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Revision as of 11:43, 17 September 2024 by Nieneb (talk | contribs)
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  • Niene - Voorzitter NL
  • Céline - Organisatie BE
  • Erik - Secretaris NL
  • Marc - BE

Agenda en verslag

  1. status updates
  2. Minutes & activity list last meeting
  3. budget overview

Status updates

Map gallery 7 / 8 entries! Niene brings one schildersezel. Or put it on walls. Celine & Niene put up the map gallery on Wednesday .

  • gifts ordered* pick up on Wednesday morning.

Groene Driehoek can drop off on Tuesday

T-shirts! Are there!

food orders

food diatry are in the google drive. Celine can give to the catering Total number food :

86+39=125 + 10speakers without ticket = 145 + 10 sponsors = 155 + 25 = 180

Thursday - coffee snacks 200 orders (can be eten during the day) - 200 lunch orders - 100 for drinks orders afternoon

Wednesday - lunch

(maybe reserve a restaurant for wednesday)

Mugs - ordered. but not there yet.. Haven't heard from them yet. 20th would be in their reach. Erik contacts them for heads up



Website is updated , added sponsors. Belgium sponsors still to be added. New dutch sponsors


  • Open Geo Groep
  • geocat
  • geoexperts
  • Geodan



If sponsors are later, they can put a sticker up!

Eric Theise artist performance

Artist visual , musician , screen, beamer. Need a screen..

Musicians want a payment. Costs? Erik asks someone. 200 a 300 euros would be fine.

Bluegrass music, band of Erik is acoustic.

otherwise ask eric to bring a musician.

Actielijst nieuw

  • Niene: Send sponsor list to Winifred
  • Marc put up sponsors on website
  • Niene : stickers order tonight
  • Niene: calls frans for a big screen in the La Salla
  • Niene :calls eric the artist
  • celine: dietry wishes
  • Niene : make and print map
  • Erik : chasing the mugs..