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Contributions will be overseas sprinters who would be otherwise unable to attend. Any surplus at the end of the event will be turned over to OSGeo or used for a future code sprint. We have set-up the sprint to minimize travel and accommodation costs.
Contributions will be put towards travel costs for overseas sprinters who would be otherwise unable to attend. Any surplus at the end of the event will be turned over to OSGeo or used for a future code sprint. We have set-up the sprint to minimize travel and accommodation costs.
Sponsors will receive the following honors:
Sponsors will receive the following honors:

Revision as of 19:23, 20 November 2015


The GeoServer web administration console is built on top of the Wicket 1.4.x series, which is pretty old and unmaintaned. The purpose of the sprint is to update it to Wicket 7.x, the current stable version.

Upgrade from Wicket 1.3 to Wicket 7

Due to the large distance between the two releases and the number of backwards incompatible changes accumulated by Wicket in the years this will require the concerted effort of a handful of developers over a few days, including the changes to upgrade the code, and the thorough hand testing of the resulting modified interface.

Day Schedule
  • change wicket Dependency
  • wicket 7 bootcamp / migration guide
  • migrate to wicket 7
  • migrate to wicket 7
  • manual testing: workspace configuration screens
  • manual testing: datastore configuration screens
  • manual testing: layer configuration screens
  • manual testing: global configuration screens
  • manual testing: service configuration screens
  • manual testing: tile cache configuration screens
  • manual testing: security configuration screens
  • manual testing: demos
  • manual testing: demos
  • manual testing: extensions
  • manual testing: select community modules

In scope:

  • Use of Java 8 syntax to reduce wicket boiler plate code
  • After each screen has passed manual testing Mike Pumphrey will be on hand for documentation and screen snaps

Out of scope:

  • Changing the codebase to use a different library (the effort would be at least an order of magnitude bigger)
  • Improve the behavior of the current UI (we can make improvements at the end, once everything works, if time remains)


  • Jody Garnett - Boundless
  • Andrea Aime - GeoSolutions

Venue and dates

The code sprint will be held in Victoria BC to minimize travel costs. Boundless has offered to provide a venue (either the Boundless Victoria offices or a local technology centre).

The date is tentatively set for the week of January 18th.

This date is selected towards of the GeoServer 2.9 release cycle prior to the code freeze in February, keeping resource availability in mind.

Accommodation and costs

Participants should plan the travel, accommodation and meals. We hope to raise enough financial support to cover overseas travel, and possibly meals.


We have the following sponsorship levels:

Gold $1000
Silver $500
Bronze $250
Beer In-kind contributions are graciously accepted

Contributions will be put towards travel costs for overseas sprinters who would be otherwise unable to attend. Any surplus at the end of the event will be turned over to OSGeo or used for a future code sprint. We have set-up the sprint to minimize travel and accommodation costs.

Sponsors will receive the following honors:

  • Your logo at the top of this page
  • Mention in all of our public communication, including GeoServer 2.9 release announcement
  • Our gratitude

To sponsor, please contact Jody Garnett or Andrea Amie directly.

Local Sponsorship =

We are reaching out to organizations to see if there is interest in sponsorship:

  • International organizations (OSGeo, Boundless, GeoSolutions);
  • Local organizations (BC Government, Refractions, Vivid Solutions)

If there is a lot of local sponsorship we expect to drag the developers away from the task at hand and meet the local community (at a social evening or similar).


Participants Attending Victoria Code-Sprint
# Participant Country Arrival Departure Accommodation Notes
1 Andrea Aime Italy - - TBD -
2 Jody Garnett Local - - Home limited experience with wicket.
3 Kevin Smith Local - - Home -
4 Torben Barsballe Local - - Home Some experienced with Javascript and wicket.
5 Justin Deoliveira Canada - - TBD -
6 Elizabeth Thiry USA - - TBD UX background, focused on testing.
7 Mike Pumphrey USA - - TBD GeoServer documentation maintainer performing final checks & screenshots.
8 Devon Tucker Local - - Home Some experienced with JavaScript and wicket.
  • TBD: Depending on sponsorship level guests to Victoria will be hosted at or billeted with local community.

If you cannot attend in person you may still be in position to update screens or assist with testing a nightly build overnight. Close collaboration for manual testing will require use of IRC/Skype/Hangout as appropriate for the parties involved.

Participants helping out Remotely
# Participant Country Communication Notes
1 Ian Turton UK Hangout Hapless volunteer

OSGeo Funding Request

The following information is requested by OSGeo Board Code_Sprint_Guidelines:

Basic Information

  • Audience: 10 people are expected
  • Region: Victoria, British Columbia
  • Projects: GeoServer
  • Length: 5 days
  • Venue: Boundless has generously offered their Victoria office for the activity, and offered to rent a local shared office space if necessitated by the number of attendees.

Expected budget


  • Attendee Registration: n/a
  • Venue: In-kind (either at boundless victoria office at Fort Tectoria)
  • In-kind: accommodations, venue (at $1250 for Fort Tectoria )
  • Overseas Travel costs: $4600
  • North American Travel costs: $1700


  • Third party sponsorship: TBD
  • OSGeo sponsorship: $2000 towards travel costs

We would like to briefly acknowledge the difficulty of recording in-kind contributions of resources and staff given the OSGeo template. The bulk of the cost associated with code-sprint participation is reflected in staff availability, often far outstripping airfare and accommodation costs.

  • Boundless: 3-5 people
  • GeoSolutions: 1-3 people


This event is planned to break even or incur a loss (given the short lead up time).

If any profit is amassed from sponsorship it will be returned to the OSGeo foundation.

Travel Costs

Overseas Travel
Travel Cost
Rome, Italy $1400 CAD
Rosario, Argentina $3200 CAD
Total $4600 CAD
North American Travel
Travel Cost
STL $850 CAD
PDX $450 CAD
YYC $400 CAD
Total $1700 CAD