Difference between revisions of "VisComToDo"

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There are a log of things we are doing, or would someday like to do.  This page is to serve as a big dumping ground, so nothing gets forgotten.  (Ideally we'd have some issue tracker thingy, but this will do until the Drupal move.)
This page now obsolete -- please use [http://trac.osgeo.org/trac/osgeo/ trac] and [http://trac.osgeo.org/trac/osgeo/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=priority&component=VisCom&order=priority this query].
== Now ==
* work on budget [all]
** started page at [[VisComBudget]]
* consider outsourcing logo/design work [mpg]
** proposal rec'd from [http://www.pushdesign.net Push Design]
** discussions now ensuing
* launch CafePress [mpg]
** status on webcom click-ad for homepage?
* prepare an OSGeo "press kit"
** to be done
* choose events for coming 6-12 months
** from 10 mtg: "Viscom to choose/identify which conferences to support for the upcoming year... discuss on mailing list."
* Events page
** the events page needs to be better maintained, moved to drupal, etc
** mpg volunteered, but isn't getting it done
* Move to new Drupal site
* move items from Old Business at Meeting 10 to here [mpg]
* do a review/analysis of our site stats
** https://stats.collab.net/osgeo.org/reports/ (username=osgeo, password=0sg30123)
* Media outreach
** GIS Development has offered to do some work with us
** see Raghavan's mail to the VisCom list on 5th September
== Future ==
* "OSGeo-in-the-news" page
** should have a web page for links to mentions of us in the press/media
* business cards [Tyler]

Latest revision as of 13:57, 26 January 2007

This page now obsolete -- please use trac and this query.