Board Meeting 2010-12-16
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This board meeting is scheduled for the 16th of December 2010 at 17:00 UTC, on IRC (#osgeo and follow-up Skype call to vote on motions).
- Review past minutes: Board Meeting 2010-11-18
- Main action items:
1. ACTION ITEM: Frank to post (geomajas) announcement to news channels. Copy Pieter's
2. ACTION ITEM: Tyler add CGS MOU to wiki - done, see bottom of this
3. ACTION ITEM: Tyler to ask Ari and give names to Suchith for OSGL board - Ari agreed, Suchith accepted - done list of OSGL committee members
4. ACTION ITEM: Tyler to follow up with Suchith to coordinate another stakeholders meeting following OSGIS - done - planning started
5. ACTION ITEM: Tyler to draft up rough agenda for an OSGeo-OGC day at OSGIS, circulate with others on board, circulate to OGC reps, follow up with Suchith. - done - see planning page and official program now
- 6. ACTION ITEM: Tyler to edit changes to letter of support process to reflect board discussion.
- Main action items:
- SAC report on backup strategy and security concept (security updates etc.)
- FOSS4G2011 update
- Approve Romanian Local Chapter request letter
- Possibility for OSGeo to hold money for one of its local chapters (See Daniel's email to board list)
- Detailed conversation log:
- Attending: Arnulf, Jeff, Tim, Frank, Daniel and Tyler
Action Summary
- MOTION: Arnulf moved to adopt past meeting minutes, Jeff seconded, all were in favour
- TODO: Arnulf to discuss the issue of local chapter objectives on the local chapters list and follow up with Vasile (re: Romanian LC application)
- TODO: Tyler and Tim to look at Paypal button for OpenLayers donations toward project sponsorship
- TODO: Daniel to tweak his (OSGeo holding funds for chapters) ideas into a wiki page, and follow up with the other LCs to see how many might be interested in using this facility.
- Next meeting: January 20th, 2011
Detailed Minutes
- Reviewed past minutes: Board Meeting 2010-11-18
- Some discussion of copyright and who/how it is assigned in various projects. Arnulf hopes next incubation committee meeting could discuss some of these issues.
- Lots of action items done this past month, as noted in agenda. Arnulf suggested to review some older items in the future to see what's left undone.
- MOTION: Arnulf moved to adopt past meeting minutes, Jeff seconded, all were in favour
- SAC report on backup strategy and security concept ( security updates etc. ) (Arnulf)
- Arnulf had questions about OSGeo SAC backup strategy. General discussion about approaches. A couple wiki pages pointed to SAC:Backups and SAC Service Status
- Some discussion of possibly paying someone to help with aspects of SAC that aren't easily done by volunteers.
- SAC chair wants to resign, Webcom chair too but no one else stepped up yet to take over.
- FOSS4G2011 update (Jeff, Tyler)
- TylerM: Two things... logo chosen, sponsorship prospectus almost ready... waiting on Peter.
- jmckenna: i aded the foss4g topic, just for a quick update. things are a little slow moving ( chair, peter, was/is in sydney australia )..but i expect it to get moving fast shortly
- Some nervousness about progress, but logo, prospectus and website are on track to get released this week.
- Winning logo:
- Approve Romanian Local Chapter request letter
- More general local chapter questions/discussion came up. Re: Romanian chapter there were questions about the role that site plays into their goals - e.g. are they going to be an open source centric chapter, or also promote non-foss (as per that site)?
- FrankW: I am somewhat unclear if the chapter is specifically an OSGeo chapter, or if it is really a geospatial interest group including open source and proprietary.
- danmo: do we have a policy that a chapter should be exclusively about OSGeo? Not all current chapters may meet that requirement
- Lots of discussion about roles and missions of local chapters and the broader benefits of OSGeo gaining exposure through various channels and vice versa.
- Probably would not have been this discussion if they only pointed to the wiki and not the external site.
- TODO: Arnulf to discuss the issue of local chapter objectives on the local chapters list and follow up with Vasile.
- Possibility for OSGeo to hold money for one of its local chapters ( See Daniel's email to board list
- General agreement that it would be good if OSGeo could help chapters this way, with clear delineations as in the email.
- Question of how it lines up with 501c3 rules for dispersements
- Other concerns is logistical re: keeping banking manageable.
- TODO: Tyler and Tim to look at Paypal button for OpenLayers donations toward project sponsorship
- TODO: Daniel to tweak his ideas into a wiki page, and follow up with the other LCs to see how many might be interested in using this facility.
- Next meeting: January 20th, 2011