Buffer with QGIS

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Exercise using QGIS

This exercise uses the above method as it applies directly in QGIS. Other projects will be welcome to add their own example exercises as well.

TODO: Add screenshots

  1. Launch QGIS
  2. Load the data layer. Using menus at top of screen select LAYER -> Add Vector Layer
    1. Press Browse button
    2. Navigate to the folder holding the sample datasets and select busstopsall.shp and press Open button
    3. QGIS will automatically zoom to the extent of the bus stop features
  3. Run the buffer process from the menu: TOOLS -> Geoprocessing Tools -> Buffer(s)
    1. Set the Input vector layer to busstopsall
    2. Enter Buffer distance of 200. This will be 200 metres.
    3. Set the Output shapefile by pressing Browse button. Navigate to the data folder and enter the new filename as busstops_200m_buffer.shp. Press Save button to select that filename.
    4. Press OK button to run the process.
  4. After running, the system asks Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? select Yes and the resulting shapefile will be added as a layer in your map view.
  5. Buffer(s) window remains open. Press Close to close the window.
  6. Reorder the layers so the resulting buffer polygons layer is on the bottom of the layer stack. Click and drag the busstops_200m_buffer.shp layer to beneath busstopsall.