Board Meeting 2006 02 27
Revision as of 05:17, 23 July 2008 by Neteler (talk | contribs) (Second Board Meeting moved to Board Meeting 2006 02 27)
The second board meeting is planned for February 27th, 2006 at 8:00am PST, by phone and IRC at the same time.
From Skype call : +99038275318640
To use a regular phone:
From the US: call # 1-419-753-7120(free, long distance costs apply). From the UK: call # 0870-119-2350(10p/minute).
Your Conference Room Number is : 5318640.
- Appoint meeting secretary.
- Review and approve First Board Meeting minutes.
- Status report on website and activities from DanielB.
- Assign responsibility to approve/reject/forward mail arriving at 'info AT' to a second person (Tyler proposed as candidate).
- Status report from the Treasurer (Gary).
- Motion to form an Project Incubation Committee.
- Motion to form a Promotion and Visibility Committee.
- Motion on Proposed Board Election Procedure to elect four additional directors (Chris).
- Review Contributor Agreement (Rich).
- Proposed Press Release and Translations (Markus)
- Motion to approve OSGeo Statement of Support for web site (Markus w/Jo) (-> postponed to Third_Board_Meeting)
- Discussion on being a 501c3 corporation.
- Discuss, and possibly approve the OSGeo FAQ.
See official minutes posted here
Action Items
- RichS and GaryL to open OSGeo bank account
- Arnulf and Daniel to work on creating
- Gary to provide copy of collabnet contract arrangement for “business resumption planning”.
- BOD to review/discuss online OSGeo FAQ by Wednesday, March 1st and post along with translations.
- RichS to engage tax counsel to get application for 501c3 underway.
- FrankW to have process and criteria for Project Incubation Committee by next Board meeting.
- RichS to prepare FAQ for contributor agreements
- Significant contributors to foundation projects must (through Incubation Committee members), review and approve Contributor Agreements within the next 2 weeks. Post and discuss online.
- All Board members review and provide comment on OSGeo FAQ by Weds, March 1
- LauraR to provide tallied results of Member election by noon PST Tuesday, 2/28. Current members to vote on any ties and approve by Wednesday, March 1st.
- MarkusN to work with Sean Sternfeldt on press release to go out Wednesday, March 1st.