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Revision as of 03:32, 20 July 2016

OSGeo Member
Name: Luigi Pirelli [[File:
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Job Title: Software Developer
City: Betanzos
State: Galicia
Country: Spain
Local Chapter: OSGeo-es
Email: luipir@gmail.com
Instant Messaging:
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
Language(s): italian; spanish; english
Personal Description : Computer Science Designer and Developer with several years of experience in Earth Observation Systems and Ground Station segment. He worked with ESA main contractors as Telespazio and Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), covering technical roles in system design, software engineering, software development, systems integration and test.

During last years started to contribute to the Italian Geographic Free Software community adding code to the the GRASS and QGIS project and resulting founder of the GFOSS Italian Local Chapter. Latest experience cover activities in Spanish local chapter where he lives and active contributions to QGIS code and to the international community.

Actually he works only developing for QGIs platform for Boundless Spatial Inc. mainly focused on PKI infrastructure and Continue Integration.
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OSGeo Experience and Roles:

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