Difference between revisions of "Board Meeting 2016-11-03"

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(Work in progress - minutes)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 105: Line 105:
|Venka, Maria, Helena (only on IRC)
|Venka, Maria, Helena (only on IRC)
|Michael, Jody (only on IRC, -0 on loomio)
|Michael, Jody
|Currently Blocked
Line 121: Line 121:
|Michael, Jody, Anita
|Michael, Jody, Anita
|Venka (-0)
|Venka (-0)
|Maria (only on IRC, -0 on loomio)
|Currently Blocked
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|Venka, Maria
|Venka, Maria
|Currently Blocked
|MOT7: Next board meeting 2016-11-17
|MOT7: Next board meeting 2016-11-17
|Venka, Maria, Jody

Latest revision as of 07:38, 24 November 2016

This board meeting is scheduled for the 3rd of November 2016 at [1] through IRC and follow up voting on Loomio.


Current items


  • roll call
  • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  • Approve last meeting minutes
  • Appoint president and regional vice-presidents
  • Budget 2017
  • Discuss about CRO Feedback [2]
  • incubation: The incubation committee has recognized the GeoNode project as having met our graduation requirements. We would like to formally put for this project for recognition by the board, with Jeff Johnson volunteering to serve as project officer.
  • results of the f2f on committee guidelines
  • Add agenda items


  • Attending: Venka, Helena, Michael, Angelos, Jody, Maria, Anita
  • Presiding: Venka
  • Scribing: Angelos
  • MOT1 (Venka): Approve meeting minutes from 2016-10-20. Motion moved to Loomio.
  • MOT2 (Jody): The incubation committee has recognized the GeoNode project as having met our graduation requirements. We would like to formally put for this project for recognition by the board, with Jeff Johnson volunteering to serve as project officer.
    • Results of GeoNode going through the incubation process [3]
    • Incubation Committee voting [4]
    • Venka proposed to plan an incubation sprint in the near future. Jody reported that teams interested in making progress have been content to do so in a normal OSGeo code sprint.
    • Jody wanted to recognize a key point in our motion above - recognizing Jeff Johnson as project officer. As a project officer he formally acts on behalf of our organization, and reports to the board if we have any questions about GeoNode is getting on in the world. So we are recognizing two things with this motion - a new OSGeo project joining our Foundation - and a new individual joining our Foundation
    • Jody also noted: I would also point out that GeoNode completed incubation very quickly for such a large project; I was very impressed. They even got stuck (on code ownership) and were still one of our fastest projects.
    • Micael noted: its a big project, diverse support, experienced people, not that surprising, imho
    • Motion moved to Loomio.
  • Appoint president and regional vice-presidents
    • Angelos nominated Venka for the role of the President, Helena seconded, Venka accepted the nomination.
    • Michael asked to clarify if president and/or vice presidents need to be board members. There is nothing in the bylaws that require this and we have secretary that is not currently on the board.
    • Venka proposed that President and Vice Presidents should be roles assigned to active board members.
    • Angelos added that the President should be someone with support from the Charter members, and since the only elections are for board members, the President should be a member of the current board.
    • Venka noted that things that are not mentioned in the bylaws is up to the board to decide.
    • Jody noted that this issue was covered in the f2f meeting and that the bylaws are very short and easy to meet. One reason this is put off until we have a new board is so this board can decide how we want to run things.
    • Michael asked the board to decide that we want the president/vice-presidents to be board members but then we have to clarify that president/vp are different from other officers (eg secretary / treasurer). Michael expressed his will to staying on as treasurer after board membership. Angelos agreed that secretary and treasurer can be a longer term positions. Jody acknowledged Michael's point, especially with a region lock (for legal reasons) on the treasure role.
    • Jody asked (in f2f meeting) for Venka's feedback on how having two vice-presidents was. Venka indicated that it was a positive relationship, with a division of travel and work that made his position easier. Jody commented that he can see the division of travel but not the division of work. Jody pointed out that we can have any of our members represent us in an official capacity at events - all we need to do is ask.
    • Venka also suggested that Project steering committee be designated as XXX Project Officers and Leaders of other committees (Marketing, Incubation etc. be designated as Associate Vice President), so OSGeo has one President, 2 Vice-Presidents, many Associate Vice Presidents and many Project Officers. Jody commented that he does not mind if we change the title of our officers; the important part is that each individual understand they are acting in a formal capacity (and take responsibility for their actions, since they reflect on the organization).
    • Michael wondered about who could be nominated at this point.
    • Angelos commented that OSGeo bylaws do not impose the President to be a board member, so there are two options: 1. open the floor to nominations, accepting nominations even outside the board, 2. make a decision about the roles and then call for nominations. The second option would probably move the election to the next meeting. Jody noted that this would be better in a breakout meeting for faster results (in order to run the organization and not meetings). Venka noted that the organization needs to name its President and Vice presidents soon, since this was supposed to be done at the previous board meeting (already a month late). Venka motioned to move on with nominations, all agreed.
    • Venka nominated Helena for the role of Vice-President. Maria and Michael seconded. Helena accepted.
    • Maria nominated Angelos for the role of Vice-President. Venka and Michael seconded. Angelos accepted.
    • Jody nominated Anita for the role of Vice-President. Angelos seconded. Anite declined: "I'm afraid I couldn't fulfill that role in the intended way, i.e. do trips/appearances in Europe, since I'm not self-employed or at uni where I could plan my time more freely". Jody noted that the position is not only about travel.
    • Michael nominated Dirk for the role of Vice-President. Dirk accepted. Maria commented that Dirk was an excellent VP, but the Community didn't elect him again for the board and that this is something that has to be considered.
    • MOT3 (Venka): Appoint President and Vice-President for existing board members.
      • Jody expressed his hesitation: our board members already have a lot asked of them in terms of "decisions" - if we can split up the work and collect a larger team on the "Action" side of the house we should do so.
      • Michael asked for clarification if motion includes current board members or also past ones.
      • Venka noted that this motion should be decided before voting.
      • Michael noted that this motion just governs who could be nominated, not voting on nominations that meet both criteria. Jody noted that the goal with restricting nominations to board members is that we are choosing from a pool of individuals who are trusted by our community with that trust having a shelf-life of their two year term.
      • Michael stated that he is inclined to vote -1 on loomio.
      • Jody voted -1, because he did not want to see a precedent of seeing officer roles restricted to board members. Michael agreed.
      • Jody requested that the board consider nominations from those willing to serve from the charter members.
      • Michael requested that the board will consider nominations with at least some board experience.
      • Venka asked if the board will continue to select President and Vice-President or do we ask out charter members to vote for this. Michael confirmed that his motion still includes this decision to the board.
    • MOT4 (Angelos): Appoint Venka as OSGeo President. Motion moved to Loomio.
    • MOT5 (Michael): Appoint President and Vice-President with at least some board experience. Motion moved to Loomio.
    • MOT6 (Jody): Board is voting, the potential officers are required to be charter members.
      • Venka and Maria voted -1 on MOT6 (both support that President and Vice-President should be selected from board members selected by charter members)
    • Maria proposed to continue with voting on current nominations (Venka, Helena, Angelos and Dirk).
    • Michael asked if President/Vice-President are different than other OSGeo Officers of the board. Venka indicated that President and VP need to sign documents on behalf of out foundation. Michael commented that Secretary and Treasurer also have signed documents (eg bank documents, tax forms, incorporation documents). Angelos noted that our current Secretary is not in the Board anymore.
    • Board members voted for the 2 positions of vice-presidents. Helena received 5 votes, Dirk received 1 vote, Angelos received 3 votes. Voting moved to Loomio.
  • MOT7 (Venka): Next board meeting 2016-11-17 [5].

Tabled for email/loomio discussion

  • Budget 2017
  • Discuss about CRO Feedback [6]
  • results of the f2f on committee guidelines

Action Items

  • GeoNode graduation:
    • Update the website, or open a SAC ticket since updating the website is hard (Jody)
    • Make a news anouncement (Venka)


Motion +1 0 -1 Abstain Passed Notes
MOT1: Approve meeting minutes from 2016-10-20 Venka, Angelos, Anita, Maria, Helena, Vasile Michael, Jody, Sanghee Passed
MOT2: The incubation committee has recognized the GeoNode project as having met our graduation requirements. We would like to formally put for this project for recognition by the board, with Jeff Johnson volunteering to serve as project officer Jody, Venka, Anita, Angelos, Michael, Maria, Sanghee, Helena, Vasile Passed
MOT3: Appoint President and Vice-President for existing board members. Venka, Maria, Helena (only on IRC) Michael, Jody Blocked
MOT4: Appoint Venka as OSGeo President. Angelos, Michael, Maria, Anita, Venka, Helena, Jody, Sanghee, Vasile Passed
MOT5: Accept nominations for President and Vice-President from members with experience on the board. Michael, Jody, Anita Venka (-0) Maria Helena Blocked
MOT6: Board is voting for President and Vice-President, the potential officers are required to be charter members. Jody Anita, Michael Venka, Maria Blocked
MOT7: Next board meeting 2016-11-17 Venka, Maria, Jody Michael Passed

Motions here are to be confirmed by email for public record.

See email thread on the Board list.

Full, raw minutes notes