Difference between revisions of "Board Meeting 2020-10-26"

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Line 26: Line 26:
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-09-28]]
* [[Board_Meeting_2020-09-28]]
Motion 1: Approve board meeting minutes for 2020-09-28
MOT1: Approve board meeting minutes for 2020-09-28
* Angelos initional motion, +1
* Angelos +1 (initial motion)
* Tom second +1
* Tom +1 (seconded)
* Codrina +1
* Codrina +1
* Helena +1
* Helena +1
Line 35: Line 35:
* Vicky: +1 (a bit later)
* Vicky: +1 (a bit later)
* Michael +1 (a bit later)
* Michael +1 (a bit later)
* Result: 7 +1+1s, motion passed during the meeting
* See results on loomio: ACTION ANGELOS
Status: Motion passed during the meeting
Loomio motion: https://www.loomio.org/d/duixPOz6/approve-meeting-minutes-from-board-meeting-2020-09-28
Line 50: Line 51:
* Result:
* Result:
* we plan two code sprint one in November 2020 and one in January together with OGC
* We plan two code sprint one in November 2020 and one in January together with OGC
MOT2: Organize a virtual OSGeo Code Sprint on 17-18-19 Nov  
MOT2: Organize a virtual OSGeo Code Sprint on 17-18-19 Nov  
* Tom second +1
* Angelos +1 (initial motion)
* Tom +1 (seconded)
* Vicky: +1
* Vicky: +1
* Angelos: +1
* Victoria +1
* Victoria +1
* Helena:+1
* Helena:+1
Line 62: Line 63:
* Astrid +1
* Astrid +1
* Michael +1 (a bit later)
* Michael +1 (a bit later)
* Result: 7+1+1s, motion passed during the meeting
Status: Motion passed during the meeting
* See results on loomio: ACTION ANGELOS
MOT3: Recognize postponed Athens Code Sprint sponsors as Virtual Code Sprint sponsors and offer sponsoring opportunity for more sponsors
MOT3: Recognize postponed Athens Code Sprint sponsors as Virtual Code Sprint sponsors and offer sponsoring opportunity for more sponsors
* Helena second +1
* Angelos +1 (initial motion)
* Helena +1 (seconded)
* Vicky: +1
* Vicky: +1
* Angelos: +1
* Victoria +1
* Victoria +1
* Helena:+1
* Helena:+1
Line 74: Line 74:
* Astrid +1
* Astrid +1
* Michael +1 (a bit later)
* Michael +1 (a bit later)
* Result: 7+1+1s, motion passed during the meeting
Status: Motion passed during the meeting
* See results on loomio: ACTION ANGELOS
* ACTION: Angelos to prepare draft announcement (https://pads.ccc.de/GSmYrX0JAQ)
* ACTION: Angelos to prepare draft announcement
=== Charter member elections update ===
=== Charter member elections update ===

Latest revision as of 08:46, 27 October 2020

This board meeting is scheduled Monday 26 October 2020 at 16:00 UTC through IRC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
    • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  2. Review and approve past minutes
  3. OSGeo Virtual Code Sprint planning
    1. FOSS4G Korea 2020
    2. FOSS4G Japan 2020
  4. Charter member elections update
  5. GeoNode NFDI4Agriculture update
  6. Review action items


  • Presiding: Angelos
  • Scribing: Astrid
  • Attending: Angelos, Astrid, Victoria, Tom, Helena, Codrina , (a bit later: Vicky , Michael)
  • Guests: -

Review and approve past minutes

MOT1: Approve board meeting minutes for 2020-09-28

  • Angelos +1 (initial motion)
  • Tom +1 (seconded)
  • Codrina +1
  • Helena +1
  • Astrid +1
  • Victoria +1
  • Vicky: +1 (a bit later)
  • Michael +1 (a bit later)

Status: Motion passed during the meeting Loomio motion: https://www.loomio.org/d/duixPOz6/approve-meeting-minutes-from-board-meeting-2020-09-28

OSGeo Virtual Code Sprint planning

  • https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/97
  • discussion of a virtual code sprint in November 2020
  • doodle to find a date, by now 18 people voted
  • contact FOSS4G Korea and Japan:
    • FOSS4G Korea was not planning to host a code sprint, they are happy if we organize it the day after the conference
    • FOSS4G Japan is already planning to have a code sprint
    • suggestion one or two intro sessions. GIS day is 18 Nov and then of course also PostGIS day
  • Feedback OGC: OGC would be happy to do a joint sprint with OSGeo. They recommend Q1 2021, for example January 27th, 28th and 29th.
  • Result:
  • We plan two code sprint one in November 2020 and one in January together with OGC

MOT2: Organize a virtual OSGeo Code Sprint on 17-18-19 Nov

  • Angelos +1 (initial motion)
  • Tom +1 (seconded)
  • Vicky: +1
  • Victoria +1
  • Helena:+1
  • Codrina:+1
  • Astrid +1
  • Michael +1 (a bit later)

Status: Motion passed during the meeting

MOT3: Recognize postponed Athens Code Sprint sponsors as Virtual Code Sprint sponsors and offer sponsoring opportunity for more sponsors

  • Angelos +1 (initial motion)
  • Helena +1 (seconded)
  • Vicky: +1
  • Victoria +1
  • Helena:+1
  • Codrina:+1
  • Astrid +1
  • Michael +1 (a bit later)

Status: Motion passed during the meeting

Charter member elections update

GeoNode NFDI4Agriculture update

  • Astrid still has to work on the topic

Review action items
