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This is page is a try to create a central index of all available Video Tutorials and Screencasts about FOSS for GIS.
This is page is a try to create a central index of all available Video Tutorials and Screencasts about FOSS for GIS. It also describes how to publish videos at TIB-AV Portal.
As creating a central repository is not easy due to licenses, video formats and disk space we are using this page to list all pages hosting interesting videos.
== OSGeo-related videos preserved at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)  ==
The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) ‒ Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology is a central specialised library, it is a national infrastructure facility for the provision of scientific information. TIB is actively collecting videos from past, current and upcoming OSGeo conferences and similar events.
==== FOSS4G ====
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/291/open+source+gis+grass+user+conference+2002 Open Source GIS - GRASS User Conference Trento 2002 (45 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/68/foss4g+nottingham+2013 FOSS4G Nottingham 2013 (95 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/336/foss4g+2014+portland FOSS4G Portland 2014 (188 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/169/foss4g+seoul+2015 FOSS4G Seoul 2015 (182 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/253/foss4g+bonn+2016 FOSS4G Bonn 2016 (193 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/636/foss4g+boston+2017 FOSS4G Boston 2017 (208 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/713/foss4g+europe+2018 FOSS4G Europe 2018 (53 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/685/foss4g+bucharest+2019 FOSS4G Bucharest 2019 (295 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/1233/foss4g+argentina+2021 FOSS4G Argentina 2021 (237 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/1671 FOSS4G Prizren Kosovo 2023 (266 videos)]
* FOSS4G Europe
**[https://av.tib.eu/series/1825 FOSS4G Europe 2024 Tartu (156 videos)]
*FOSS4G UK online
**[https://av.tib.eu/series/919/foss4g+uk+online+2020+sentinel FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Sentinel (8 videos)]
**[https://av.tib.eu/series/916/foss4g+uk+online+2020+mercator FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Mercator (10 videos)]
**[https://av.tib.eu/series/915/foss4g+uk+online+2020+nightingale FOSS4G UK Online 2020 - Nightingale (12 videos)]
** maybe more?
* FOSS4G SotM Oceania
**[https://av.tib.eu/series/634 FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018 (50 videos)]
**[https://av.tib.eu/series/728  FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019 (52 videos)]
==== FOSSGIS ====
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/29/fossgis+konferenz+2011+heidelberg+05+07+april+2011 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2011 : Heidelberg, 05. - 07. April 2011 (24 videos) ]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/32/fossgis+konferenz+2012+dessau+20+22+marz+2012 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012 : Dessau, 20. - 22. März 2012  (47 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/149/fossgis+konferenz+2013+rapperswil+12+14+juni+2013 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2013 : Rapperswil, 12. - 14. Juni 2013 (30 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/35/fossgis+konferenz+2014+berlin+19+21+marz+2014 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2014 : Berlin, 19. - 21. März 2014 (71 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/87/fossgis+konferenz+2015+munster+11+13+marz+2015 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2015: Münster, 11. - 13. März 2015 (69 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/230/fossgis+konferenz+2016+salzburg+04+06+juli+2016 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2016: Salzburg 04. - 06. Juli 2016 (56 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/300/fossgis+konferenz+2017+passau+22+25+marz+2017 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2017: Passau 22. - 25. März 2017 (68 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/450/fossgis+konferenz+2018+bonn+21+24+marz+2018 FOSSGIS Konferenz 2018: Bonn 21.-24. März 2018 (95 videos)]
==== Others ====
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/39/locationtech+summit+2014 LocationTech Summit 2014 (14 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/41/bsdcan+2014 BSDCan 2014 (24 videos)]
*[https://av.tib.eu/series/342/froscon+2016 FrOSCon 2016 Sankt Augustin]
All videos preserved by TIB receive a digital object identifier (DOI) to make them directly citable in scientific publications and wikis and blogs. [[Peter_Loewe_Videoquotes|Details on such video quotes]]
==Where to publish your screencast==
=== German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) ===
FOSS4G cooperates with the [https://www.tib.eu/ German National Library of Science and Technology] ([[TIB]]). TIB is one of the world’s largest specialised libraries for science and technology. It is publicly funded and has no commercial interest. TIB provides a scientific open access video portal ([https://av.tib.eu AV-Portal]), where recordings from OSGeo conferences (in English and German) can be stored, long term preserved and made citable using persistent digital object identifers (DOI). TIB provides this services free of charge for OSGeo. If you wish to publish your video in the AV Portal, you have different options to do so:
==== How does TIB get the videofiles? ====
1. Contcat TIB (KNM@tib.eu) and inform them that you would like to publish the videos from your conference
2. Make sure you have the permission form the speakers to publish the videos before
3. Sign a license document with TIB
4.1. Large data transmissions via an FTP server (prefered way):
(to obtain the FTP access data, please contact KNM@tib.eu)
* we have a user account FOSS4G (ask [[User:Astrid Emde]] for the access) to transfer the files easily to TIB
4.2. Single videos via the TIB AV-Portal upload form:
* If you wish to upload a video, please [https://av.tib.eu/registration register] in the AV Portal and follow the instructions. The upload form helps * you to insert the metadata to describe the video.
* Registration and upload steps:
** Register via the respective tab on the AV Portal.
** Log in by using your customer name and password.
** Use the tab "Upload" and fill out the upload form.
** Specify the publisher as „FOSS4G“ and title of series as „FOSS4G +year”
; Requirements by TIB (if you do not use the upload form)
* Create a directory for every video and metadata file. Save the video file in mp4 and the metadatafile in xml in the directory.
* The name of the directory and the video file and the metadata file must be identical, so that they can be matched automatically.
For example:
* folder with the name of the video file '''foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle'''
**name of the video file: '''foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle.mp4'''
**name of the XML-file: foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle.xml
**name of additional documents like slides: foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle.pdf
'''How to generate the metadata files'''
*for every mp4 file we have to upload (on an ftp server) a metadata file
*the metadata file has the same name as the mp4 file with ending xml
*the xml-files can be generated by the schedule.jspn file from frab (http://frab.fossgis-konferenz.de/en/foss4g-2016/public/schedule.json)
*Astrid (astrid_emde(at) osgeo.org) can give you a script to generate the file for each mp4 file
*for example see: https://git.osgeo.org/gogs/astrid_emde/video.foss4g.org/src/master/foss4g2016/example
;What licence to use
Example 1: For the international community we recommend:
[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Creative Commons BY 4.0 International ]
Example 2: If the video is published in Germany and/or addresses the German community we recommend:
[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/de/deed.en Creative Commons BY 3.0 Germany]
;Contact persons
at TIB:
If you have any questions regarding the publication process, please contact:
*Lars Gottschalk (Tel.: +49 511 762-14224 ; E-Mail: lars.gottschalk (at) tib.eu)
*Tolga Karaarslan (Tel.: +49 511 762-14227 ; E-Mail: tolga.karaarslan (at) tib.eu)
If you have any general questions about cooperation with TIB, please contact:
[[User:Bastian|Bastian Drees]]
at OSGeo:
*Some OSGeo members worked together with TIB already ([[Astrid Emde]], [[Till Adams]]). You are welcome to ask for information.
For more information see [https://av.tib.eu/about AV-Portal Info].
===Hosting Portals===
There are specialized hosting services for tutorials:
* [http://www.learn2use.de/index.php Learn2Use] (German)
* What about distribution the videos with a bittorrent-style distribution? Maybe OSGeo could provide the infrastructure for this?
please add you contribute at the bottom of the list respecting the table layout
== Screencasts and Video List==
== Screencasts and Video List==
this part is dedicated to short movies showing technical usage of FOSS GIS applications.
this part is dedicated to short movies showing technical usage of FOSS GIS applications.
Less than 10 mins each, please.
Less than 10 mins each, please.
please add you contribute at the bottom of the list respecting the table layout
{| cellspacing="1" border="1" cellpadding="3"
{| cellspacing="1" border="1" cellpadding="3"
Line 55: Line 174:
| Lightning Talks, Keynotes, Sponsor talks, ...
| Lightning Talks, Keynotes, Sponsor talks, ...
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZOQSn5tyqQ Riflessioni sul tema(tismo)]
| Pibinko
| not specified
| 3min
| flash movie
| GFOSS.it video
| [http://sextantegis.com/video.htm Sextante examples ( gvSIG)]
| Victor Ayala
| CC
| several videos
| flash and avi
| Using Sextante with gvSIG
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== GIS- and Geo-related Podcasts ==
Some suggestions from the hivemind (note these are not necessarily open source specific):
* Directions Magazine http://www.directionsmag.com/ offers regular podcasts. They occasionally have open source related content by Adena Schutzberg (Directions staff) and others.
* http://www.opengeodata.org/?cat=13
* http://hobu.biz/category/podcast/ (note: links seem to be dead as of 15 Jan '08)
* IT Conversations has a lot of good content, http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/index.html
==How to do your screencast==
==How to do your screencast==
please add your suggestions on how you did your screencast.
please add your suggestions on how you did your screencast.
Please try to use and suggest Free Software.
Please try to use and suggest Free Software.
* Easist way: [http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/ recordmydesktop] (on Mandriva, install with 'urpmi gtk-recordmydesktop')
* [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekfeisty/screencast Ubuntu discussion over screencast]
* [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekfeisty/screencast Ubuntu discussion over screencast]
* [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts Ubuntu screencast how to]
* [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts Ubuntu screencast how to]
Line 122: Line 263:
* [http://www.menasoft.com/blog/?p=30 Taksi - Desktop Screenshot, Video Capture/Recorder] - worked well for capturing OpenGL output (I used it to record from [http://vterrain.org/Doc/Enviro/overview.html VTerrain's Enviro viewer])
* [http://www.menasoft.com/blog/?p=30 Taksi - Desktop Screenshot, Video Capture/Recorder] - worked well for capturing OpenGL output (I used it to record from [http://vterrain.org/Doc/Enviro/overview.html VTerrain's Enviro viewer])
==Where to publish your screencast==
Actually main free video hosting are using a strong dowsampling that does not allow a good video quality to present screencast.
Then you'll need to find your own web hosting or a free one that can host just the video without resampling.
===Hosting Portals===
There are specialized hosting services for tutorials:
* [http://showmedo.com ShowMeDo!]
* [http://www.learn2use.de/index.php Learn2Use] (German)
* What about distribution the videos with a bittorrent-style distribution? Maybe OSGeo could provide the infrastructure for this?
== GIS- and Geo-related Podcasts ==
Some suggestions from the hivemind (note these are not necessarily open source specific):
* Directions Magazine http://www.directionsmag.com/ offers regular podcasts. They occasionally have open source related content by Adena Schutzberg (Directions staff) and others.
* http://www.opengeodata.org/?cat=13
* http://hobu.biz/category/podcast/ (note: links seem to be dead as of 15 Jan '08)
* IT Conversations has a lot of good content, http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/index.html

Latest revision as of 05:56, 1 December 2024

This is page is a try to create a central index of all available Video Tutorials and Screencasts about FOSS for GIS. It also describes how to publish videos at TIB-AV Portal.

OSGeo-related videos preserved at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)

The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) ‒ Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology is a central specialised library, it is a national infrastructure facility for the provision of scientific information. TIB is actively collecting videos from past, current and upcoming OSGeo conferences and similar events.




All videos preserved by TIB receive a digital object identifier (DOI) to make them directly citable in scientific publications and wikis and blogs. Details on such video quotes

Where to publish your screencast

German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)

FOSS4G cooperates with the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). TIB is one of the world’s largest specialised libraries for science and technology. It is publicly funded and has no commercial interest. TIB provides a scientific open access video portal (AV-Portal), where recordings from OSGeo conferences (in English and German) can be stored, long term preserved and made citable using persistent digital object identifers (DOI). TIB provides this services free of charge for OSGeo. If you wish to publish your video in the AV Portal, you have different options to do so:

How does TIB get the videofiles?

1. Contcat TIB (KNM@tib.eu) and inform them that you would like to publish the videos from your conference

2. Make sure you have the permission form the speakers to publish the videos before

3. Sign a license document with TIB

4.1. Large data transmissions via an FTP server (prefered way): (to obtain the FTP access data, please contact KNM@tib.eu)

  • we have a user account FOSS4G (ask User:Astrid Emde for the access) to transfer the files easily to TIB

4.2. Single videos via the TIB AV-Portal upload form:

  • If you wish to upload a video, please register in the AV Portal and follow the instructions. The upload form helps * you to insert the metadata to describe the video.
  • Registration and upload steps:
    • Register via the respective tab on the AV Portal.
    • Log in by using your customer name and password.
    • Use the tab "Upload" and fill out the upload form.
    • Specify the publisher as „FOSS4G“ and title of series as „FOSS4G +year”
Requirements by TIB (if you do not use the upload form)
  • Create a directory for every video and metadata file. Save the video file in mp4 and the metadatafile in xml in the directory.
  • The name of the directory and the video file and the metadata file must be identical, so that they can be matched automatically.

For example:

  • folder with the name of the video file foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle
    • name of the video file: foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle.mp4
    • name of the XML-file: foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle.xml
    • name of additional documents like slides: foss4g-2016-1215-mapproxy_in_practice-helle.pdf

How to generate the metadata files

What licence to use

Example 1: For the international community we recommend:

Creative Commons BY 4.0 International

Example 2: If the video is published in Germany and/or addresses the German community we recommend:

Creative Commons BY 3.0 Germany

Contact persons

at TIB:

If you have any questions regarding the publication process, please contact:

  • Lars Gottschalk (Tel.: +49 511 762-14224 ; E-Mail: lars.gottschalk (at) tib.eu)
  • Tolga Karaarslan (Tel.: +49 511 762-14227 ; E-Mail: tolga.karaarslan (at) tib.eu)

If you have any general questions about cooperation with TIB, please contact: Bastian Drees

at OSGeo:

  • Some OSGeo members worked together with TIB already (Astrid Emde, Till Adams). You are welcome to ask for information.

For more information see AV-Portal Info.

Hosting Portals

There are specialized hosting services for tutorials:


  • What about distribution the videos with a bittorrent-style distribution? Maybe OSGeo could provide the infrastructure for this?

Screencasts and Video List

this part is dedicated to short movies showing technical usage of FOSS GIS applications. Less than 10 mins each, please.

please add you contribute at the bottom of the list respecting the table layout

title and link author license duration format description
Mapping your Data Chris Schmidt not specified 4 min flash movie

Using QGIS, Mapserver and Openlayers to easily set up a web mapping application. Large description

GeoServer Tutorials Chris Holmes not specified many videos flash movie List of all official GeoServer tutorials
GRASS 6 Voxel tutorials Soeren Gebbert not specified many videos flash movie Using GRASS 6 to create 3D flow simulations etc.
FOSS GIS tutorials Aaron Racicot CC many videos flash movie Tutorials from www.reprojected.com. Examples include building a new Linux GIS box and building QGIS using Python bindings...
FOSS4G2006 conference video memories Various not specified several videos quicktime movie Lightning Talks, Keynotes, Sponsor talks, ...
Riflessioni sul tema(tismo) Pibinko not specified 3min flash movie GFOSS.it video
Sextante examples ( gvSIG) Victor Ayala CC several videos flash and avi Using Sextante with gvSIG

Presentations and long Speaches

Long public presentations of FOSS GIS softwares

title and link author license duration format description
TikiWiki Map Franck Martin not specified many videos flash movie Tutorials on setting up the TikiWiki map environment
Chris Holmes, GeoServer presentation at Google TechTalks Martin Weis not specified 54 min flash movie
  • Introduction to GeoServer,
  • GeoSpatial Open Standards,
  • GeoServer and Google Earth,
  • Future, towards collaborative data
Mapserver WMS on Google Earth Franck Martin not specified 11 min flash movie Another video on using WMS from mapserver with Google Earth.
? ? ? ? ? ?

GIS- and Geo-related Podcasts

Some suggestions from the hivemind (note these are not necessarily open source specific):

  • Directions Magazine http://www.directionsmag.com/ offers regular podcasts. They occasionally have open source related content by Adena Schutzberg (Directions staff) and others.

How to do your screencast

please add your suggestions on how you did your screencast. Please try to use and suggest Free Software.


