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== Call for Workshops ==
'''NEWS! The abstract submission deadline for both the academic track and the presentation track has been extended to 23 May'''.
=== Preliminary Version ===
FOSS4G 2008 Conference Call for Workshops
Continue reading below and see [[FOSS4G 2008 Announcements]] for more details.
The FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference is pleased to announce the Call for Workshops for the 2008 conference which is being held September 29-October 3 in Cape Town, South Africa.
==Extension of Abstract Submission Deadline to 23 May 2008==
We are pleased to announce an extension in the abstract submission deadline for the 2008 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference, incorporating GISSA 2008, being held from 29 September to 3 October, in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa.  This is due to the fact that there was a glitch with the online submission process which appeared to be already closed for submissions yesterday, the 12 of May on the last day of submissions. Thank you to those of you who informed us, so that we could rectify the problem. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. As a result we have extended the date for the submissions of abstracts to Friday the <b>23rd of May 2008</b>. Please endeavor to submit your abstract as soon as possible. We believe that we have ironed out the glitch in the system.
FOSS4g is the premier conference for the open source geospatial community, providing a place for developers, users, and people new to open source geospatial to get a full-immersion experience in both established and leading edge geospatial technologies.
In summary the following still applies:
This year’s FOSS4G conference is a bit different than prior FOSS4G conferences, because it incorporates GISSA 2008, the main GIS Conference on the South African calendar. GISSA is primarily attended by people who are not yet familiar with FOSS4G, however, the South African government has made a strategic commitment to FOSS. This has created a certain amount of clamour for more information about FOSS4G. The FOSS4G Organising Committee believe that immersive workshops could play a crucial role in convincing people that FOSS4G is “An Option for Developing Nations”, working alongside more well known proprietary tools. FOSS4G offers an opportunity to let people experience the FOSS and proprietary software developing nations together.
===Academic Track===
Come to Cape Town to showcase your favorite application, integration solution, or other topic, and get the excitement bubbling around it. You will use your superior classroom skills to lead a group of attendees through your chosen topic in (either a half-day workshop or ninety minute lab session).
This year we are thrilled to host the first academic track for peer reviewed papers at FOSS4G.  The date for submission of abstracts to the academic track is now 23 May 2008.  Abstracts have to be 500-600 words in length, please ensure that these are long enough as abstracts which are too short will automatically be disregarded. These will be reviewed by the Program Committee of the academic track of FOSS4G 2008. You will be notified of acceptance or otherwise on or before 17 June. If your abstract is accepted for the academic track, you have to submit a full paper by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the proceedings. The Programme Committee will compile a short list of high quality papers addressing substantial research questions.  Authors of these papers will be invited to submit a revised paper in response to reviewer comments and suggestions for inclusion in the South African Computer Journal.  
No restrictions are placed on topics for workshops, but we expect interest to be high for workshops on:
===Presentation Track===
The date of submission for abstracts of 500-600 words to the presentation track is now the 23 May 2008. The abstracts submitted to this track will be chosen by an open community process. You will be notified of acceptance or otherwise on or before 17 June. If your abstract is accepted for the presentation track then you will be required to submit your presentation by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the CD proceedings.
===Poster Track===
If you missed the deadline for the paper/presentation abstract or your paper/presentation is not selected you are still welcome to submit an abstract for a poster before the 30th of June 2008. For further information regarding posters please see the call for posters [[#Call for Posters | below]].
===Important Dates===
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
!Peer reviewed papers for the academic track
|Submission of abstracts
|12 May 2008 has been extended to 23 May 2008
|12 May 2008 has been extended to 23 May 2008
|Notification of acceptance
|17 June 2008
|17 June 2008
|Submission of presentations / papers
|18 August 2008 (email to [mailto:inge.netterberg@gmail.com inge.netterberg@gmail.com])
|18 August 2008 (email to [mailto:scoetzee@cs.up.ac.za scoetzee@cs.up.ac.za])
|Submission of abstracts for posters
|30 June 2008
|Notification of acceptance of posters
|21 July 2008
|FOSS4G2008 Conference
|29 September – 3 October 2008
|29 September – 3 October 2008
===Submission Process===
In order to submit an abstract please visit the [http://www.foss4g2008.org FOSS4G2008 website], and select Proposal Submission. This will take you to a login page, where you can enter your existing account information, or if you are new to the site, register for a user account before you can proceed. You will then be taken through a step by step process to submit your abstract. Please make sure that you select the correct track option.
<i><b>NOTE:</b> To submit an abstract you will need to be logged in as an Author: From the User Home page, under Roles, select Authors. If you do not have a role of Author available then go to the “my profile” link and check the Author checkbox. You will then have an Author role under the User Home page.</i>
===General Information===
All FOSS4G 2008 papers/presentations take the form of 25 minute talks, with 5 minute question and answer sessions at the end. Anyone can submit a presentation or paper and take part in the conference as a presenter. Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. Designated poster sessions are scheduled to take place on 30 September and 1 October 2008 between 12:00 and 13:00
Author guidelines for the formatting of the paper or presentation are available below.
Please note that your paper or presentation will only be included in the proceedings once your registration to the conference has been received in full.
For more information, see the [http://www.foss4g2008.org FOSS4G 2008 site]
===Further Queries===
Should you have any further queries that are not addressed on the website then please contact the following:
Technical Programme & Submissions: Inge Netterberg [inge.netterberg@gmail.com]
Academic Track: Serena Coetzee [scoetzee@cs.up.ac.za]
General Track: Inge Netterberg [inge.netterberg@gmail.com]
Poster Track: Mandy Vickers (mandyv at mintek dot co dot za)
==Call for Papers==
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2008 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference, incorporating 'GISSA 2008', being held from 29 September to 3 October, in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa.  For more information, please see the FOSS4G 2008 site: [http://www.foss4g2008.org]
This conference gathers developers and users of open source geospatial software from around the world to discuss new directions, exciting implementations, and growing business opportunities in the field of open source, mixed and propriety geospatial software. FOSS4G is presented annually by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). The local host for FOSS4G2008 is the Geo-Information Society of South Africa, GISSA. FOSS4G 2008 incorporates 'GISSA 2008'. While Free and Open Source GIS is our focus, you are also welcome to submit papers for the 'applied' topics that use proprietary or mixed GIS. We want to encourage exposure, debate and understanding among FOSS and proprietary communities. Talks will be marked clearly on the programme as FOSS / Proprietary / Mixed / Peer Reviewed.
===Topics which must have a FOSS component or perspective are:===
*New FOSS GIS developments
*Interoperability and standards - OGC, GEOSS
*Web processing services, Sensor Web enablement and the like
*Using FOSS with proprietary software
*Making the transition to FOSS GIS
*FOSS GIS support and training
*FOSS GIS business models
*FOSS GIS implementation and deployment
*Open data, open content, open architectures, open everything!
*Case studies of open source implementations
*Improving FOSS GIS cartography and map production
*Use Case driven FOSS GIS development and improving the user experience
*FOSS GIS Internationalisation and Localisation
===Topics for applications, methodologies or theoretical geospatial work are not limited to a FOSS perspective:===
*Sustainable development and the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals)
*Disaster management
*Climate change
*Ecosystem management
*Land reform
*Local economic development, poverty alleviation
*Participatory GIS
*Semantic Web and ontologies in GIS
*Location based services, logistics, routing
*2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa
*NGOs, CBOs (Community-based organisations) and community development workers
*Mining, exploration, beneficiation
*Spatial economics
*Land information and administration (cadastre, address data, etc.)
===Academic Papers Track===
This year we are thrilled to announce the first academic track for peer-reviewed papers.  The date for submission of abstracts to the academic track is 12 May 2008.  Abstracts have to be 500-600 words in length and will be reviewed by the Program Committee of the academic track of FOSS4G 2008. ''Abstracts will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity.'' If your abstract is accepted for the academic track, you have to submit a full paper by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the proceedings.  The Programme Committee will compile a short list of high quality papers addressing substantial research questions.  Authors of these papers will be invited to submit a revised paper in response to reviewer comments and suggestions for inclusion in the [http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_comp.html South African Computer Journal].
===Presentation Track===
The date of submission for abstracts of 500-600 words to the presentation track is the 12 May 2008. The abstracts submitted to this track will be chosen by an open community process. If your abstract is accepted for the presentation track then you will be required to submit your presentation by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the CD proceedings.
==Guidelines for Authors==
In order to keep things simple, for both you the Authors and us the Technical Programme Committee, we have decided to keep the Authors Guidelines for both the Presentations and the Academic Papers the same. You can download a pdf version of the Authors Guidelines (updated 28 July 2008) [[Media:FOSS4G2008_AuthorGuidelines_Paper.pdf | here]].<br>
NB: The '''abstract of the final paper has to be 250 words''' (deadline 18 August 2008), and not 500-600 words as specified in the Author Guidelines above.
==Call for Posters==
'''If you missed the deadline for the paper/presentation abstract or your paper/presentation is not selected you are still welcome to submit an abstract for a poster before the 30th of June 2008.''' The posters will provide an opportunity to showcase your topic to a wide audience at the conference. Poster topics must adhere to the conference theme and be in line with the topics set out in the call for the papers/presentations above.
Posters will be displayed on the landings outside the meeting rooms for the duration of the conference. A designated poster session will be scheduled where authors will need to be present in order to provide further information regarding their posters and answer any questions.
Should you wish to display a poster at the conference please submit a short abstract of 150-300 words detailing the topic and content of your proposed poster. '''Poster abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to mandyv at mintek dot co dot za by the 30th of June 2008.''' Poster abstracts that were submitted via the website before the 23rd of May 2008 will still be included. You will be notified whether your poster has been accepted by the 21st of July 2008. Posters will be selected based on their relevance to the conference topics as space is limited.
Practical Introduction to ________________
Posters must be an AO landscape or A1 portrait size in order to fit on the poster boards. Please indicate your proposed poster size and orientation in the abstract (AO landscape or A1 portrait).
Exposure to a Software Stack
Fitting FOSS4G into the enterprise
Using FOSS4G to solve__________________
In addition, FOSS4G plays strongly in emerging spaces, so workshops with NeoGeography-like themes or on new directions will be welcome and are likely to be fresh topics for many attendees.
“Hands on” events, with participants seated in front of computers and able to follow along with the instructor, working directly with the software and applications under discussion.
Workshops require considerable preparation. Past experience has shown that a high quality workshop requires about three days of preparation for each hour presentation time. As part of this preparation you will be expected to develop material for attendees to take away with them, such as handouts, a ‘workbook’, CDROM, etc.
In recognition of this effort, workshop presenters will receive a reduction in the price of conference registration:
Free registration for delivering a half-day workshop
Half price registration for delivering a 90-minute lab session
If your topic can be delivered in either a half-day or90-minute format, you may want to consider submitting two versions of your topic, because the number of Workshops and Labs is limited. It is unlikely that your topic will be selected for delivery in both formats. You are welcome to submit Workshop/Lab proposals for more than one topic.
Please visit the Call for Papers page on our website to receive instructions for submitting a workshops/lab proposal at: http://conference.osgeo.org/index.php/foss4g/2008/shedConf/cfp
The deadline for workshop proposals submission is 15 April, 2008. You will hear whether your proposal has been accepted by 30 April, after which you will be required to register for the conference to confirm your attendance, as well as subscribe to the conference workshops mailing list (conference-workshops@lists.osgeo.org ), which will be the forum for discussing your workshop development, progress and logistics with the Workshop Committee, members of the OSGeo community, and fellow presenters.

Latest revision as of 03:49, 12 February 2015

Back to FOSS4G2008 ...

NEWS! The abstract submission deadline for both the academic track and the presentation track has been extended to 23 May.

Continue reading below and see FOSS4G 2008 Announcements for more details.

Extension of Abstract Submission Deadline to 23 May 2008

We are pleased to announce an extension in the abstract submission deadline for the 2008 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference, incorporating GISSA 2008, being held from 29 September to 3 October, in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. This is due to the fact that there was a glitch with the online submission process which appeared to be already closed for submissions yesterday, the 12 of May on the last day of submissions. Thank you to those of you who informed us, so that we could rectify the problem. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. As a result we have extended the date for the submissions of abstracts to Friday the 23rd of May 2008. Please endeavor to submit your abstract as soon as possible. We believe that we have ironed out the glitch in the system.

In summary the following still applies:

Academic Track

This year we are thrilled to host the first academic track for peer reviewed papers at FOSS4G. The date for submission of abstracts to the academic track is now 23 May 2008. Abstracts have to be 500-600 words in length, please ensure that these are long enough as abstracts which are too short will automatically be disregarded. These will be reviewed by the Program Committee of the academic track of FOSS4G 2008. You will be notified of acceptance or otherwise on or before 17 June. If your abstract is accepted for the academic track, you have to submit a full paper by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the proceedings. The Programme Committee will compile a short list of high quality papers addressing substantial research questions. Authors of these papers will be invited to submit a revised paper in response to reviewer comments and suggestions for inclusion in the South African Computer Journal.

Presentation Track

The date of submission for abstracts of 500-600 words to the presentation track is now the 23 May 2008. The abstracts submitted to this track will be chosen by an open community process. You will be notified of acceptance or otherwise on or before 17 June. If your abstract is accepted for the presentation track then you will be required to submit your presentation by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the CD proceedings.

Poster Track

If you missed the deadline for the paper/presentation abstract or your paper/presentation is not selected you are still welcome to submit an abstract for a poster before the 30th of June 2008. For further information regarding posters please see the call for posters below.

Important Dates

Presentations Peer reviewed papers for the academic track
Submission of abstracts 12 May 2008 has been extended to 23 May 2008 12 May 2008 has been extended to 23 May 2008
Notification of acceptance 17 June 2008 17 June 2008
Submission of presentations / papers 18 August 2008 (email to inge.netterberg@gmail.com) 18 August 2008 (email to scoetzee@cs.up.ac.za)
Submission of abstracts for posters 30 June 2008 N/A
Notification of acceptance of posters 21 July 2008 N/A
FOSS4G2008 Conference 29 September – 3 October 2008 29 September – 3 October 2008

Submission Process

In order to submit an abstract please visit the FOSS4G2008 website, and select Proposal Submission. This will take you to a login page, where you can enter your existing account information, or if you are new to the site, register for a user account before you can proceed. You will then be taken through a step by step process to submit your abstract. Please make sure that you select the correct track option.

NOTE: To submit an abstract you will need to be logged in as an Author: From the User Home page, under Roles, select Authors. If you do not have a role of Author available then go to the “my profile” link and check the Author checkbox. You will then have an Author role under the User Home page.

General Information

All FOSS4G 2008 papers/presentations take the form of 25 minute talks, with 5 minute question and answer sessions at the end. Anyone can submit a presentation or paper and take part in the conference as a presenter. Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. Designated poster sessions are scheduled to take place on 30 September and 1 October 2008 between 12:00 and 13:00

Author guidelines for the formatting of the paper or presentation are available below. Please note that your paper or presentation will only be included in the proceedings once your registration to the conference has been received in full. For more information, see the FOSS4G 2008 site

Further Queries

Should you have any further queries that are not addressed on the website then please contact the following:

Technical Programme & Submissions: Inge Netterberg [inge.netterberg@gmail.com]

Academic Track: Serena Coetzee [scoetzee@cs.up.ac.za]

General Track: Inge Netterberg [inge.netterberg@gmail.com]

Poster Track: Mandy Vickers (mandyv at mintek dot co dot za)

Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2008 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference, incorporating 'GISSA 2008', being held from 29 September to 3 October, in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. For more information, please see the FOSS4G 2008 site: [1]

This conference gathers developers and users of open source geospatial software from around the world to discuss new directions, exciting implementations, and growing business opportunities in the field of open source, mixed and propriety geospatial software. FOSS4G is presented annually by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). The local host for FOSS4G2008 is the Geo-Information Society of South Africa, GISSA. FOSS4G 2008 incorporates 'GISSA 2008'. While Free and Open Source GIS is our focus, you are also welcome to submit papers for the 'applied' topics that use proprietary or mixed GIS. We want to encourage exposure, debate and understanding among FOSS and proprietary communities. Talks will be marked clearly on the programme as FOSS / Proprietary / Mixed / Peer Reviewed.

Topics which must have a FOSS component or perspective are:

  • New FOSS GIS developments
  • Interoperability and standards - OGC, GEOSS
  • Web processing services, Sensor Web enablement and the like
  • Using FOSS with proprietary software
  • Making the transition to FOSS GIS
  • FOSS GIS support and training
  • FOSS GIS business models
  • FOSS GIS implementation and deployment
  • Open data, open content, open architectures, open everything!
  • Case studies of open source implementations
  • Improving FOSS GIS cartography and map production
  • Use Case driven FOSS GIS development and improving the user experience
  • FOSS GIS Internationalisation and Localisation

Topics for applications, methodologies or theoretical geospatial work are not limited to a FOSS perspective:

  • Sustainable development and the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals)
  • Disaster management
  • Health
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Climate change
  • Weather
  • Ecosystem management
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Land reform
  • Education
  • Government
  • Local economic development, poverty alleviation
  • Participatory GIS
  • Semantic Web and ontologies in GIS
  • Location based services, logistics, routing
  • 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa
  • NGOs, CBOs (Community-based organisations) and community development workers
  • Mining, exploration, beneficiation
  • Spatial economics
  • Military
  • Land information and administration (cadastre, address data, etc.)

Academic Papers Track

This year we are thrilled to announce the first academic track for peer-reviewed papers. The date for submission of abstracts to the academic track is 12 May 2008. Abstracts have to be 500-600 words in length and will be reviewed by the Program Committee of the academic track of FOSS4G 2008. Abstracts will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. If your abstract is accepted for the academic track, you have to submit a full paper by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the proceedings. The Programme Committee will compile a short list of high quality papers addressing substantial research questions. Authors of these papers will be invited to submit a revised paper in response to reviewer comments and suggestions for inclusion in the South African Computer Journal.

Presentation Track

The date of submission for abstracts of 500-600 words to the presentation track is the 12 May 2008. The abstracts submitted to this track will be chosen by an open community process. If your abstract is accepted for the presentation track then you will be required to submit your presentation by 18 August 2008 for inclusion in the CD proceedings.

Guidelines for Authors

In order to keep things simple, for both you the Authors and us the Technical Programme Committee, we have decided to keep the Authors Guidelines for both the Presentations and the Academic Papers the same. You can download a pdf version of the Authors Guidelines (updated 28 July 2008) here.
NB: The abstract of the final paper has to be 250 words (deadline 18 August 2008), and not 500-600 words as specified in the Author Guidelines above.

Call for Posters

If you missed the deadline for the paper/presentation abstract or your paper/presentation is not selected you are still welcome to submit an abstract for a poster before the 30th of June 2008. The posters will provide an opportunity to showcase your topic to a wide audience at the conference. Poster topics must adhere to the conference theme and be in line with the topics set out in the call for the papers/presentations above.

Posters will be displayed on the landings outside the meeting rooms for the duration of the conference. A designated poster session will be scheduled where authors will need to be present in order to provide further information regarding their posters and answer any questions.

Should you wish to display a poster at the conference please submit a short abstract of 150-300 words detailing the topic and content of your proposed poster. Poster abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to mandyv at mintek dot co dot za by the 30th of June 2008. Poster abstracts that were submitted via the website before the 23rd of May 2008 will still be included. You will be notified whether your poster has been accepted by the 21st of July 2008. Posters will be selected based on their relevance to the conference topics as space is limited.

Posters must be an AO landscape or A1 portrait size in order to fit on the poster boards. Please indicate your proposed poster size and orientation in the abstract (AO landscape or A1 portrait).