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== Pacific Islands Chapter ==
== Pacific "Pasifika" Islands Chapter of OSGeo ==
This is the Beginning of the OSGeo Pacific Islands Chapter November, 9 2012.
Welcome to the Pacific Islands Chapter of Open Source Geospatial Foundation OSGeo, started on November, 9 2012, Fiji Time.
== Under Construction ==
== Introduction ==
Free and Open Source for geospatial software has been advocated here in the Pacific Islands region for over a decade. The GIS/RS Special Interest Group of the Pacific Islands Chapter of Internet Society [http://www.picisoc.org/special-interest-groups-sigs/gis-rs/ GIS/RS SIG]has been instrumental in the promotion of Free and Open Source Software spearheaded by the Pacific Applied and Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) by making source code available to its Stakeholders starting with the GIS for Utilities Project in 1997. Since then the GIS/RS community in the Pacific Islands region have been thriving and active with Open Source sessions/discussions during the Pacific Islands GIS/RS annual conference [http://picgisrs.appspot.com/ GIS/RS Conference].
== Objectives ==
The Pacific Islands Chapter, facilitates the advancement of open source for geospatial software, technologies and usage in the Pacific Islands region by:
* Advocate Open Access, Open Education and Open Data in the Pacific Islands
* Sharing source code, data, information, problems and solutions among users
* Operation of a mailing list pacific-islands@lists.osgeo.org 
* Encouraging the creation of national users groups
* Organizing meetings, training/workshops and work towards a regional Pacific Islands OSGeo Chapter conference
* Monitoring open source for geospatial software, technologies and usage
== Updates and Current Developments ==
* Open-Sourcing Decades of GIS Innovation - https://github.com/EdwinLiavaa/pacific-utilities-gis
* FOSS4G Pasifika 2025 in Fiji
* Letter on Intend
FOSS4G SotM Pacifika 2025 - Letter of Intent for hosting the next FOSS4G 2025 conference in Suva, Fiji
Dear OSGeo FOSS4G Committee:
Over the years, the presence of open-source software has become a strong influence in the application of GIS in the Pacific region. The University of the South Pacific (USP), as a regional hub is ideally placed to champion such an initiative, granted that some Pacific Island Countries (PICS) cannot afford GIS enterprise licenses. With the vast majority of free software that is now being developed to complement the licenced ones, our PICS will do well in encouraging and embracing the concept.
Suva, Fiji where the main USP Campus is located, houses multiple lecture rooms that can easily facilitate the conference venue and the supporting workshops. Fiji has an active GIS User Group that meets every month, together with a mailing distribution list that reaches to other Pacific Island Countries. We can ensure and enhance that Suva, Fiji, has a thriving geospatial community.
We believe FOSS4G is about the community. As such, we regularly send out Google Forms in various online platforms asking the general public about their opinions. Recently, the community was consulted about their opinion to host the first ever FOSS4G conference in Fiji.
In partnership with the local members, the organizing committee is made up of enthusiastic users who are passionate about the use of open source in our region. With additional support from the organizers of Pacific GIS/RS Council, we anticipate exploring advanced open source geospatial technology, a sharing open geospatial data journey, networking with experts in this area and to orchestrate applications suitable for our region.
* Team:
** Wolf Forstreuter
** Salote Viti
** Edwin Liava'a
** Coming Soon!
* Supporting Partner Organizations:
** We have support from the following organizations and industry groups:
*** GIS & Remote Sensing Council https://pgrsc.org/
*** Coming Soon!
* Financing:
We request additional support from the FOSS4G SoTM Global committee to support the local committee in securing international sponsors.
The venue for the conference will be provided by the University of the South Pacific. Other expenses incurred will be similar to the FOSS4G SoTM Pasifika 2022. It has been a norm in Fiji to hold a conference with no conference fee, however, we will find a workable solution to enable as many local users as we can to attend the conference. We will also continue to support the Travel Grant Program and discounted tickets.
* Provisional Venue and Timing:
The conference will be held at the Laucala Bay Campus of the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. The Campus is located on Laucala Bay Road, about 4km from the Suva City centre. Suva is situated on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu, which is the largest island in Fiji. The lecture rooms can hold up to 100 – 200 people respectively. Workshops will also be held at the University’s lecture rooms, walking distance to the conference venue with accessibility to people living with a disability. We aim to hold FOSS4G SotM Pasifika 2025 together with the Pacific GIS/RS Users Conference 2025.
* Tourism:
The city of Suva sits on a hilly peninsula between Laucala Bay and Suva Harbour on the south-eastern side of Viti Levu. Suva is Fiji’s capital city. It is the major commercial and political centre of Fiji, and the largest urban area in the South Pacific outside of Australia and New Zealand. Suva is mostly surrounded by sea. As the capital, Suva has a Parliament House and many overseas embassies. Suva is home to a variety of South Pacific educational institutions including the University of the South Pacific, the Fiji School of Medicine, the Fiji National University and the Institute of Technology Australia. This vibrant multi-cultural capital has a population of about 200,000, and a large selection of shops and restaurants.
The main tourist attractions in Suva include: Colo-I-Suva Forest Park, Queen Elizabeth Drive/Foreshore, National Aquatic Centre, Golf Course at Rifle Range, Takashi Suzuki Garden, Suva Market, Bowling Club, Sukuna Park, Handicraft Centre, Fiji Museum, Heritage buildings, Government House, Suva City Tour, Thurston Gardens and Albert Park (https://www.usp.ac.fj).
* Why FOSS4G SotM Pasifika in Suva, Fiji?:
The realization of high GIS enterprise licenses is becoming more prominent now. The Pacific GIS/RS Users Conference which is held in Fiji every year, attracting over 200 attendees. There is not much advocacy for the use of open source in the Pacific region and limited knowledge is shared among GIS users of its strength. Having FOSS4G Pasifika 2025 take place in Fiji will not only up-skill the local users but also enlighten them that there is more to open source than QGIS. This conference will surely boost the government stakeholders of the different options that are available to use and the reliability that comes with the different software. Finally, we can conclude that in teaching regional students, we should be inclusive with different software and technology that will enable students to choose what is best for them in their respective home countries. 
FOSS4G Pasifika 2025 will be a joined initiative by both the “OSGeo Pacific Islands Chapter” and the Pacific GIS & Remote Sensing Council, https://pgrsc.org/
* Revival of the OSGeo Pasifika Chapter
* Possibility of hosting FOSS4G Pasifika 2023 in Fiji
* More updates in coming months
* FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 in Fiji
* Letter on Intend
FOSS4G SotM Pacifika 2020 - Letter of Intent for hosting the next FOSS4G conference in Suva, Fiji
Dear FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019 Committee:
Over the years, the presence of open-source software has become a strong influence in the application of GIS in the Pacific region. The University of the South Pacific (USP), as a regional hub is ideally placed to champion such an initiative, granted that some Pacific Island Countries (PICS) cannot afford GIS enterprise licenses. With the vast majority of free software that is now being developed to complement the licenced ones, our PICS will do well in encouraging and embracing the concept.
Suva, Fiji where the main USP Campus is located, houses multiple lecture rooms that can easily facilitate the conference venue and the supporting workshops. Fiji has an active GIS User Group that meets every month, together with a mailing distribution list that reaches to other Pacific Island Countries. We can ensure and enhance that Suva, Fiji, has a thriving geospatial community.
We believe FOSS4G is about the community. As such, we regularly send out Google Forms in various online platforms asking the general public about their opinions. Recently, the community was consulted about their opinion to host the first ever FOSS4G conference in Fiji.  A link to the form can be found here: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeF00nr7fpjlixskPfrVRaSLytmobtl5MRK1TnSnY74GML9Uw/viewform?usp=sf_link]
From all the respondents, only 2 opted for a different country (Vanuatu and Samoa). A summary of the answers to this question can be found below:
In partnership with the local members, the organizing committee is made up of enthusiastic users who are passionate about the use of open source in our region. With additional support from the organizers of FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2019, we anticipate FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2020 in Suva, Fiji, will continue the momentum generated from Wellington.
We anticipate exploring advanced open source geospatial technology, a sharing open geospatial data journey, networking with experts in this area and to orchestrate applications suitable for our region.
* Co-Chairs:
* Team:
** Edwin Liava'a - Tonga Cable Limited
** Nick Rollings – University of the South Pacific
** Oli Naiyago - University of the South Pacific
** Komal Devi - University of the South Pacific
** Elizabeth Lomani - Lion One (Private)
** Alan Illingworth- South Pacific Community
** Julie Callebaut - SPREP
** Dan Lomata - (Private)
** Nemaia Koto - Fiji Roads
** Jonah Sullivan – Geoscience Australia.
** Saleshni S. Naidu - Ministry for Women Children and Poverty Alleviation
** Vasiti Soko - University of the South Pacific
* Supporting Partner Organizations:
** We have support from the following organizations and industry groups:
*** The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
*** The University of the South Pacific (USP)
*** Fiji Roads Authority (FRA)
*** The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
*** Lion One LTD
*** Geoscience Australia
*** Ministry for Women Children and Poverty Alleviation
* Financing
We request additional support from the FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2019 committee to support the local committee in securing international sponsors.
The venue for the conference will be provided by the University of the South Pacific. Other expenses incurred will be similar to the FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2019. It has been a norm in Fiji to hold a conference with no conference fee, however, we will find a workable solution to enable as many local users as we can to attend the conference. We will also continue to support the Travel Grant Program and discounted tickets.
* Provisional Venue and Timing
The conference will be held at the Laucala Bay Campus of the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. The Campus is located on Laucala Bay Road, about 4km from the Suva City centre. Suva is situated on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu, which is the largest island in Fiji. The lecture rooms can hold up to 100 – 200 people respectively. Workshops will also be held at the University’s lecture rooms, walking distance to the conference venue with accessibility to people living with a disability. We aim to hold FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2020 in late 2020 (agree to disagree? Open for discussion – however preferably during semester break so we can use the conference room).
* Tourism
The city of Suva sits on a hilly peninsula between Laucala Bay and Suva Harbour on the south-eastern side of Viti Levu. Suva is Fiji’s capital city. It is the major commercial and political centre of Fiji, and the largest urban area in the South Pacific outside of Australia and New Zealand. Suva is mostly surrounded by sea. As the capital, Suva has a Parliament House and many overseas embassies. Suva is home to a variety of South Pacific educational institutions including the University of the South Pacific, the Fiji School of Medicine, the Fiji National University and the Institute of Technology Australia. This vibrant multi-cultural capital has a population of about 200,000, and a large selection of shops and restaurants.
The main tourist attractions in Suva include: Colo-I-Suva Forest Park, Queen Elizabeth Drive/Foreshore, National Aquatic Centre, Golf Course at Rifle Range, Takashi Suzuki Garden, Suva Market, Bowling Club, Sukuna Park, Handicraft Centre, Fiji Museum, Heritage buildings, Government House, Suva City Tour, Thurston Gardens and Albert Park (https://www.usp.ac.fj).
* Why FOSS4G SotM Oceania in Suva, Fiji?
The realization of high GIS enterprise licenses is becoming more prominent now. The Pacific GIS User Conference which is held in Fiji every year, except 2020, attracts over 200 attendees. There is not much advocacy for the use of open source in the Pacific region and limited knowledge is shared among GIS users of its strength. Having FOSS4G Oceania 2020 take place in Fiji will not only upskill the local users but also enlighten them that there is more to open source than QGIS. This conference will surely boost the government stakeholders of the different options that are available to use and the reliability that comes with the different software. Finally, we can conclude that in teaching regional students, we should be inclusive with different software and technology that will enable students to choose what is best for them in their respective home countries. 
FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 - joined initiative
FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 will be a joined initiative by both the “Pacific Islands Chapter” https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Pacific_Islands_Chapter and the “Oceania Chapter” https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania.
* Working together with Oceania Chapter [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania] in Preparation for FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 in Fiji
* The PasifikaOS Project comes preloaded with QGIS, GRASS and PostgreSQL/PostGIS [https://pasifikaos.site]
* Participating in FOSS4G Oceania 2019 [https://2019.foss4g-oceania.org/]
* Java Open Street Map (JOSM)  using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
* OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* Collaboration with Oceania Chapter and Participating in FOSS4G Oceania 2018 [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/]
* The "GeoForAll Lab" at the University of Fiji, School of Science and Technology (SST)[http://www.unifiji.ac.fj/geoforalllab/]
* Java Open Street Map (JOSM)  using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
* OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* The "GeoForAll Lab" at the University of Fiji, School of Science and Technology (SST)[http://www.unifiji.ac.fj/geoforalllab/][https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Edu_current_initiatives#sortable_table_id_0]
* Java Open Street Map (JOSM)  using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
* OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* Java Open Street Map (JOSM)  using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
* Fiji Sugarcane Industry WebGIS Portal using OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient. 
* OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* Fiji Sugarcane Industry WebGIS Portal using OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient. 
* OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Open Source GeoSpatial Research Lab and Training Center at CheSpatial [http://www.chespatial.com], Lautoka, Fiji
* Fiji Sugarcane Industry WebGIS Portal using OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient. 
* OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Development/Deployment of Geonode at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) [http://paris.sopac.org SOPAC Pacific Risk Information Systems (PaRIS)]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Open Source GeoSpatial Research Lab and Training Center at CheSpatial [http://www.chespatial.com], Lautoka, Fiji
* OpenGeo Suite with postgres/postgis for database, Geoserver for map/middleware and GeoEXT and openlayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [http://www.epc.ws/] Web client [] Geoserver []
* Development/Deployment of Geonode at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) [http://paris.sopac.org SOPAC Pacific Risk Information Systems (PaRIS)]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [http://www.pngpower.com.pg]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[http://www.siea.com.sb]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy []
* Starting of Open Source GeoSpatial Research Lab and Training Center at CheSpatial [http://chespatial.com], Lautoka, Fiji
* PostGIS, Geoserver, QGIS Desktop, WMS, WFS-T at Samoa Electricity Power Corporation (EPC)
* Development of Open Source lecture/course material using QGIS at the University of the South Pacific (USP)
* Customization of QGIS Desktop at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC)
* Development/Deployment of Geonode at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) [http://paris.sopac.org SOPAC Pacific Risk Information Systems (PaRIS)]
* Integrated Solution for Utilities using Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Cloud at CheSpatial [http://chespatial.com]
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop at Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop at Papua New Guinea PNG Power Ltd (PPL)
* Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy
* Mapping component of tikiwiki CMS using Google map's API by 'Etuate Cocker
== '''Links''' ==
* [http://www.picisoc.org/special-interest-groups-sigs/gis-rs/ GIS/RS SIG]
* [http://picgisrs.appspot.com/ GIS/RS Conference]
[[Category:Local Chapters]]

Latest revision as of 11:38, 18 February 2024

Pacific "Pasifika" Islands Chapter of OSGeo

Welcome to the Pacific Islands Chapter of Open Source Geospatial Foundation OSGeo, started on November, 9 2012, Fiji Time.


Free and Open Source for geospatial software has been advocated here in the Pacific Islands region for over a decade. The GIS/RS Special Interest Group of the Pacific Islands Chapter of Internet Society GIS/RS SIGhas been instrumental in the promotion of Free and Open Source Software spearheaded by the Pacific Applied and Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) by making source code available to its Stakeholders starting with the GIS for Utilities Project in 1997. Since then the GIS/RS community in the Pacific Islands region have been thriving and active with Open Source sessions/discussions during the Pacific Islands GIS/RS annual conference GIS/RS Conference.


The Pacific Islands Chapter, facilitates the advancement of open source for geospatial software, technologies and usage in the Pacific Islands region by:

  • Advocate Open Access, Open Education and Open Data in the Pacific Islands
  • Sharing source code, data, information, problems and solutions among users
  • Operation of a mailing list pacific-islands@lists.osgeo.org
  • Encouraging the creation of national users groups
  • Organizing meetings, training/workshops and work towards a regional Pacific Islands OSGeo Chapter conference
  • Monitoring open source for geospatial software, technologies and usage

Updates and Current Developments


  • FOSS4G Pasifika 2025 in Fiji
  • Letter on Intend

FOSS4G SotM Pacifika 2025 - Letter of Intent for hosting the next FOSS4G 2025 conference in Suva, Fiji

Dear OSGeo FOSS4G Committee:

Over the years, the presence of open-source software has become a strong influence in the application of GIS in the Pacific region. The University of the South Pacific (USP), as a regional hub is ideally placed to champion such an initiative, granted that some Pacific Island Countries (PICS) cannot afford GIS enterprise licenses. With the vast majority of free software that is now being developed to complement the licenced ones, our PICS will do well in encouraging and embracing the concept. Suva, Fiji where the main USP Campus is located, houses multiple lecture rooms that can easily facilitate the conference venue and the supporting workshops. Fiji has an active GIS User Group that meets every month, together with a mailing distribution list that reaches to other Pacific Island Countries. We can ensure and enhance that Suva, Fiji, has a thriving geospatial community. We believe FOSS4G is about the community. As such, we regularly send out Google Forms in various online platforms asking the general public about their opinions. Recently, the community was consulted about their opinion to host the first ever FOSS4G conference in Fiji.

In partnership with the local members, the organizing committee is made up of enthusiastic users who are passionate about the use of open source in our region. With additional support from the organizers of Pacific GIS/RS Council, we anticipate exploring advanced open source geospatial technology, a sharing open geospatial data journey, networking with experts in this area and to orchestrate applications suitable for our region.

  • Team:
    • Wolf Forstreuter
    • Salote Viti
    • Edwin Liava'a
    • Coming Soon!
  • Supporting Partner Organizations:
    • We have support from the following organizations and industry groups:
  • Financing:

We request additional support from the FOSS4G SoTM Global committee to support the local committee in securing international sponsors. The venue for the conference will be provided by the University of the South Pacific. Other expenses incurred will be similar to the FOSS4G SoTM Pasifika 2022. It has been a norm in Fiji to hold a conference with no conference fee, however, we will find a workable solution to enable as many local users as we can to attend the conference. We will also continue to support the Travel Grant Program and discounted tickets.

  • Provisional Venue and Timing:

The conference will be held at the Laucala Bay Campus of the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. The Campus is located on Laucala Bay Road, about 4km from the Suva City centre. Suva is situated on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu, which is the largest island in Fiji. The lecture rooms can hold up to 100 – 200 people respectively. Workshops will also be held at the University’s lecture rooms, walking distance to the conference venue with accessibility to people living with a disability. We aim to hold FOSS4G SotM Pasifika 2025 together with the Pacific GIS/RS Users Conference 2025.

  • Tourism:

The city of Suva sits on a hilly peninsula between Laucala Bay and Suva Harbour on the south-eastern side of Viti Levu. Suva is Fiji’s capital city. It is the major commercial and political centre of Fiji, and the largest urban area in the South Pacific outside of Australia and New Zealand. Suva is mostly surrounded by sea. As the capital, Suva has a Parliament House and many overseas embassies. Suva is home to a variety of South Pacific educational institutions including the University of the South Pacific, the Fiji School of Medicine, the Fiji National University and the Institute of Technology Australia. This vibrant multi-cultural capital has a population of about 200,000, and a large selection of shops and restaurants. The main tourist attractions in Suva include: Colo-I-Suva Forest Park, Queen Elizabeth Drive/Foreshore, National Aquatic Centre, Golf Course at Rifle Range, Takashi Suzuki Garden, Suva Market, Bowling Club, Sukuna Park, Handicraft Centre, Fiji Museum, Heritage buildings, Government House, Suva City Tour, Thurston Gardens and Albert Park (https://www.usp.ac.fj).

  • Why FOSS4G SotM Pasifika in Suva, Fiji?:

The realization of high GIS enterprise licenses is becoming more prominent now. The Pacific GIS/RS Users Conference which is held in Fiji every year, attracting over 200 attendees. There is not much advocacy for the use of open source in the Pacific region and limited knowledge is shared among GIS users of its strength. Having FOSS4G Pasifika 2025 take place in Fiji will not only up-skill the local users but also enlighten them that there is more to open source than QGIS. This conference will surely boost the government stakeholders of the different options that are available to use and the reliability that comes with the different software. Finally, we can conclude that in teaching regional students, we should be inclusive with different software and technology that will enable students to choose what is best for them in their respective home countries.

FOSS4G Pasifika 2025 will be a joined initiative by both the “OSGeo Pacific Islands Chapter” and the Pacific GIS & Remote Sensing Council, https://pgrsc.org/


  • Revival of the OSGeo Pasifika Chapter
  • Possibility of hosting FOSS4G Pasifika 2023 in Fiji
  • More updates in coming months


  • FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 in Fiji
  • Letter on Intend

FOSS4G SotM Pacifika 2020 - Letter of Intent for hosting the next FOSS4G conference in Suva, Fiji

Dear FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019 Committee:

Over the years, the presence of open-source software has become a strong influence in the application of GIS in the Pacific region. The University of the South Pacific (USP), as a regional hub is ideally placed to champion such an initiative, granted that some Pacific Island Countries (PICS) cannot afford GIS enterprise licenses. With the vast majority of free software that is now being developed to complement the licenced ones, our PICS will do well in encouraging and embracing the concept. Suva, Fiji where the main USP Campus is located, houses multiple lecture rooms that can easily facilitate the conference venue and the supporting workshops. Fiji has an active GIS User Group that meets every month, together with a mailing distribution list that reaches to other Pacific Island Countries. We can ensure and enhance that Suva, Fiji, has a thriving geospatial community. We believe FOSS4G is about the community. As such, we regularly send out Google Forms in various online platforms asking the general public about their opinions. Recently, the community was consulted about their opinion to host the first ever FOSS4G conference in Fiji. A link to the form can be found here: [1] From all the respondents, only 2 opted for a different country (Vanuatu and Samoa). A summary of the answers to this question can be found below:

In partnership with the local members, the organizing committee is made up of enthusiastic users who are passionate about the use of open source in our region. With additional support from the organizers of FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2019, we anticipate FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2020 in Suva, Fiji, will continue the momentum generated from Wellington. We anticipate exploring advanced open source geospatial technology, a sharing open geospatial data journey, networking with experts in this area and to orchestrate applications suitable for our region.

  • Co-Chairs:
  • Team:
    • Edwin Liava'a - Tonga Cable Limited
    • Nick Rollings – University of the South Pacific
    • Oli Naiyago - University of the South Pacific
    • Komal Devi - University of the South Pacific
    • Elizabeth Lomani - Lion One (Private)
    • Alan Illingworth- South Pacific Community
    • Julie Callebaut - SPREP
    • Dan Lomata - (Private)
    • Nemaia Koto - Fiji Roads
    • Jonah Sullivan – Geoscience Australia.
    • Saleshni S. Naidu - Ministry for Women Children and Poverty Alleviation
    • Vasiti Soko - University of the South Pacific
  • Supporting Partner Organizations:
    • We have support from the following organizations and industry groups:
      • The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
      • The University of the South Pacific (USP)
      • Fiji Roads Authority (FRA)
      • The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
      • Lion One LTD
      • Geoscience Australia
      • Ministry for Women Children and Poverty Alleviation
  • Financing

We request additional support from the FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2019 committee to support the local committee in securing international sponsors. The venue for the conference will be provided by the University of the South Pacific. Other expenses incurred will be similar to the FOSS4G SoTM Oceania 2019. It has been a norm in Fiji to hold a conference with no conference fee, however, we will find a workable solution to enable as many local users as we can to attend the conference. We will also continue to support the Travel Grant Program and discounted tickets.

  • Provisional Venue and Timing

The conference will be held at the Laucala Bay Campus of the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. The Campus is located on Laucala Bay Road, about 4km from the Suva City centre. Suva is situated on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu, which is the largest island in Fiji. The lecture rooms can hold up to 100 – 200 people respectively. Workshops will also be held at the University’s lecture rooms, walking distance to the conference venue with accessibility to people living with a disability. We aim to hold FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2020 in late 2020 (agree to disagree? Open for discussion – however preferably during semester break so we can use the conference room).

  • Tourism

The city of Suva sits on a hilly peninsula between Laucala Bay and Suva Harbour on the south-eastern side of Viti Levu. Suva is Fiji’s capital city. It is the major commercial and political centre of Fiji, and the largest urban area in the South Pacific outside of Australia and New Zealand. Suva is mostly surrounded by sea. As the capital, Suva has a Parliament House and many overseas embassies. Suva is home to a variety of South Pacific educational institutions including the University of the South Pacific, the Fiji School of Medicine, the Fiji National University and the Institute of Technology Australia. This vibrant multi-cultural capital has a population of about 200,000, and a large selection of shops and restaurants. The main tourist attractions in Suva include: Colo-I-Suva Forest Park, Queen Elizabeth Drive/Foreshore, National Aquatic Centre, Golf Course at Rifle Range, Takashi Suzuki Garden, Suva Market, Bowling Club, Sukuna Park, Handicraft Centre, Fiji Museum, Heritage buildings, Government House, Suva City Tour, Thurston Gardens and Albert Park (https://www.usp.ac.fj).

  • Why FOSS4G SotM Oceania in Suva, Fiji?

The realization of high GIS enterprise licenses is becoming more prominent now. The Pacific GIS User Conference which is held in Fiji every year, except 2020, attracts over 200 attendees. There is not much advocacy for the use of open source in the Pacific region and limited knowledge is shared among GIS users of its strength. Having FOSS4G Oceania 2020 take place in Fiji will not only upskill the local users but also enlighten them that there is more to open source than QGIS. This conference will surely boost the government stakeholders of the different options that are available to use and the reliability that comes with the different software. Finally, we can conclude that in teaching regional students, we should be inclusive with different software and technology that will enable students to choose what is best for them in their respective home countries.

FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 - joined initiative FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 will be a joined initiative by both the “Pacific Islands Chapter” https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Pacific_Islands_Chapter and the “Oceania Chapter” https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania.


  • Working together with Oceania Chapter [2] in Preparation for FOSS4G Pasifika 2020 in Fiji
  • The PasifikaOS Project comes preloaded with QGIS, GRASS and PostgreSQL/PostGIS [3]
  • Participating in FOSS4G Oceania 2019 [4]
  • Java Open Street Map (JOSM) using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [5]
  • Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
  • OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [6] Web client [7] Geoserver [8]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[9]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [10]


  • Collaboration with Oceania Chapter and Participating in FOSS4G Oceania 2018 [11]
  • The "GeoForAll Lab" at the University of Fiji, School of Science and Technology (SST)[12]
  • Java Open Street Map (JOSM) using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [13]
  • Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
  • OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [14] Web client [15] Geoserver [16]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[17]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [18]


  • The "GeoForAll Lab" at the University of Fiji, School of Science and Technology (SST)[19][20]
  • Java Open Street Map (JOSM) using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [21]
  • Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
  • OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [22] Web client [23] Geoserver [24]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[25]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [26]


  • Java Open Street Map (JOSM) using Open Street Map (OSM) Tracker in smart mobile phones to capture HV lines of PNG Power Ltd sponsored by Columbia University (NY), Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [27]
  • Real-time vehicle tracking at SkyEye Geospatial, Apia, Samoa
  • Fiji Sugarcane Industry WebGIS Portal using OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient.
  • OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [28] Web client [29] Geoserver [30]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[31]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [32]


  • Fiji Sugarcane Industry WebGIS Portal using OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient.
  • OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [33] Web client [34] Geoserver [35]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[36]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [37]
  • Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [38]
  • Open Source GeoSpatial Research Lab and Training Center at CheSpatial [39], Lautoka, Fiji


  • Fiji Sugarcane Industry WebGIS Portal using OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient.
  • OpenGeo Suite with PostgreSQL/Postgis for database, GeoServer for map/middleware and GeoEXT and OpenLayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [40] Web client [41] Geoserver [42]
  • Development/Deployment of Geonode at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) SOPAC Pacific Risk Information Systems (PaRIS)
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[43]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [44]
  • Linux, PostgreSQL/Postgis, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, LizMap-Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [45]
  • Open Source GeoSpatial Research Lab and Training Center at CheSpatial [46], Lautoka, Fiji


  • OpenGeo Suite with postgres/postgis for database, Geoserver for map/middleware and GeoEXT and openlayers for web client with plans to use Geoexplorer by opengeo for webclient at Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC) [47] Web client [48] Geoserver [49]
  • Development/Deployment of Geonode at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) SOPAC Pacific Risk Information Systems (PaRIS)
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at PNG Power Ltd (PPL) [50]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)[51]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy [52]
  • Starting of Open Source GeoSpatial Research Lab and Training Center at CheSpatial [53], Lautoka, Fiji


  • PostGIS, Geoserver, QGIS Desktop, WMS, WFS-T at Samoa Electricity Power Corporation (EPC)
  • Development of Open Source lecture/course material using QGIS at the University of the South Pacific (USP)
  • Customization of QGIS Desktop at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC)
  • Development/Deployment of Geonode at SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) SOPAC Pacific Risk Information Systems (PaRIS)
  • Integrated Solution for Utilities using Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop, QGIS Server, QGIS Web-Client, QGIS Cloud at CheSpatial [54]
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop at Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA)
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop at Papua New Guinea PNG Power Ltd (PPL)
  • Linux, PostGIS/PostgreSQL, QGIS Desktop at the Solomon Islands Ministry of Geology, Mines and Energy
  • Mapping component of tikiwiki CMS using Google map's API by 'Etuate Cocker
