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;[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS_for_GIS_video_tutorials_and_screencasts#German_National_Library_of_Science_and_Technology_.28TIB.29 How to publish videos in the TIB AV-Portal]
;[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS_for_GIS_video_tutorials_and_screencasts#German_National_Library_of_Science_and_Technology_.28TIB.29 How to publish videos in the TIB AV-Portal]
;Contact :  
;Points of Contact (POC):  
If you have any questions regarding the publication process, please contact:
If you have any questions regarding the publication process, please contact:
* Tolga Karaarslan
* Tolga Karaarslan
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** E-Mail: lars.gottschalk (at) tib.eu
** E-Mail: lars.gottschalk (at) tib.eu
== DOI ==
=== Overview: OSGeo-related videos preserved by TIB Hannover  ===
[https://av.tib.eu/media/20452 Video introduction to the AV-Portal for OSGeo]
==== Content Status ====
===== 2022 July =====
* 2.253 FOSS4G and FOSSGIS-related videos in the AV-Portal (55.187 Minutes / 38,76 days).
==== FOSS4G Conferences ====
{| class="wikitable"
! FOSS4G Conference Recordings
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_1233 FOSS4G 2021 Argentina]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_919 FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Sentinel]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_916 FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Mercator]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_915 FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Nightingale]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_728 FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_685 FOSS4G Bucharest 2019 8249]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_713 FOSS4G Europe 2018]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_634 FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_636 FOSS4G Boston 2017]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_253 FOSS4G Bonn 2016]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_169 FOSS4G Seoul 2015]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_33 FOSS4G Portland 2014]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_68 FOSS4G Nottingham 2013]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_291 Open Source GIS - GRASS User Conference Trento 2002]
==== FOSSGIS Conferences ====
{| class="wikitable"
! FOSSGIS Conference Recordings
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_1220  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2022: Online-Event, 09. - 12. März 2022]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_1102  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2021: Online-Event, 06.–09. Juni 2021]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_827  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2020: Freiburg 11. - 14. März 2020]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_631  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2019: Dresden, 13. - 16. März]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_450  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2018: Bonn, 21. - 24. März 2018]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_300  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2017: Passau 22. - 25. März 2017]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_230  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2016: Salzburg 04. - 06. Juli 2016]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_87  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2015: Münster, 11. - 13. März 2015]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_35  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2014: Berlin, 19. - 21. März 2014]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_149  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2013 : Rapperswil, 12. - 14. Juni 2013]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_32  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012: Dessau, 20. - 22. März 2012]
| [https://doi.org/10.5446/s_29  FOSSGIS Konferenz 2011 : Heidelberg, 05. - 07. April 2011]
==== Others ====
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/39/locationtech+summit+2014 LocationTech Summit 2014 (14 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/41/bsdcan+2014 BSDCan 2014 (24 videos)]
=== Workflow for the Acquisition of OSGeo Conference Video Recordings by TIB ===
Prerequisite: TIB has acknowledged OSGeo conference videos as part of the record of science (since ca. 2017)
Noteworthy: TIB provides DOI both for individual OSGeo video recordings, but also the overall series (library term), consisting of all OSGeo videos
==== Search-a-Project ====
(experimental, English only)
{| class="wikitable"
! Project !! Project !! Project !! Project !! Project !! Project !! Project
| degree || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=GDAL&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng GDAL/OGR] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=GeoMoose&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng GeoMoose] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=GeoNetwork&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng GeoNetwork] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=GeoNode&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng GeoNode] || Geos || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=GeoServer&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng GeoServer]
| GeoTools || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=GRASS%20GIS&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng GRASS GIS] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=gvSIg&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng gvSIG Desktop] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=Mapbender&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng Mapbender] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=Mapserver&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng Mapserver] || Marble || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=OpenLayers&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng OpenLayers]
| Orfeo Toolbox || OSGeo live || PostGIS || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=PROJ&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng PROJ] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=pycsw&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng pycsw] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=PyWPS&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng PyWPA ] || [https://av.tib.eu/search?q=QGIS&f=language%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fav.tib.eu%2Fresource%2Fiso639-2%2Feng QGIS Desktop]
==== Acquisition of English FOSS4G Video Recordings ====
===== Current Workflow (Status as of July 2022) =====
# LOC ensures that all presenters consent to video publication under a CC licence.
# Recordings of conference presentations are managed by the local FOSS4G conference organisation team (LOC) + support team.
# LOC manages the upload of all conference videos to Youtube with the required metadata (barebones) and licence. This is the first publication of the videos
# LOC informs TIB POCs about upload to Youtube OR TIB detects FOSS4G video upload by itself
# TIB harvests the videos from Youtube, processes and ingests them into the TIB AV-Portal where they are published as a secondary publication (based on the CC licence), with a DOI, minted by TIB.
# The FOSS4G videos in the AV portal contain only the limited metadata provided through the Youtube portal.
===== Extended Workflow Option =====
# same
# LOC requests presenters to provide their ORCID (if applicable) and tags for the OSGeo projects covered in the presentation. This information is additional metadata.
# same: Recordings of conference presentations are managed by the local FOSS4G conference organisation team (LOC) + support team.
# same: LOC manages the upload of all conference videos to Youtube with the required metadata (barebones) and licence. This is the first publication of the videos
# LOC keeps a list of the exact filenames of all uploaded videos
# LOC manages the creation of XML-files with the additional metadata (ORCID, project tags, maybe more) for each conference video. The resulting XML-file must have the same filename as the corresponding YOutube-upload. The XML files can be created manually through the TIB online metadata editor for nontextual materials (NTM) or can be created through code (script or similar) ([https://www.tib.eu/fileadmin/extern/knm/NTM-Metadata-Schema_documentation_v_2.5.pdf TIB Documentation of NTM metadata])([https://www.tib.eu/fileadmin/extern/knm/NTM-XML_Example_2.5.xml XML example by TIB]).
# LOC informs TIB POCs about upload to Youtube and provides XML files for all videos to TIB.
#  TIB harvests the videos from Youtube, merges the additional metadata from the XML files, processes and ingests them into the TIB AV-Portal, where they are published as a secondary publication (based on the CC licence), with a DOI, minted by TIB.
# The FOSS4G videos in the AV portal contain all available metadata, including the presenters  ORCIDS, enabling due and FAIR credit by scientific citation.
===== Further Options =====
* Primary video publication through TIB (not Youtube): For this, TIB requires proper written proof (managed by OSGeo/LOC) that the presenters consent to a CC licence and publication by TIB. TIB can provide upload options (Cloud or FTP).
* Pre-conference reserving of DOI for video: TIB can reserve DOI if all required metadata can be provided by OSgeo/LOC ahead of time. This might be an opportunity if the video DOI will be included in the Conference Proceedings.
==== Acquisition of German FOSSGIS Video Recordings (Status as of July 2022) ====
(this documentation is incomplete and needs to be extended)
*FOSSGIS conference video recordings are managed and executed by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) Video Operation Center [https://c3voc.de/ (C3VOC)].
* C3VOC uses the (meta-)data from FOSSGIS conference management software [https://pretalx.com/p/about/ Pretalx]
* All videos are published on the CCC Video Streaming Portal [https://media.ccc.de/ (MediaCCC)]
* TIB gets the information from the MediaCCC platform, publishes the videos in the AV portal and mints a DOI.
=== Linked Open Data (LOD) from Video Metadata ===
==== LOD Data Dumps ====
TIB provides monthly dumps of all metadata related to videos as linked open data from this [https://av.tib.eu/opendata page] in rdf, turtle and n-triples formats. All data is licenced under the Creative Commons License CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. Beware that the data dumps can be seriously large (uncompressed: multiple Gigabytes !). All metadata related to OSGeo videos are stored in the TIB SUBJECT dump as part of the topic "Information Technology". While there is no dedicated data dump for OSGeo content, it is necessary to extract the OSGeo-related tuples from the remaining content in order to get smaller data sets.
The page also provides information about the data structures and software tools to use the dump files, like [http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/doc/dav/wiki/Main/ Virtuoso Opensource], [http://rdf4j.org/ Sesame], [https://jena.apache.org/documentation/tdb/ Apache Jena] and [https://www.blazegraph.com/ Blazegraph].
For the latter, a brief hands on tutorial is provided, how to work with the TIB data.
==== Linked Data Fragments Viewer for Video Metadata ====
[https://labs.tib.eu/info/projekt/linked-data-fragments-server/ LD Fragments Viewer (labs.tib.eu)]
=== Media Partner of OSGeo Conferences ===
TIB is happy to support OSGeo Conferences by hosting conference recordings and is grateful if you list TIB as a media partner. TIB is media partner of [http://2017.foss4g.org/ FOSS4G 2017 in Boston] and the German language local chapter [https://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2017/ FOSSGIS 2017]. If you want to add TIB as a media partner, contact [[User:Bastian | Bastian Drees]]. He will provide you with a Logo and the necessary information.
=== Video Quotes ===
The DOI-links to OSGeo-related videos can be extended by Media Fragment Identifier tags (MFI), which provide start- and stop-frames (in seconds) during the runtime, allowing to jump to a specific snippet of the overall video (e.g. [https://doi.org/10.5446/20420#t=21:59,22:03 this video excerpt] taken from this [https://doi.org/10.5446/20420 full runtime video]).
More examples here: [[Peter Loewe Videoquotes|Videoquotes]].
== TIB is a DOI registrar ==
;TIB is a [https://www.tib.eu/en/publishing-archiving/doi-service/ Registration Agency for Digital Object Identifiers]
;TIB is a [https://www.tib.eu/en/publishing-archiving/doi-service/ Registration Agency for Digital Object Identifiers]
Digital object identifiers (DOI) can be used to ensure that scientific results such as research data, publications and videos can easily be accessed in the long term. The TIB registers DOI names for research data, non-textual material i.e. video, pictures or 3D models, grey literature and articles in Open Access journals.
Digital object identifiers (DOI) can be used to ensure that scientific results such as research data, publications and videos can easily be accessed in the long term. The TIB registers DOI names for research data, non-textual material i.e. video, pictures or 3D models, grey literature and articles in Open Access journals.
== Media Partner of OSGeo Conferences ==
== TIB Labs: technology proving ground ==
TIB is happy to support OSGeo Conferences by hosting conference recordings and is grateful if you list TIB as a media partner. TIB is media partner of [http://2017.foss4g.org/ FOSS4G 2017 in Boston] and the German language local chapter [https://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2017/ FOSSGIS 2017]. If you want to add TIB as a media partner, contact [[User:Bastian | Bastian Drees]]. He will provide you with a Logo and the necessary information.
TIB continues to extend their range of web-based services. New technologies related to video retrieval will be first made available through the [https://labs.tib.eu/info/ TIB Labs page]

Latest revision as of 06:41, 23 July 2022

The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)

The TIB is the German National Library of Science and Technology, as well as architecture, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. In its specialist fields it provides national and international researchers and industry practitioners and – as a University Library – students, researchers and teaching staff from all faculties of Leibniz Universität Hannover as well as interested local citizens with literature and information in both printed and electronic form. The library has outstanding collections of fundamental and highly specialised literature on science and technology. TIB conducts applied research and development to optimise the services it offers.

TIB conducts applied research and development to optimise the services it offers. In cooperation with research facilities, emphasis is placed on the topics of visual search, the visualisation of data, future internet and semantic web. By allocating DOI names (digital object identifiers) and ensuring they can be detected and accessed at WWW.TIB.EU, TIB safeguards the quality, long-term availability and referencability of research data.

TIB runs a web-based platform for quality-tested scientific videos from the realms of technology/engineering, architecture, chemistry, information technology, mathematics and physics, the TIB AV-Portal. A key feature of the portal is the use of different automated video analyses that allow the search in the spoken and written word. All videos are assigned a clear citation link (DOI) and digitally preserved.

TIB AV-Portal

How to publish videos in the TIB AV-Portal
Points of Contact (POC)

If you have any questions regarding the publication process, please contact:

  • Tolga Karaarslan
    • E-Mail: tolga.karaarslan (at) tib.eu
  • Lars Gottschalk
    • E-Mail: lars.gottschalk (at) tib.eu

Overview: OSGeo-related videos preserved by TIB Hannover

Video introduction to the AV-Portal for OSGeo

Content Status

2022 July
* 2.253 FOSS4G and FOSSGIS-related videos in the AV-Portal (55.187 Minutes / 38,76 days).

FOSS4G Conferences

FOSS4G Conference Recordings
FOSS4G 2021 Argentina
FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Sentinel
FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Mercator
FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Nightingale
FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019
FOSS4G Bucharest 2019 8249
FOSS4G Europe 2018
FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018
FOSS4G Boston 2017
FOSS4G Bonn 2016
FOSS4G Seoul 2015
FOSS4G Portland 2014
FOSS4G Nottingham 2013
Open Source GIS - GRASS User Conference Trento 2002

FOSSGIS Conferences

FOSSGIS Conference Recordings
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2022: Online-Event, 09. - 12. März 2022
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2021: Online-Event, 06.–09. Juni 2021
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2020: Freiburg 11. - 14. März 2020
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2019: Dresden, 13. - 16. März
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2018: Bonn, 21. - 24. März 2018
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2017: Passau 22. - 25. März 2017
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2016: Salzburg 04. - 06. Juli 2016
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2015: Münster, 11. - 13. März 2015
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2014: Berlin, 19. - 21. März 2014
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2013 : Rapperswil, 12. - 14. Juni 2013
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012: Dessau, 20. - 22. März 2012
FOSSGIS Konferenz 2011 : Heidelberg, 05. - 07. April 2011


Workflow for the Acquisition of OSGeo Conference Video Recordings by TIB

Prerequisite: TIB has acknowledged OSGeo conference videos as part of the record of science (since ca. 2017)

Noteworthy: TIB provides DOI both for individual OSGeo video recordings, but also the overall series (library term), consisting of all OSGeo videos


(experimental, English only)

Project Project Project Project Project Project Project
degree GDAL/OGR GeoMoose GeoNetwork GeoNode Geos GeoServer
GeoTools GRASS GIS gvSIG Desktop Mapbender Mapserver Marble OpenLayers
Orfeo Toolbox OSGeo live PostGIS PROJ pycsw PyWPA QGIS Desktop

Acquisition of English FOSS4G Video Recordings

Current Workflow (Status as of July 2022)
  1. LOC ensures that all presenters consent to video publication under a CC licence.
  2. Recordings of conference presentations are managed by the local FOSS4G conference organisation team (LOC) + support team.
  3. LOC manages the upload of all conference videos to Youtube with the required metadata (barebones) and licence. This is the first publication of the videos
  4. LOC informs TIB POCs about upload to Youtube OR TIB detects FOSS4G video upload by itself
  5. TIB harvests the videos from Youtube, processes and ingests them into the TIB AV-Portal where they are published as a secondary publication (based on the CC licence), with a DOI, minted by TIB.
  6. The FOSS4G videos in the AV portal contain only the limited metadata provided through the Youtube portal.
Extended Workflow Option
  1. same
  2. LOC requests presenters to provide their ORCID (if applicable) and tags for the OSGeo projects covered in the presentation. This information is additional metadata.
  3. same: Recordings of conference presentations are managed by the local FOSS4G conference organisation team (LOC) + support team.
  4. same: LOC manages the upload of all conference videos to Youtube with the required metadata (barebones) and licence. This is the first publication of the videos
  5. LOC keeps a list of the exact filenames of all uploaded videos
  6. LOC manages the creation of XML-files with the additional metadata (ORCID, project tags, maybe more) for each conference video. The resulting XML-file must have the same filename as the corresponding YOutube-upload. The XML files can be created manually through the TIB online metadata editor for nontextual materials (NTM) or can be created through code (script or similar) (TIB Documentation of NTM metadata)(XML example by TIB).
  7. LOC informs TIB POCs about upload to Youtube and provides XML files for all videos to TIB.
  8. TIB harvests the videos from Youtube, merges the additional metadata from the XML files, processes and ingests them into the TIB AV-Portal, where they are published as a secondary publication (based on the CC licence), with a DOI, minted by TIB.
  9. The FOSS4G videos in the AV portal contain all available metadata, including the presenters ORCIDS, enabling due and FAIR credit by scientific citation.
Further Options
  • Primary video publication through TIB (not Youtube): For this, TIB requires proper written proof (managed by OSGeo/LOC) that the presenters consent to a CC licence and publication by TIB. TIB can provide upload options (Cloud or FTP).
  • Pre-conference reserving of DOI for video: TIB can reserve DOI if all required metadata can be provided by OSgeo/LOC ahead of time. This might be an opportunity if the video DOI will be included in the Conference Proceedings.

Acquisition of German FOSSGIS Video Recordings (Status as of July 2022)

(this documentation is incomplete and needs to be extended)

  • FOSSGIS conference video recordings are managed and executed by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) Video Operation Center (C3VOC).
  • C3VOC uses the (meta-)data from FOSSGIS conference management software Pretalx
  • All videos are published on the CCC Video Streaming Portal (MediaCCC)
  • TIB gets the information from the MediaCCC platform, publishes the videos in the AV portal and mints a DOI.

Linked Open Data (LOD) from Video Metadata

LOD Data Dumps

TIB provides monthly dumps of all metadata related to videos as linked open data from this page in rdf, turtle and n-triples formats. All data is licenced under the Creative Commons License CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. Beware that the data dumps can be seriously large (uncompressed: multiple Gigabytes !). All metadata related to OSGeo videos are stored in the TIB SUBJECT dump as part of the topic "Information Technology". While there is no dedicated data dump for OSGeo content, it is necessary to extract the OSGeo-related tuples from the remaining content in order to get smaller data sets.

The page also provides information about the data structures and software tools to use the dump files, like Virtuoso Opensource, Sesame, Apache Jena and Blazegraph.

For the latter, a brief hands on tutorial is provided, how to work with the TIB data.

Linked Data Fragments Viewer for Video Metadata

LD Fragments Viewer (labs.tib.eu)

Media Partner of OSGeo Conferences

TIB is happy to support OSGeo Conferences by hosting conference recordings and is grateful if you list TIB as a media partner. TIB is media partner of FOSS4G 2017 in Boston and the German language local chapter FOSSGIS 2017. If you want to add TIB as a media partner, contact Bastian Drees. He will provide you with a Logo and the necessary information.

Video Quotes

The DOI-links to OSGeo-related videos can be extended by Media Fragment Identifier tags (MFI), which provide start- and stop-frames (in seconds) during the runtime, allowing to jump to a specific snippet of the overall video (e.g. this video excerpt taken from this full runtime video).

More examples here: Videoquotes.

TIB is a DOI registrar

TIB is a Registration Agency for Digital Object Identifiers

Digital object identifiers (DOI) can be used to ensure that scientific results such as research data, publications and videos can easily be accessed in the long term. The TIB registers DOI names for research data, non-textual material i.e. video, pictures or 3D models, grey literature and articles in Open Access journals.

TIB Labs: technology proving ground

TIB continues to extend their range of web-based services. New technologies related to video retrieval will be first made available through the TIB Labs page