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:E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org
:E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org
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Le comité des conférences locales est heureuse de vous annoncer que Barcelone hébergera la Conférence Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial ('''FOSS4G''') 2010, du 6 au 9 septembre 2010 à Barcelone, Espagne.
FOSS4G est une conférence présenté par l''''OSGeo''', la Fondation Open Source Geospatial.
;À propos de l'OSGeo
OSGeo is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data. The foundation provides financial, organizational, and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.
The foundation's projects are all freely available and useable under an OSI-certified open source license (OSI: Open Source Initiative).
;FOSS4G 2010
From Monday 6 through Thursday 9 September 2010, the international community will join in Barcelona, Spain, for the the next edition of its flagship meeting. FOSS4G has been travelling around Switzerland (400 attendees), Canada (700), South Africa (550), Australia (450) in the last four years.
It is a long time since the community has gethered in Europe.
For this reason, the Barcelona event will be a unique opportunity for any European and international entity to have a complete overview of the open source software for geospatial, to share their own experience and to join common initiatives.
We are expecting between 1000 and 2000 attendees.
After the great success on FOSS4G 2009, OGC will propose again the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP).
CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards-based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers.
;Découvrez votre IDS Open Source
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is an increasing keyword for the geospatial world in recent years.  The current European INSPIRE initiative has brought focus to the SDI concept and its application on a continental scale.  The demand for SDI solutions has been increasing across all levels of administration and the Open Source community has adapted to meet this need.
;Prix de la communauté OSGeo
The attendance will vote the best use case of OSGeo Software implementation in Government and in Business. Awards are also being considered for the best education program based on OSGeo Software, as well as for No Profit organizations.
;Academic Track
As in 2009, FOSS4G 2010 will organise an academic session with publication of papers and presentation of posters. The academic track aims at bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields and willing to share original and recent research developments and experiences.
The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics, with the main objectiveof promoting cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and free and open source domains.
The academic track will be organized so as to promote networking between the participants, to initiate and foster discussions regarding cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas, and to promote international collaboration.
S'il vous plait visitez notre site pour vous inscrire et trouver les informations sur la conférence :http://2010.foss4g.org
:Lorenzo Becchi
:Conference Chair, 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference
:E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org
=(todo) Italian=
=(todo) Italian=
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=(todo) add your language=

Revision as of 07:05, 25 December 2009

This Press Release is still work in progress. Please do not publish yet.


The Local Conference Committee is pleased to announce that Barcelona will host the 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference, September 6-9, 2010, in Barcelona, Spain.

FOSS4G is a conference presented by OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

About OSGeo

OSGeo is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data. The foundation provides financial, organizational, and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.

The foundation's projects are all freely available and useable under an OSI-certified open source license (OSI: Open Source Initiative).

FOSS4G 2010

From Monday 6 through Thursday 9 September 2010, the international community will join in Barcelona, Spain, for the the next edition of its flagship meeting. FOSS4G has been travelling around Switzerland (400 attendees), Canada (700), South Africa (550), Australia (450) in the last four years. It is a long time since the community has gethered in Europe. For this reason, the Barcelona event will be a unique opportunity for any European and international entity to have a complete overview of the open source software for geospatial, to share their own experience and to join common initiatives. We are expecting between 1000 and 2000 attendees.


After the great success on FOSS4G 2009, OGC will propose again the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP). CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards-based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers.

Discover Your Open Source SDI

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is an increasing keyword for the geospatial world in recent years. The current European INSPIRE initiative has brought focus to the SDI concept and its application on a continental scale. The demand for SDI solutions has been increasing across all levels of administration and the Open Source community has adapted to meet this need.

OSGeo Community Awards

The attendance will vote the best use case of OSGeo Software implementation in Government and in Business. Awards are also being considered for the best education program based on OSGeo Software, as well as for No Profit organizations.

Academic Track

As in 2009, FOSS4G 2010 will organise an academic session with publication of papers and presentation of posters. The academic track aims at bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields and willing to share original and recent research developments and experiences.

The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics, with the main objectiveof promoting cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and free and open source domains. The academic track will be organized so as to promote networking between the participants, to initiate and foster discussions regarding cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas, and to promote international collaboration.

Please visit our site to subscribe and find more information about this conference:



Lorenzo Becchi
Conference Chair, 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference
E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org


El Comité Organizador Local se complace en anunciar que Barcelona acogerá la Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference, del 6 al 9 de Septiembre de 2010.

El FOSS4G es la conferencia internacional de OSGeo, la Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

Acerca de OSGeo

OSGeo es una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es apoyar y promover el desarrollo colaborativo de tecnologías abiertas y datos geoespaciales. La fundación proporciona apoyo financiero, organizativo y legal a la comunidad geoespacial internacional de código abierto. También actúa como una entidad jurídica independiente en la que los miembros de la comunidad pueden contribuir con código, en su financiación y mediante la aportación de otros recursos, con la certeza de que sus contribuciones se mantendrán para el beneficio público. OSGeo es una organización que defiende la difusión y la promoción del código abierto para la comunidad geoespacial, y ofrece un foro común y compartido como infraestructura para la mejora de la colaboración entre proyectos. Los proyectos de la fundación están disponibles de forma libre y utilizables en virtud de una licencia de código abierto certificada por la OSI (OSI: Open Source Initiative).


Del lunes 6 al jueves 9 de septiembre de 2010, la comunidad internacional se reunirá en Barcelona, España, para celebrar la reedición de su evento más importante y de mayor repercusión. El FOSS4G ha viajado por Suiza (400 asistentes), Canadá (700), Sudáfrica (550), Australia (450) durante los últimos cuatro años. Hace ya mucho tiempo que la comunidad se reunió en Europa por última vez. Por esta razón, Barcelona será una oportunidad única para que cualquier entidad europea e internacional, tenga una visión completa del software geoespacial de código abierto, y pueda compartir sus propias experiencias y unirse a iniciativas comunes. Esperamos entre 1000 y 2000 asistentes.


Tras el gran éxito cosechado en el FOSS4G 2009, la OGC va a proponer de nuevo la Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP). El objetivo de la CCIP es mostrar casos de interoperabilidad basada en estándares, entre diferentes aplicaciones geoespaciales libres y propietarias. La CCIP se compone de un servidor con múltiples máquinas virtuales, cada una instalada con aplicaciones geoespaciales que ofrecen OWS. Todos estos servicios web mostrarán un mismo conjunto de datos, y se accederá a ellos a través de una amplia gama de aplicaciones (tipo cliente) geoespaciales instaladas en los equipos.

Descubre tu IDE Open Source

Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) es una palabra clave, en clara expansión, para el mundo geoespacial. La actual iniciativa europea INSPIRE nos ha llevado a centrar nuestra atención en el concepto de IDE, y en su aplicación a escala continental. La demanda de soluciones de IDE ha ido en aumento en todos los niveles de la administración, y la comunidad Open Source se ha adaptado para satisfacer esta necesidad.

Reconocimientos de la comunidad OSGeo

Los asistentes votarán el mejor caso de uso relacionado con la implementación de software OSGeo en la administración pública, así como en la empresa privada. Del mismo modo, se otorgará un premio al mejor programa de educación basado en soluciones de proyecto o software OSGeo, así como a organizaciones sin fines de lucro.

Academic Track (Sesión Académica)

Como en 2009, el FOSS4G 2010 organizará una sesión académica con la publicación de documentos y presentación de posters. La sesión académica tiene como objetivo reunir a investigadores, desarrolladores, usuarios y profesionales que lleven a cabo investigación y desarrollo en el dominio geoespacial y en el campo del código libre y abierto, y que estén dispuestos a compartir investigaciones y experiencias recientes e innovadoras.

La sesión académica actuará además a modo de inventario de las actuales líneas de investigación, con el principal objetivo de promover la investigación cooperativa entre los desarrolladores de OSGeo y el mundo académico. La sesión académica es el foro perfecto para poner de relieve los retos actuales más importantes en el campo de la investigación así como las tendencias futuras, dejando que se establezcan las bases para una agenda de investigación en OSGeo. La sesión académica se organizará de forma que favorezca la creación de redes entre los participantes, para iniciar y fomentar las discusiones sobre las tecnologías de vanguardia, intercambiar ideas de investigación, y promover la colaboración internacional.

Por favor, visite nuestro sitio web para suscribirse y obtener más información sobre esta conferencia:



Lorenzo Becchi
Conference Chair, 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference
E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org


El Comitè Organitzador es complau en anunciar-vos que Barcelona acollirà la conferència internacional Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), del 6 al 9 de setembre del 2010.

El FOSS4G és la conferència d'OSGeo, la Open Source Geospatial Foundation (Fundació per al Codi Obert Geoespacial).

Sobre OSGeo

OSGeo és una organització sense ànim de lucre que té com a missió recolzar i promoure el desenvolupament col·laboratiu de tecnologies i dades lliures en l'àmbit geoespacial. La fundació proporciona recolzament financer, organitzatiu i legal a l'àmplia comunitat internacional de codi obert geoespacial. També actúa com una entitat jurídica independent a la que els membres de la comunitat poden contribuir codi, finançament i altres recursos, amb la certesa que llurs aportacions romandran a disposició de l'aprofitament col·lectiu. OSGeo també actua com a ens difussor i promotor al servei de la comunitat geoespacial de codi lliure, i ofereix un espai de comunicació comú i una infraestructura compartida per potenciar la col·laboració entre projectes.

Tots els projectes de la fundació estan publicats amb una llicència de codi obert certificada per la OSI (Open Source Initiative), en virtut de la qual hom pot disposar-ne lliurement.


Del dilluns 6 al dijous 9 de setembre del 2010, la comunitat internacional s'aplegarà a Barcelona, Catalunya, per celebrar la reedició del seu event insigne. El FOSS4G ha viatjat per Suïssa (400 assistents), Canadà (700), Sudàfrica (550) i Austràlia (450) en els darrers quatre anys. Ha passat prou temps des del darrer cop que la comunitat mundial es va trobar a Europa. Per aquesta raó, la trobada a Barcelona esdevé una oportunitat única perquè qualsevol entitat europea i internacional gaudeixi d'una visió complerta del software geoespacial de codi obert, pugui compartir les seves experiències i afegir-se a iniciatives comunes. Esperem entre 1.000 i 2.000 assistents.


Després del gran èxit assolit al FOSS4G 2009, l'OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) proposarà de nou la Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP). La CCIP mostra les capacitats d'interoperabilitat basada en estàndards entre aplicacions geoespacials tant lliures com privatives. La CCIP consta d'un servidor amb múltiples màquines virtuals des d'on s'ofereixen un mateix joc de dades geoespacials amb diferents serveis web estàndard, a las que s'accedirà mitjançant una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions instal·lades a màquines client.

Descobreix la teva IDE Open Source

Infraestructura de Dades Espacials (IDE) ha esdevingut una paraula clau per al món geoespacial en els últims anys. La iniciativa europea INSPIRE ha centrat l'atenció en el concepte d'IDE i la seva aplicació a escala continental. La demanda de solucions d'IDE ha anat creixent a tots els nivells de l'administració, i la comunitat de codi obert s'hi ha adaptat.

Guardons de la comunitat OSGeo

Els assistents votaran el millor cas d'ús d'implementacions de software OSGeo a l'administració pública i a l'empresa privada. S'esta considerant premiar també el millor programa educatiu basat en programari d'OSGeo, així com a organitzacions sense afany de lucre.

Sessió Acadèmica (Academic Track)

Com al 2009, el FOSS4G 2010 organitzarà una sessió acadèmica amb publicació d'articles i presentació de pòsters. La sessió acadèmica té com a objectiu reunir investigadors, desenvolupadors, usuaris i professionals que duguin a terme investigació i desenvolupament en els camps geoespacial i del codi lliure i obert, i que estiguin disposats a compartir les seves experiències recents i originals en investigació i innovació.

La sessió acadèmica actuarà com a inventari de les línies d'investigació actuals, amb el principal objectiu de promoure l'activitat de recerca cooperativa entre els desenvolupadors d'OSGeo i el món acadèmic. La sessió acadèmica és l'espai perfecte per posar de manifest els principals reptes actuals i tendències futures en el camp de la investigació, establint les bases per a un programa informal de recerca a OSGeo. La sessió acadèmica s'organitzarà per afavorir la creació de xarxa entre els participants, per a endegar i fomentar el diàleg al voltant de les tecnologies de vanguàrdia, l'intercanvi d'idees d'investigació, i la col·laboració internacional.

Si us plau, visiteu el nostre lloc web i subscriviu-vos-hi per obtenir més informació sobre la conferència:



Lorenzo Becchi
Conference Chair, 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference
E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org


Le comité des conférences locales est heureuse de vous annoncer que Barcelone hébergera la Conférence Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) 2010, du 6 au 9 septembre 2010 à Barcelone, Espagne.

FOSS4G est une conférence présenté par l'OSGeo, la Fondation Open Source Geospatial.

À propos de l'OSGeo

OSGeo is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data. The foundation provides financial, organizational, and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.

The foundation's projects are all freely available and useable under an OSI-certified open source license (OSI: Open Source Initiative).

FOSS4G 2010

From Monday 6 through Thursday 9 September 2010, the international community will join in Barcelona, Spain, for the the next edition of its flagship meeting. FOSS4G has been travelling around Switzerland (400 attendees), Canada (700), South Africa (550), Australia (450) in the last four years. It is a long time since the community has gethered in Europe. For this reason, the Barcelona event will be a unique opportunity for any European and international entity to have a complete overview of the open source software for geospatial, to share their own experience and to join common initiatives. We are expecting between 1000 and 2000 attendees.


After the great success on FOSS4G 2009, OGC will propose again the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP). CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards-based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers.

Découvrez votre IDS Open Source

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is an increasing keyword for the geospatial world in recent years. The current European INSPIRE initiative has brought focus to the SDI concept and its application on a continental scale. The demand for SDI solutions has been increasing across all levels of administration and the Open Source community has adapted to meet this need.

Prix de la communauté OSGeo

The attendance will vote the best use case of OSGeo Software implementation in Government and in Business. Awards are also being considered for the best education program based on OSGeo Software, as well as for No Profit organizations.

Academic Track

As in 2009, FOSS4G 2010 will organise an academic session with publication of papers and presentation of posters. The academic track aims at bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying out research and development in the geospatial and the free and open source fields and willing to share original and recent research developments and experiences.

The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics, with the main objectiveof promoting cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and free and open source domains. The academic track will be organized so as to promote networking between the participants, to initiate and foster discussions regarding cutting-edge technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas, and to promote international collaboration.

S'il vous plait visitez notre site pour vous inscrire et trouver les informations sur la conférence :http://2010.foss4g.org


Lorenzo Becchi
Conference Chair, 2010 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference
E-mail: lbecchi@osgeo.org

(todo) Italian

(todo) add your language