • Application and Utility Software
        • add clarification notes about use of the list
  • 2007/08/20
    • move Workshop and Lab sections to a new page
  • 2007/08/13
    • Classroom PCs Configuration
      • Hardware - Nanaimo PCs
        • add onboard video info
      • Network
        • update information
      • Application and Utility Software
        • update information
  • 2007/08/09
    • FOSS4G 2007 FTP server
      • add information about the FTP server
    • Data
      • confirm deadline
      • update, including note about Canadian Geodata
    • Classroom PCs Configuration
      • Operating System
        • confirm deadline for testing of LiveCD/DVD
        • confirm deadline for providing Virtual Machine
      • Application and Utility Software
        • add deadlines, and update information
  • 2007/08/07
    • Classroom Materials
      • specify formats for documents containing materials to be printed
    • Data
      • add clarification about students creating/downloading data
    • Classroom PCs Configuration
      • Application and Utility Software
        • revise information, in preparation for updates by Instructors
  • 2007/08/03 Update #2
    • Workshop Classroom Details
      • reflect increase in room capacity for Saanich
  • 2007/08/03
    • Classroom PCs Configuration
      • add more details
    • LiveCD/DVD
      • tentative deadline added for testing
  • 2007/08/02 Update #2
    • Data
      • tentative deadline added
    • Workshop Classroom Details
      • update Workshop room allocations
    • Lab Dates, Times, and Rooms
      • add Lab room allocations and time slots
  • 2007/08/02 Update #1
    • Pre-Conference communication
      • clarify how to communicate with the Workshop Committee
    • Classroom PCs Configuration - Network
      • update the information, including deadline
    • Classroom PCs Configuration - Operating System
      • update the information
      • deadline for providing request to use LiveDVD or Virtual Machine
    • Classroom PCs Configuration - Application and Utility Software
      • update the information, including clarification about not installing software
    • Classroom PCs Configuration - Other
      • update the information
    • Workshop Classroom Access
      • update the information
    • Lab Classroom Access
      • update the information
  • 2007/08/01
    • Classroom Materials
      • deadline for submitting printed materials for copying
      • more information about non-printed materials
    • Workshop number of attendees
      • update/clarify the information
    • Workshop Classroom Details
      • add room names and sizes, and Workshop room allocations
    • Lab number of attendees
      • update/clarify the information
    • Lab Classroom Details
      • add room names and sizes
  • 2007/07/23 Initial version of page

General Information

Pre-Conference communication

All Instructors are expected to join the FOSS4G2007-Workshops mailing list.

For Workshops or Labs with multiple Instructors, all the Instructors should join the mailing list, even if one of the Instructors is handling all the pre-conference organizing for the group.

If you are an Instructor, and have any questions that are not answered by this page, please send an email to the FOSS4G2007-Workshops mailing list.

If you need to communicate with the FOSS4G 2007 Workshop Committee, please send an email to the FOSS4G2007-Workshops mailing list.

As this page gets updated, periodic reminders may be sent to the FOSS4G2007-Workshops mailing list.

Communication during the conference

The package you receive when you arrive at the conference will contain information explaining who to contact, and how, if you have any questions or need any assistance during the conference.

FOSS4G 2007 FTP server

Workshop/Lab Instructors who need to provide files to the Workshop Committee prior to the conference may do so via the use of the FOSS4G 2007 FTP server.

You will need to use the FTP server if:

  • you want the conference organizers to print Classroom Material for you
  • you want to provide data that will be used for your Workshop/Lab
  • you want to provide an image of a LiveCD/DVD for testing
  • you want to use a Virtual Machine for your Workshop/Lab
  • you want to provide information about Application and Utility software installation/configuration

All Instructors have been sent an email with the information about how to connect to the FTP server.

  1. Classroom Material for printing
    • Upload your Microsoft Word document, Open Office document, or PDF document to the /printing/ folder for your Workshop/Lab.
  2. Data
    • Upload your data files to the /data/ folder for your Workshop/Lab.
    • If no README file is supplied, the files will be loaded onto the classroom PCs under the C:\foss4g2007\ folder for your Workshop/Lab. For example, for Lab-01, if you upload a file /Lab-01/data/ it will end up as C:\foss4g2007\lab-01\, not in C:\foss4g2007\lab-01\data\
    • If you need your files loaded onto the PCs with a specific directory structure, use that directory structure for the files you upload to the FTP server
    • If your data files need anything done to them other than being placed onto the classroom PCs, include a plain text README file in your /data/ folder with specific instructions as to what needs to be done. For example, if you have provided a ZIP file containing a dump of database tables, we will load that data into your own database instance, provided you supply us with a README file containing the required database information, such as the database name, login ID, etc.
  3. LiveCD/DVD image
    • If you want us to test your LiveCD/DVD, upload an image of it to the /software/ folder for your Workshop/Lab.
    • If no README file is supplied, the testing will consist of burning the image to a CD/DVD, and booting that CD/DVD in one of the classroom PCs.
    • If you would like any additional testing done, include a plain text README file in your /software/ folder with specific instructions as to what needs to be done.
  4. Virtual Machine
    • If you are going to use a Virtual Machine, upload it to the /software/ folder for your Workshop/Lab.
    • If no README file is supplied, the file(s) will be loaded onto the classroom PCs under the C:\foss4g2007\ folder for your Workshop/Lab. For example, for Lab-01, if you upload a file /Lab-01/software/ it will end up as C:\foss4g2007\lab-01\, not in C:\foss4g2007\lab-01\software\
    • If no README file is supplied, the testing of your Virtual Machine will consist of loading the Virtual Machine in VMWare Player on one of the classroom PCs, and booting it.
    • If you would like any additional testing done, include a plain text README file in your /software/ folder with specific instructions as to what needs to be done.
  5. Application and Utility Software
    • If you are suppling information about software installation and/or configuration, upload a plain text README file in your /software/ folder with specific instructions as to what needs to be done.
    • Use a separate file for each piece of software.
    • Include the name of the software as part of the README file name. For example, if your Workshop/Lab uses FileZilla, and you would like a specific FTP server added to it's configuration once installed, you would create a file called README-FileZilla, add to it information on the hostname, port, server type, logon information, etc., and then upload that file. If you also had some requirements for how FileZilla is installed, you would add them to the same file.

Classroom Materials

Materials are things that you may need to hand out in your Workshop or Lab, such as printed handouts, workbooks, quizzes, CDROM, etc. We ask that you do not hand out business cards, however, attendees are free to ask you for your business card.

  1. Bringing your own materials
    • you may bring your own materials to hand out in your Workshop/Lab
    • you may bring those materials to the Registration desk when you arrive at the conference, and we will store them and deliver them to your classroom for your Workshop or Lab
  2. Having your materials delivered prior to the conference
    • you may arrange to have your materials delivered to Victoria ahead of your arrival
    • the preferred method would be for you to make such arrangements yourself (e.g. have the materials delivered to your hotel)
    • we can put you in touch with a company that the conference is using, who can assist you with making shipping arrangements
  3. Having your printed materials printed by the conference organizers
    • DEADLINE: September 7, 2007
    • the conference committee will provide the option of printing your printed Workshop/Lab materials
    • printed materials need to be formated for printing on 8.5"x11" paper
    • printed materials must be supplied using one of the following formats: Microsoft Word document, Open Office document, PDF document
    • upload your materials for printing to the FOSS4G 2007 FTP server
  1. Non-printed materials
    • the conference organizers will not be providing services such as CDROM duplication
    • if you need something such as a copy of a LiveCD/DVD for each PC in your classroom:
      • you can bring those copies with you
      • as indicated above, you can ship them ahead of time
      • you can make the copies once you arrive in Victoria, however, you will be 'on your own' as far as getting this done. The conference organizers are not providing media, or PCs for duplication use(conference PCs may have only CDROM/DVDROM drives). You can purchase media at local stores, and use your own equipment to do the duplication.


Instructors will not be able to load data for their Workshops/Labs onto the classroom PCs during the conference.

Attendees in the Workshops/Labs will be able to create and download files during their Workshop/Lab. See the Classroom PCs Configuration, Other section for more information.

If you have any data that you will need for your Workshop/Lab, you must provide it to the conference organizers prior to the conference. You provide your data by uploading it to the FOSS4G 2007 FTP server. See the FOSS4G 2007 FTP server section for more information.

DEADLINE: the deadline for providing your data is Monday August 27, 2007.

We had previously told you that there would be a server at the conference that would be hosting some Canadian Geodata, and that you would have access to that server for use in your Workshops/Labs. Unfortunately, while the server will still be used for the Integration Showcase, access for Workshops/Labs will not be possible, due to performance concerns.

If you need to have some data available on the PCs for your Workshop/Lab (regardless of whether it is Canadian data or from some other sources) here is what you need to do:

  1. Acquire the data
    • If you want to use some of the Canadian Geodata, the Canadian Geodata wiki page has links you can use to download the free Canadian data
  2. Process the data
    • If needed, "massage" the data as needed for your Workshop/Lab. For example, if you have a raster image, and for use with Mapserver it needs to be tiled, you will need to do that yourself.
  3. Package the data
    • Gather together the data into a format, or formats, that you can use to share the data with the Workshop Committee. For example, export database tables, combine files together into ZIP files or tarballs, etc.
  4. Upload the data
    • Using SFTP, upload your data to our FTP server. See the FOSS4G 2007 FTP server section for more information.

Classroom PCs Configuration

The hardware configurations shown below are subject to change.

Hardware - Rental PCs

  • these PCs will be used for Workshops in the Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, and View Royal rooms
  • these PCs will be used for Labs in the Esquimalt room
  • all PCs will be substantially the same, with slight variations in the hardware
  • a typical PC will have:
    • P4/2.8GHZ CPU
    • 768 or 1024MB RAM
    • 40GB Hard Drive
    • CDROM Drive
    • 3.5" Floppy Drive
    • Onboard Video
    • 10/100 Network connection
    • 17" LCD Monitor
    • Standard Windows keyboard
    • Mouse with scroll wheel

Hardware - Nanaimo PCs

  • these PCs will be used for Workshops and Labs, and will be in the Colwood room
  • PCs will be DELL Optiplex 745 Desktop:
    • Core2Duo 6300 CPU
    • 2GB RAM
    • 80GB SATA 3Gb/s Hard Drive
    • DVD Drive
    • No Floppy Drive
    • Onboard Video
    • 10/100 Network connection
    • 19" LCD Monitor
    • Standard Windows keyboard
    • Mouse with scroll wheel


  • All classroom PCs will be connected to the conference LAN
  • Although the Conference Center will have WiFi access to the conference LAN, it is expected that classroom attendees will use the classroom PCs for the Workshops and Labs, not their own Laptops
  • Classroom PCs will have access to the Internet.
    • Login via a Web Browser to a gateway server is required to activate Internet access for each PC.
    • There is no 'session timeout', but login to the gateway server has to be done each day.
    • There is no proxy server.
    • NAT is used for Internet access.
  • Some Instructors who make use of Internet-based resources for their Workshop/Lab may want to provide their own 'backup server'(e.g. a notebook) to be connected to the conference LAN. DEADLINE: If you want to do this, you must let the the Workshop Committee know by August 6, 2007


The majority of the PCs used for the classrooms are being rented, with the rest being on loan from the City of Nanaimo. The PCs will be prepared by installing and configuring various software onto a small number of 'master PCs'. Those 'master PCs' will then be "cloned" to create the full complement of classroom PCs. The timetable for preparing the classroom PCs will cause there to be certain deadlines, such as a deadline for when the conference organizers must have data that you will need for your Workshop/Lab. As soon as the timetable is finalized, any such deadlines will be announced on the FOSS4G2007-Workshops mailing list.

Operating System

  • All PCs will have Windows XP installed, with the latest service pack and patches (as of mid-September)
  • LiveCD
    • Instructors who wish to use a LiveCD for their Workshop/Lab must provide the LiveCD
    • If you want your LiveCD tested on a classroom PC, the DEADLINE for providing your LiveCD image to the Workshop Committee is Friday August 31, 2007. See the FOSS4G2007 FTP server section for more information.
  • LiveDVD
    • There will be limited availability of classroom PCs that have a DVD drive
    • DEADLINE: If you plan to use a LiveDVD, you must let the Workshop Committee know by August 6, 2007
    • Instructors who wish to use a LiveDVD for their Workshop/Lab must provide the LiveDVD
    • If you want your LiveDVD tested on a classroom PC, the DEADLINE for providing your LiveDVD image to the Workshop Committee is Friday August 31, 2007. See the FOSS4G2007 FTP server section for more information.
  • Virtual Machines
    • Most Workshops/Labs will be using either Windows XP or booting from a LiveCD/DVD
    • If neither of those options is suitable for your Workshop/Lab, you may use a Virtual Machine
      • DEADLINE: If you wish to use a Virtual Machine, you must let the Workshop Committee know by August 6, 2007
      • DEADLINE: You must upload your Virtual Machine to the FTP server by Friday August 31, 2007. See the FOSS4G2007 FTP server section for more information.

Application and Utility Software

Information that was previously in this section has moved to the FOSS4G2007 PC Software page.


  • Every PC will have a C:\foss4g2007 folder, and under that will be one folder for each Workshop and Lab. For example, for Lab-01, C:\foss4g2007\lab-01. This is the location you should use for any files that the attendees will be creating/downloading during your Workshop / Lab.
  • If using a webserver on the PC, you have two options:
    1. If the software you are using already has a HTTP-accessible folder, you can use that folder, or a subfolder, for attendees to create or store files. For example, for ms4w applications, there is typically an Alias entry in the application's httpd.conf file that provides HTTP access to a folder, and you can use that folder, or a subfolder, for files related to that software and/or your Workshop/Lab.
    2. You can create an HTTP-accessible folder for attendees to use to create or store files. For example, for the Apache supplied by ms4w, the default document root is C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs, so for you could create a folder such as C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\lab-01 . Using a folder name such as "lab-01" or "workshop-01" will avoid conflicts with use by other Workshops/Labs.
  • The Default Input Language, and installed Keyboard, will be English (United States)
  • The Windows XP userid will be the same on all PCs, and will have Administrator access
  • Most (perhaps all) of the classroom PCs will have CDROM or DVDROM drives, so attendees will not be able to burn copies of Workshop/Lab materials. If your students should have such material, you will have to arrange to provide it as a handout, or make it available for download from the Internet.
  • Some Workshop/Lab Instructors may make some of their classroom material available via a handout, or via the Internet, including packaged with software. The conference organizers will not be supplying a CD/DVD of the software that is loaded onto the classroom PCs.


The information about Workshops is now on the Information for Instructors part 2 page.


The information about Labs is now on the Information for Instructors part 2 page.