Board Meeting 2015-08-13

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This board meeting is scheduled for the 13th of August 2015 at 14.00 UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.


Current items

Items from past meetings

  • Request for contacting Esri about the "GIS for the UN and International Community" event (request) (event)
  • Updating/Recording accurate foundation officers
    • Website committee chair not active (according to the chair)
    • Geodata committee not actively used (according to the chair)
    • Marketing committee without a chair
  • Updating/Recording accurate local chapters
  • Agree on 5-level project evaluation as proposed by Cameron [1]
  • OSGeo is now a registered 'organization' with OGC, and goal is to have all OSGeo "products"/projects listed there. (initial discussion on Projects list)
  • [UNASSIGNED] update Officers page (and any others) to reflect pycsw as a graduted OSGeo project


  • Attending: jmckenna, jachym, aghisla, jsanz, vcraciunescu, bartvde, djay, maxi_
  • Presiding: jmckenna
  • Scribing: jachym

Motions (confirmed by email)

Motion +1 0 -1 Abstain Passed? Notes
Approve past meeting's minutes 6 2 0 1 YES
brief treasurer report deferred
Proceed with elections with proposed timeline on , add in the survey results there, and to proceed this year with the 2014 process. 9 0 0 0 YES YES/(YES+NO+ABSTAIN)*100 (2014 formula)
approve the creation of the new Open Geoscience Committee, as per , with the condition of naming a chair 9 0 0 0 YES
motion to approve the creation of the new Code Of Conduct Committee, as per , pending clarification of the purpose of the smaller voting committee and its interaction with the OSGeo Board 9 0 0 0 YES "... will maintain a smaller voting committee ... to handle CoC incidents and violations" ?
approve the renewal of the ICA-OSGeo MoU as per 9 0 0 0 YES
approve refund for FOSDEM 2014 marketing materials (280 €) 8 0 0 1 YES
accept GeoNode into OSGeo Incubation, as recommended by the Incubation Committee 9 0 0 0 YES

Full, raw minutes notes

IRC log at

  • FOSS4G 2015 update - 325 registrants, the goal is 400 to break even, things are looking good, as there is always a last minute rush, keep online registration open longer
  • FOSS4G 2016 update - nothing to update here, FOSSGIS can't accept any liablity, there is no agreement yet regarding 2016
  • Election 2015 -, results are available here, number of comments sent privately about threshold
  • Open_Geoscience_Committee - request: , Peter and Madi are proposed chairs
  • CodeOfConduct_Committee - having volunteers help make sure OSGeo is diverse is excellent, and i was very happy with Camille/Kristin's recent thoughts, "smaller voting committee" is to privately handle answering reports, needs to be clarified
  • ICA MoU renewal at FOSS4G-Como - appears as a handshake, but actually is very great (think of the positive effect on GeoForAll)
  • Incubation committee update: GeoNode has been accepted into incubation - We are likely to need a bit of help transferring code from OpenPlans (now defunct) to OSGeo. The above problem is noted - and I am not quite sure what can be done about it. If anyone has a contact at OpenPlans we could get a letter. OpenPlans is defunct, so there is nobody to "give" the code to OSGeo.
  • next meeting - 2015-09-17 (FOSS4G) unofficial, Board_Meeting_2015-10-15
  • draft a bid for OSGeo website renewal it is too hugly now, and I think we have the money to do it, range of 10k to 50k or range 5k to 15k