Bernie Connors

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Cutting the GeoNB Cake in 2009 after a sucessful launch

Bernie Connors, P.Eng

Manager – Spatial Data Infrastructure
Land Information Secretariat
Service New Brunswick
Tel: 506-444-2077 Fax: 506-453-3898
45°56'25.21"N, 66°38'53.65"W


email bernie.connors(at)

Service New Brunswick (SNB) is the lead agency for geomatics in New Brunswick. I have been working with SNB since 2008 helping them build GeoNB - New Brunswick's spatial data infrastructure. We are using ESRI technology to build the SDI but that does not rule out the possibility of using FOSS components. GeoNB also aims to provide free geodata. GeoNB - New Brunswick's Spatial Data Infrastructure
{{#umSetParam: -66.64824|45.94034|Fredericton, NB, Canada|Berniejconnors|Bernie Connors}} {{#umUserMap: Berniejconnors|600px|300px|6|2|y}}