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Draft Minutes: May 3, 2023

6.45pm: ONLINE LOBBY (https://meet.jit.si/OSGeoAlbertaChapterMonthlyMeetup)

  • Phone: 647.243.6108 | MeetingID: 2203355915

7.00pm: Attendee Introductions:

Stefan, Eliska, Ahmad, Tomas, Scott



Ahmad Frahmand, Geospatial Data Expert, demo'd a Getting Started session loading OSGeo onto a Linux platform, installing, and writing some simple code in the OSGEO terminal.

Everyone is welcome to present. Some suggestions from the chapter for presentations include:

  • Show us your side hustle
  • Bring us your problems ( stuff you're working on and issues )
  • teach something new ( OS Geo projects or other ).

Chat & any proposed Chapter business or initiatives:

This event is open to all. Feel free to bring your topics, projects, or presentations.