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=== Network services ===
=== Network services ===
==== Metadata discovery ====
==== Discovery ====
* [http://pycsw.org pycsw]: OGC CSW server.  Standalone or embeddable.  Powers CSW in CKAN, GeoNode.  OGC Reference Implementation
* [http://pycsw.org pycsw]: OGC CSW server.  Standalone or embeddable.  Powers CSW in CKAN, GeoNode.  OGC Reference Implementation
* [http://www.stetl.org Stetl]: Python-framework for ETL. With [https://github.com/justb4/stetl/tree/master/examples/basics/10_jinja2_templating Examples] for INSPIRE data harmonization.
* [http://www.stetl.org Stetl]: Python-framework for ETL. With [https://github.com/justb4/stetl/tree/master/examples/basics/10_jinja2_templating Examples] for INSPIRE data harmonization.
* Geonetwork
* Geonetwork
==== View service ====
==== View ====
* GeoServer
* GeoServer
* deegree
* deegree
* MapServer
* MapServer
==== Download service ====
==== Download ====
* GeoServer
* GeoServer
* deegree
* deegree
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* [https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/SensorWeb/SensorObservationServiceIVDocumentation 52°North Sensor Observation Service 4.x]: Enhanced SOS implementation for serving observation data compliant with the INSPIRE requirements for Download Services
* [https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/SensorWeb/SensorObservationServiceIVDocumentation 52°North Sensor Observation Service 4.x]: Enhanced SOS implementation for serving observation data compliant with the INSPIRE requirements for Download Services
==== Schema transformation service ====
==== Schema transformation ====
* [http://inspire-foss.org inspire-foss.org INSPIRE FOSS]: see above
* [http://inspire-foss.org inspire-foss.org INSPIRE FOSS]: see above
=== Validation services ===
* [http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/validator2/ INSPIRE Geoportal Validator]: developed by EC-JRC, it is used in the context of the INSPIRE Geoportal to perform validation of the metadata of resources discovered through the Member State Discovery Services.
=== Clients ===
=== Clients ===

Revision as of 07:39, 6 November 2014

This page aims at building an inventory of the tools aiding the INSPIRE implementation. Several software tools have been developed within EU funded projects and are suitable for reuse, but are often not known to the broader community. If you are aware of free software implementing INSPIRE specifications, please contribute to this inventory.


Short description of the implementation. Link.

Metadata management

  • INSPIRE EUOSME: (European Open Source Metadata Editor) developed by EC-JRC in the EuroGEOSS project, and deployed in the INSPIRE Geoportal to allow user to test editing capabilities and testing ISO19139 XML files
  • INSPIRE Excel file: developed within GeoSmartCity project to collect INSPIRE XML19139 compliant metadata in easy and quick way
  • smartEditor: smartEditor is a web based editor to easily create and update metadata documents on geospatial data sets, services, series and applications and many more resources supporting ISO19115/19119 and the INSPIRE metadata specification (INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119)

Data storage/management

  • PosgGIS: ...
  • Rasdaman: flexible, scalable spatio-temporal raster server, supporting OGC WMS, WCS, WCPS, WPS; OGC WCS Core Reference Implementation.

Data modeling

  • INSPIRE Data Model Tools: developed by Politecnico di Milano to facilitate the browsing of INSPIRE Data Specifications and provide procedure to structure PostGIS pseudo-INSPIRE SQL structure
  • ...

Data mapping/transformation

Network services


  • pycsw: OGC CSW server. Standalone or embeddable. Powers CSW in CKAN, GeoNode. OGC Reference Implementation
  • Stetl: Python-framework for ETL. With Examples for INSPIRE data harmonization.
  • Geonetwork


  • GeoServer
  • deegree
  • MapServer


Schema transformation

Validation services

  • INSPIRE Geoportal Validator: developed by EC-JRC, it is used in the context of the INSPIRE Geoportal to perform validation of the metadata of resources discovered through the Member State Discovery Services.


  • QGIS
  • Geomajas


... other ??

  • ...