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==Packages status==
The goal of creating packages for the Live GIS Disc is everything required to create a customized version of the Live Disc.
This includes Debian packages of
* geospatial applications
The applications currently on OSGeo-Live is tracked at [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc&hl=en_GB Google doc spreadsheet]
* configuration files
* sample data
* sample projects and examples
The efforts to provide Debian packages does not compete with the DebianGIS-project. Our focus is not on creating official packages for any applications. We only package applications where a project's build process or dependencies make it difficult to create a package fulfilling the official requirements and guidelines for a Debian package. Instead our focus is on packaging additional material (data, examples, configurations) in order to make them easily usable for everyone.
== Labs ==
This section lists projects which have installers and maybe documentation for OSGeo-Live, but have not yet been included in the release, likely due to the project not yet being mature enough to pass [[Live_GIS_Disc_Apply]] questions.
Installers for these projects can be found here:
* Basic rules of reuse apply.  If the same application configuration is used by more than one tutorial, it belongs in it's own package. 
* Standard version numbering is required to ensure compatibility as tutorials are updated.
* Packages should be compatible with both Ubuntu and Debian
* OSGeo should host a package repository for this work
* Applications should target release to official Debian repositories as a long-term goal
; i3Geo
* Having applications start on boot-up causes high memory use and a very slow boot time.
: https://gvsig.org/web/projects/i3Geo
* Running several applications at a time will have serious consequences for performance. uDig by default used a GeoServer that was backed onto PostGIS. On a system with 1GB RAM, I was unable to finish loading uDig within 4 hours.  Showcase a single app at a time by default.
: i3Geo is a Web Based Geoportal with Geoprocessing, Analisys, Consult and Editing Tools that allows: the creation of interactive maps on the Web, the dissemination of data through OGC services, connect to social networks and download of data. i3Geo organizes data in a catalog of themes. The administrator can allow themes can be provided as a OGC service or for be download. Uses MapServer to provide OGC Services and OpenLayers Libraries for connect maps services. Stable from 2.006, now have more than 9.000 users registred and is part of Software Publico Brasil, official repository of the Brazil Federal Government
: Contact: Valenty Gonzalez
; ugvsigmobile
Also working on packaging applications and additional material makes the collaboration between the different contributors of a project more easy.
To allow for easily reproduce packages and repackaging we store scripts, config-files and instructions on how to build each package in the projects [http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd subversion repository].
== Package wishlist ==
(for the next version; ''please volunteer to write an install script and overview/quickstart documentation!'')
; HaleStudio
: https://www.wetransform.to/products/halestudio/
: Hale studio enables you to transform and harmonise spatial data, with a focus on highly complex data sets. Set up reporting, analysis and data publishing workflows easily by defining schema mappings. Furthermore, hale studio documents the data transformation process and its impact on data quality.
: Application to Join OSGeo-Live: https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/live-demo/2017-July/012418.html
= Debian Repository =
; OGC's CITE Team Engine
: http://sourceforge.net/projects/teamengine/
: The OGC's Conformance and Testing Engine for web services.
: Likely ready for OSGeo-Live 10, after completion of moving TEAM Engine to a VM in OGC Testbed 12.
: Contact: Luis Bermudez, Richard Martell
These sections describe what is in, and what we would like in, the Debian repositories.
; pyWPS
: contact: Tom Kralidis
: python based implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS). Now in OSGeo incubation.
: http://pywps.wald.intevation.org/
: retired after osgeo-live 10.5 because quickstart was broken
== Direct from Debian ==
; osm2pgsql
* GDAL/OGR (with Python, Perl, Ruby bindings)
: Command-line based program that converts OpenStreetMap data to postGIS-enabled PostgreSQL databases.
* mapserver
: Installed on OSGeo-Live, but has no Project Overview or Quickstart, so is hidden
* postgis
* pgadmin
* grass
* gdal-grass plugin
* proj
For a complete list see [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis DebianGIS] [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis/PackageList Package list] and
; GPlates
[http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/debiangis-status.html Package status] pages.
: http://www.gplates.org/
: Interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics.
: Started OSGeo incubation, end of 2015.
: Interested to join OSGeo-Live 10.5 (were not ready for 9.5 or 10.0)
: Contact: John Cannon, Dietmar Muller
== Not in Debian ==
* qgis (just needs to be uploaded/approved)
: Python implementation of an OGC Web Processing Service (PyWPS)
* geoserver
: Didn't have time to join OSGeo-Live 9.5, hoping for OSGeo-Live 10.0
* uDig
: Contact Jachym Cepicky, Tom Kralidis
* gvSig (some preliminary work done by a DD, issues pointed)
* r-spatial
* GeoNetwork
== Possiblies ==
; Opticks
* ossim (available on d-gis svn)
: http://opticks.org/
* jump
: Opticks is a remote sensing and imagery analysis software platform
* WW Java (needs a custom app and testing on debian/ubuntu)
: [http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/666 applied for OSGeo incubation]
: Contact: Trevor Clarke?
: Dec 2015: We haven't managed to connect with the community when reaching out for OSGeo-Live 9.5.
= OSGeo Repository =
: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/tds/
: for cataloging netCDF data
: concerns: 2015 (OSGeo-Live 9.0): [https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/live-demo/2015-November/010654.html]. [https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/live-demo/2015-December/010676.html Connected with community - waiting for response: Dec 2015, OSGeo-Live 9.5]
: Contact: Sean Arms
== Access ==
; ID
: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ID
: Default browser based editor for Open Street Map
* The files can be browsed here: http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd
: http://fdo.osgeo.org/
: Feature Data Object (FDO) is an OSGeo graduated library.
: Dec 2015: Haven't managed to connect with community.
: Contact: Jackie Ng?
* The files can be checked out of SVN as follows:
;Starspan (Java)
svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd
: http://starspan.projects.atlas.ca.gov/doku/doku.php
: Contact: Jonathan Greenberg?
: concerns: is the project established yet?
== Coordination ==
: https://bitbucket.org/maproom/qmapshack/wiki/Home
: supports GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format. Aims to be a great geodata viewer like QGIS, but without all the expert tools.
:* ''Package available in Ubuntu''
: Contact: Oliver Eichler
These sections describe the packages we have or want in the OSGeo repository.
; GeoTrellis
: An open source geographic data processing engine for high performance applications.
: http://www.azavea.com/products/geotrellis
=== Suggestions / Requests ===
; Localwiki
: a local place based wiki software.
: http://www.localwiki.org
: Contact: Philip Neustrom
* Addition of some more python tools:
; Geodjango
** OGR
: a python framework for building geo websites, it's what localwiki is built on. Maybe we can copy the existing tutorial which in RST.
** Shapely
: '''''note''' that geodjango is part of python-django package now, in django/contrib/gis''
** Featureserver
: ''python-django-doc package supplies /usr/share/doc/python-django-doc/html/ref/contrib/gis''
** Tilecache
: http://geodjango.org/
** MapFish
: Contact: Justin Bronn
* Add JTS-1.8.0, with a script to launch the TestBuilder as a demo
* Add OpenStreetMap stuff :
** Mapnik
* Add [http://packages.debian.org/gpsdrive GpsDrive]
: (Can render OpenStreetMap data with Mapnik; already packaged)
== Meta-Packages ==
; GeoGig
: http://geogig.org/
: Distributed Spatial Data Versioning
: Contact: Jeffrey Johnson, David Winslow
===Available packages===
; EasySDI
: http://www.easysdi.org/
: EasySDI is a simple and ready-to-use solution to deploy a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) based on ISO/OGC standards. The solution is particularly designed for setting up discovery, view and download services in a securized environement with rights management and multilingual support.
: Contact: Xavier Merour
''The list is not complete.''
; GisClient
: http://www.gisclient.org
: web authoring tool configurator for GIS projects, based on Mapserver/OpenLayers. Applied for OSGeo incubation, http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/910
: Contact: Roberto Starnini
{| border="1"
; OpenGeoPortal
: Working to develop an open source, federated web application to discover, preview, and retrieve geospatial data.
!Application !!On LiveDVD? !!Version on DVD !!Application packaged? !!Meta-package in SVN? !!Example available? !!Example packaged? !!Documenation available? !!Documentation packaged? !!Comment
: http://opengeoportal.org/
: Contact: Patrick Florance
!GeoServer||YES||1.7.0||YES||NO||YES||NO||NO||NO||Comes with examaple config, but needs additional config for postgis
!Mapserver||YES||5.0.0-3||YES||NO||YES||NO||NO||NO||Example looks crap
!Qgis||YES||0.11.0-Metis||YES||NO||YES||NO||NO||NO||Better example needed
!gvSIG||YES||1.1.2||NO||NO||YES||NO||NO||NO||Better example needed
!uDig||YES||1.1.1||YES, only unofficially||YES||YES||YES||NO||NO||Better example needed
!Open Layers||YES||2.6||NO||NO||YES||NO||NO||NO||Better example needed. Only on DVD as part of GeoServer
!Open Jump||NO||||YES||NO||NO||NO||NO||NO||
; MapIgniter
: Geospatial Content Management System based upon Postgis, MapServer and OpenLayers.
: http://mapigniter.com/wiki/
: Contact: Marco Afonso
: http://vterrain.org/
: A set of libraries and apps for site-level terrain visualization.
: Contact: Ben Discoe
: Concerns: this is now unmaintained, or close to it.. and not current -dbb
[[Category: Software Stack]]
[[Category: Software Stack]]
[[Category: Live-demo]]
[[Category: Live-demo]]

Latest revision as of 14:47, 15 July 2017

Packages status

The applications currently on OSGeo-Live is tracked at Google doc spreadsheet


This section lists projects which have installers and maybe documentation for OSGeo-Live, but have not yet been included in the release, likely due to the project not yet being mature enough to pass Live_GIS_Disc_Apply questions.

Installers for these projects can be found here: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/tree/master/bin/labs

i3Geo is a Web Based Geoportal with Geoprocessing, Analisys, Consult and Editing Tools that allows: the creation of interactive maps on the Web, the dissemination of data through OGC services, connect to social networks and download of data. i3Geo organizes data in a catalog of themes. The administrator can allow themes can be provided as a OGC service or for be download. Uses MapServer to provide OGC Services and OpenLayers Libraries for connect maps services. Stable from 2.006, now have more than 9.000 users registred and is part of Software Publico Brasil, official repository of the Brazil Federal Government
Contact: Valenty Gonzalez

Package wishlist

(for the next version; please volunteer to write an install script and overview/quickstart documentation!)

Hale studio enables you to transform and harmonise spatial data, with a focus on highly complex data sets. Set up reporting, analysis and data publishing workflows easily by defining schema mappings. Furthermore, hale studio documents the data transformation process and its impact on data quality.
Application to Join OSGeo-Live: https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/live-demo/2017-July/012418.html
OGC's CITE Team Engine
The OGC's Conformance and Testing Engine for web services.
Likely ready for OSGeo-Live 10, after completion of moving TEAM Engine to a VM in OGC Testbed 12.
Contact: Luis Bermudez, Richard Martell
contact: Tom Kralidis
python based implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS). Now in OSGeo incubation.
retired after osgeo-live 10.5 because quickstart was broken
Command-line based program that converts OpenStreetMap data to postGIS-enabled PostgreSQL databases.
Installed on OSGeo-Live, but has no Project Overview or Quickstart, so is hidden
Interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics.
Started OSGeo incubation, end of 2015.
Interested to join OSGeo-Live 10.5 (were not ready for 9.5 or 10.0)
Contact: John Cannon, Dietmar Muller
Python implementation of an OGC Web Processing Service (PyWPS)
Didn't have time to join OSGeo-Live 9.5, hoping for OSGeo-Live 10.0
Contact Jachym Cepicky, Tom Kralidis
Opticks is a remote sensing and imagery analysis software platform
applied for OSGeo incubation
Contact: Trevor Clarke?
Dec 2015: We haven't managed to connect with the community when reaching out for OSGeo-Live 9.5.
for cataloging netCDF data
concerns: 2015 (OSGeo-Live 9.0): [1]. Connected with community - waiting for response: Dec 2015, OSGeo-Live 9.5
Contact: Sean Arms
Default browser based editor for Open Street Map
Feature Data Object (FDO) is an OSGeo graduated library.
Dec 2015: Haven't managed to connect with community.
Contact: Jackie Ng?
Starspan (Java)
Contact: Jonathan Greenberg?
concerns: is the project established yet?
supports GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format. Aims to be a great geodata viewer like QGIS, but without all the expert tools.
  • Package available in Ubuntu
Contact: Oliver Eichler
An open source geographic data processing engine for high performance applications.
a local place based wiki software.
Contact: Philip Neustrom
a python framework for building geo websites, it's what localwiki is built on. Maybe we can copy the existing tutorial which in RST.
note that geodjango is part of python-django package now, in django/contrib/gis
python-django-doc package supplies /usr/share/doc/python-django-doc/html/ref/contrib/gis
Contact: Justin Bronn
Distributed Spatial Data Versioning
Contact: Jeffrey Johnson, David Winslow
EasySDI is a simple and ready-to-use solution to deploy a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) based on ISO/OGC standards. The solution is particularly designed for setting up discovery, view and download services in a securized environement with rights management and multilingual support.
Contact: Xavier Merour
web authoring tool configurator for GIS projects, based on Mapserver/OpenLayers. Applied for OSGeo incubation, http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/910
Contact: Roberto Starnini
Working to develop an open source, federated web application to discover, preview, and retrieve geospatial data.
Contact: Patrick Florance
Geospatial Content Management System based upon Postgis, MapServer and OpenLayers.
Contact: Marco Afonso
A set of libraries and apps for site-level terrain visualization.
Contact: Ben Discoe
Concerns: this is now unmaintained, or close to it.. and not current -dbb