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The education and curriculum project aims at developing strong cooperation with academic research projects. The cooperation can benefit both FOSS4G projects and research projects. We are looking for discussion about and links to
The education and curriculum project aims at developing strong cooperation with academic research projects. The cooperation can benefit both FOSS4G projects and research projects. We are looking for discussion about and links to
* Research needs
* Research projects using FOSS4G
* Research projects using FOSS4G
* Research projects developing FOSS4G
* Research projects developing FOSS4G:
* Research needs
** [http://gis.cri.fmach.it PGIS unit], Fondazione E. Mach, Italy
* Research about and on FOSS4G. (This is a "meta" level topic)
* Research about and on FOSS4G. (This is a "meta" level topic)
* Research on FOSS4G in participatory GIS
* Research on FOSS4G in participatory GIS
* Research on FOSS4G software quality
* Research on FOSS4G software quality
== List of acedemic publications using OS Geospatial Software ==
== DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) ==
* see list for OSGeo projects at [[DOI]]
== List of academic publications using OS Geospatial Software ==
  Google Scholar and OSGeo: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=osgeo
  Group "osgeo" in CiteUlike: http://www.citeulike.org/groupfunc/10787/home
  Zotero GIS group: http://www.zotero.org/groups/gis
* Benito Garzón, M., R. Blazek, M. Neteler, R. Sanchez de Dios, H. Sainz Ollero, and C. Furlanello. Predicting habitat suitability with Machine Learning models: the potential area of Pinus sylvestris L. in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological Modelling, 197(3-4):383-393 [[http://www.uam.es/proyectosinv/Mclim/pdf/MBenito_EcoMod.pdf PDF], '''GRASS''' and '''R''' used]
* Calin Arens, Jantien Stoter and Peter van Oosterom, Modelling 3D spatial objects in a geo-DBMS using a 3D primitive, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 31, Issue 2, Geospatial Research in Europe: AGILE 2003, March 2005, Pages 165-177. [http://scholar.google.com/url?sa=U&q=http://www.gdmc.nl/publications/2005/3D_spatial_primitive.pdf PDF] [mentions superior 3D representation in '''PostGIS''' over Oracle Spatial, however Oracle used]
* Lemoine, G.; Chesworth, J.; Schwartz-Juste, G.; Kourti, N.; Shepherd, I., "Near real time vessel detection using spaceborne SAR imagery in support of fisheries monitoring and control operations," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International , vol.7, no.pp. 4825- 4828 vol.7, 20-24 Sept. 2004 [http://pta.jrc.cec.eu.int/entity.gx/_entity.object/SEC-----000000000002F3CD/_entity.name/nrt.pps PPT] ['''PostGIS''' used]
* Mitchell, S W, C Tague, F Csillag.  2005.  Impacts of Spatial Partitioning in Hydroecological models: Predicting grassland productivity with RHESSys.  Transactions in GIS, 9(3): 421-442. ['''GRASS''' and '''R''' used]
* Neteler, M., Bowman, M.H., Landa, M. and Metz, M.,2012: GRASS GIS: a multi-purpose Open Source GIS. Environmental Modelling & Software, 31: 124-130 ([http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.11.014 DOI], [http://gis.cri.fmach.it/uploads/neteler_grass_env_model_software.pdf PDF]) ['''GRASS''']
* Norris, J.S.; Powell, M.W.; Fox, J.M.; Rabe, K.J.; I-Hsiang Shu, "Science Operations Interfaces for Mars Surface Exploration," Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005 IEEE International Conference on , vol.2, no.pp. 1365- 1371, 10-12 Oct. 2005 ['''PostGIS''' used]
* Ray R. Larson, Patricia Frontiera, Spatial Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) in Digital Libraries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3232, Jan 2004, Pages 45 - 56  ['''PostGIS''' used for the GIR algorithm]
* Ray R. Larson, Patricia Frontiera, Spatial Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) in Digital Libraries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3232, Jan 2004, Pages 45 - 56  ['''PostGIS''' used for the GIR algorithm]
* Norris, J.S.; Powell, M.W.; Fox, J.M.; Rabe, K.J.; I-Hsiang Shu, "Science Operations Interfaces for Mars Surface Exploration," Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005 IEEE International Conference on , vol.2, no.pp. 1365- 1371, 10-12 Oct. 2005 ['''PostGIS''' used]
* Remmel, Tarmo K, F Csillag, S Mitchell, M Wulder.  2005.  Integration of forest inventory and satellite imagery: a Canadian status assessment and research issues. Forest Ecology and Management, 207: 405-428. ['''GRASS''' and '''R''' used]
* Rizzoli, A., M. Neteler, R. Rosà, W. Versini, A. Cristofolini, M. Bregoli, A. Buckley, E.A. Gould, 2007: Early detection of TBEv spatial distribution and activity in the Province of Trento assessed using serological and remotely-sensed climatic data. Geospatial Health, 1(2):169-176. [[http://www.geospatialhealth.unina.it/articles/V1I2/rizzoli.pdf PDF], '''GRASS''' used for MODIS satellite data processing]
* Rocchini, D., Neteler, M., 2012: Let the four freedoms paradigm apply to ecology. Accepted by Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27(6): 310-311 ([http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.11.014 DOI], [http://tinyurl.com/tree-four-freedoms HTML], [http://download.cell.com/trends/ecology-evolution/pdf/PIIS0169534712000742.pdf PDF]) [About Free Software and Science]
* Lemoine, G.; Chesworth, J.; Schwartz-Juste, G.; Kourti, N.; Shepherd, I., "Near real time vessel detection using spaceborne SAR imagery in support of fisheries monitoring and control operations," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International , vol.7, no.pp. 4825- 4828 vol.7, 20-24 Sept. 2004 ['''PostGIS''' used]
* Calin Arens, Jantien Stoter and Peter van Oosterom, Modelling 3D spatial objects in a geo-DBMS using a 3D primitive, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 31, Issue 2, Geospatial Research in Europe: AGILE 2003, March 2005, Pages 165-177. [Justifies the preference of '''PostGIS''' over Oracle Spatial]
[[User:Sab|Sab]] 10:49, 3 May 2006 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 10:02, 21 January 2022

Free and Open Source Geospatial Software in research projects

The education and curriculum project aims at developing strong cooperation with academic research projects. The cooperation can benefit both FOSS4G projects and research projects. We are looking for discussion about and links to

  • Research needs
  • Research projects using FOSS4G
  • Research projects developing FOSS4G:
  • Research about and on FOSS4G. (This is a "meta" level topic)
  • Research on FOSS4G in participatory GIS
  • Research on FOSS4G software quality

DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)

  • see list for OSGeo projects at DOI

List of academic publications using OS Geospatial Software

 Google Scholar and OSGeo: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=osgeo

 Group "osgeo" in CiteUlike: http://www.citeulike.org/groupfunc/10787/home

 Zotero GIS group: http://www.zotero.org/groups/gis
  • Benito Garzón, M., R. Blazek, M. Neteler, R. Sanchez de Dios, H. Sainz Ollero, and C. Furlanello. Predicting habitat suitability with Machine Learning models: the potential area of Pinus sylvestris L. in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological Modelling, 197(3-4):383-393 [PDF, GRASS and R used]
  • Calin Arens, Jantien Stoter and Peter van Oosterom, Modelling 3D spatial objects in a geo-DBMS using a 3D primitive, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 31, Issue 2, Geospatial Research in Europe: AGILE 2003, March 2005, Pages 165-177. PDF [mentions superior 3D representation in PostGIS over Oracle Spatial, however Oracle used]
  • Lemoine, G.; Chesworth, J.; Schwartz-Juste, G.; Kourti, N.; Shepherd, I., "Near real time vessel detection using spaceborne SAR imagery in support of fisheries monitoring and control operations," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International , vol.7, no.pp. 4825- 4828 vol.7, 20-24 Sept. 2004 PPT [PostGIS used]
  • Mitchell, S W, C Tague, F Csillag. 2005. Impacts of Spatial Partitioning in Hydroecological models: Predicting grassland productivity with RHESSys. Transactions in GIS, 9(3): 421-442. [GRASS and R used]
  • Neteler, M., Bowman, M.H., Landa, M. and Metz, M.,2012: GRASS GIS: a multi-purpose Open Source GIS. Environmental Modelling & Software, 31: 124-130 (DOI, PDF) [GRASS]
  • Norris, J.S.; Powell, M.W.; Fox, J.M.; Rabe, K.J.; I-Hsiang Shu, "Science Operations Interfaces for Mars Surface Exploration," Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005 IEEE International Conference on , vol.2, no.pp. 1365- 1371, 10-12 Oct. 2005 [PostGIS used]
  • Ray R. Larson, Patricia Frontiera, Spatial Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) in Digital Libraries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3232, Jan 2004, Pages 45 - 56 [PostGIS used for the GIR algorithm]
  • Remmel, Tarmo K, F Csillag, S Mitchell, M Wulder. 2005. Integration of forest inventory and satellite imagery: a Canadian status assessment and research issues. Forest Ecology and Management, 207: 405-428. [GRASS and R used]
  • Rizzoli, A., M. Neteler, R. Rosà, W. Versini, A. Cristofolini, M. Bregoli, A. Buckley, E.A. Gould, 2007: Early detection of TBEv spatial distribution and activity in the Province of Trento assessed using serological and remotely-sensed climatic data. Geospatial Health, 1(2):169-176. [PDF, GRASS used for MODIS satellite data processing]
  • Rocchini, D., Neteler, M., 2012: Let the four freedoms paradigm apply to ecology. Accepted by Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27(6): 310-311 (DOI, HTML, PDF) [About Free Software and Science]