Geodata Committee Fourteenth Meeting

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Revision as of 07:58, 23 August 2007 by Neteler (talk | contribs) (→‎OSGeo Edu dataset)
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Time and Date

Thursday, 23rd August 2007 at 1500UTC / 1600 UK / 1700 EU / 1100 East Coast / 0800 West Coast

(fixed time around the world)

Communication will use the Conference Call facilities.


  • Report on the progress of the OSGeo Edu dataset
  • Distributing post-processed MODIS data - what are peoples requirements and interests?
  • Hosting Custom Scenery Project sources and scripts at OSGeo
  • Canadian Geodata dataset for FOSS4G
  • New Geodata Committee chair / governance structure?



Just in case you're having time to discuss: For the purpose of the Custom Scenery Project, is there any chance to get pan-sharpened and color-adjusted infrared bands from Landsat?

conversation ongoing about landsat distribution:


17:26 < kablukiw> 17:26 < sigq> Title: MODIS Rapid Response System (at 17:27 < kablukiw>


< markusN> a Geodata Committee roadmap is needed

OSGeo Edu dataset

< markusN> Download at (currently V0.6). We will publish too as SHAPE/Geotiff and such and also plan to put it into geonetwork at telascience and more; metadata forthcoming; we completed quite a bit, reprojected to ONE projection and such; license will be a creative commons license; sources are public sources from NC/US; Related FOSS4G2007 talk: "OSGeo sample dataset for research, development and education"