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=FOSS4G 2008 LiveDVD=
== Goal ==
To create a live CD\DVD with as much OSGEO software as possible to be used in workshops, as handouts at conferences and to demonstrate a full functioning FOSS GIS stack.
[[Category: Software Stack]]
[[Category: Live-demo]]
== Download ==
Download the live DVD from here: http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/ .
== FOSS4G 2008 LiveDVD Contents ==
With the development of the FOSS4G 2008 Live DVD, I have added the [[FOSS4G2008_LiveDVD|index page of the DVD]] to the wiki.
* Communication on the [http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-grass-general Debian GIS list]
* IRC will be on irc://freenode.net#osgeo
* Logs:
** [http://logs.qgis.org/osgeo/%23osgeo.2008-09-11.log Kickoff discussion]
== What exists as of September, 11 2008 ==
!Authors!!Distro Base!!Packages!!Building tool!!Link
|MapGuideOS, adding [http://mapfish.org MapFish], and [http://spatialdataintegrator.com/ SDI] ?
|PostGIS, geoserver, gvsig
|[[LISAsoft-LiveCD process]]
| QGIS, Grass, PostGIS, GDAL, R
|[http://uck.sourceforge.net/ UCK]
|[http://livecd.ominiverdi.org/index.php?page=LiveCD&toc=livecd Ominiverdi Edu Live]
|Postgis, geoserver, deegree, geonetwork
|[http://www.gvsig.gva.es/index.php?id=1992&L=0&K=1 gvsig live]
== Live DVD for [[FOSS4G2008]] ==
* DVD in size (not CD)
* '''Base Distribution:''' Xubuntu
* We will start from the Ominiverdi [http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/ image]
* LISAsoft will add Geoserver and hopefully other java packages
!Who did testing!!ISO Image!!Results!!Machines
| Cameron Shorter
| FOSS4G-2008-LiveDVD-Alpha2.iso 
| Loaded fine, didn't note any problems with images
| [[User:Wildintellect|Alex Mandel]]
| FOSS4G-2008-LiveDVD-Alpha3_4.iso
* Loaded ok, no login problems.
* QGIS ok, sampledata ok,
* Mapserver appears to be working but the desktop icon doesn't go to anything useful, actually goes to an error page saying that no query was provided.
* QGIS think the Grass dataset is under the ubuntu user, but the user was changed to demo.
| VMWare Beta 2 on Ubuntu 8.04 amd64
| [[User:darkblue_b|Brian Hamlin]]
| FOSS4G-2008-LiveDVD-Alpha3_4.iso
|PGAdmin/psql, QGis Pg layers, ok.. ''GeoServer MapPreview of Alaska Layer in OpenLayers shows no results??''
| MacBook,  VirtualBox 2 on amd64
| [[User:nhermann|Nicol Hermann]]
| FOSS4G-2008-LiveDVD-Alpha3_4.iso
| Loading OK. Missing raster layer in gvSIG project, unsure what password to use for postgis ODBC connection during gvSIG startup. I found no logout/shoutdown link on the Desktop. Does this happen intentionally?
| Lenovo T60, WLAN was not detected
| [[User:ominiverdi|Lorenzo Becchi]]
| FOSS4G-2008-LiveDVD-Alpha3_4.iso
*Autorun fails because directs to ''index.htm'' while the file name is ''index.html''
* ''index.html'' offers no link to installers but the text "Prova Livecd"
| Windows on VirtualBOX 1.5
| [[User:ominiverdi|Lorenzo Becchi]]
| FOSS4G-2008-LiveDVD-Alpha3_4.iso
*''Readme'' file on the last line tells ''(www.ominiverdi)'' instead of ''(www.ominiverdi.org)''
* Mapserver doesn't seem to have a local mapfile to show local data
* I've made a mapfile for Mapserver: [[Live_GIS_Disc:mapfile_for_mapserver]] and added few instruction how to use it. so it can be used by other applications
| LiveCD on VirtualBOX 1.5
* shellexecute=index.htm
* Password is in the Readme on the desktop, maybe we should but it on the desktop by embedding it in the background image?
* Logout/shutdown is in the upper right corner, as well as on the main menu.
=== DVD Burning ===
* Burn onto a DVD
* Graphics to be printed onto the other side with a suitable logo and contents. A simple one colour print run will be sufficient.
* Target print run of at least 100. If budget permits, 250 would be better. It would be good to give one to all local delegates who want one.
* We need to know when we need to hand over the ISO image so that it can be burned.
* The more time we have, the more testing we can do on the image and the more polished it will be.
** We can hand the image over on Tuesday 23 September, but would prefer if we had till Thursday 2 October.
Potential Printers:
The 2008 Local Organising Committee have provided the following details for burning DVDs and printing: [[FOSS4G_2008_Media_Facilities]]
From the 2008 Local Organising Committee:
* Heindrich Du Plessis
* Burnie / Inge, have a list of service providers that is being used for the conference CDs?
Tim Bowden has found someone as well ...
=== Build Process ===
=== LiveCD for FOSS4G2008 Schedule ===
|| Fr 12 Sept || <s>IRC kickoff meeting</s>||
|| Fr 19 Sept || <s>Draft ISO to be released for testing (feature freeze)</s> ||
|| We 24 Sept || <s>Final ISO complete</s> ||
|| Th 25 Sept || Burn CDs || Tim Bowden
|| Mo 29 Sept || FOSS4G 2008 Starts||
=== Who's helping ===
* LISAsoft can provide equivalent of 1 resource, split between Mark Leslie, Stefan Hansen, Volker Mische, & Cameron Shorter.
* jsanz, chevi
* wildintellect have offered 2 days
* Tim Bowden is looking into CD burning
* Luca Casagrande and Ominiverdi Family
* [[HamishBowman]] can provide DebianGIS integration help
* ... (add your name)
== Long Term Plan ==
Not discussed yet. To be considered at the FOSS4G BOF (and irc hookup for those not present)
* Next updated release for [[GIS Day 2008]], November 19th
** Include QGIS 1.0
* Addition of some more python tools:
** OGR
** Shapely
** Featureserver
** Tilecache
** MapFish
* Add JTS-1.8.0, with a script to launch the TestBuilder as a demo
* Add OpenStreetMap stuff :
** Mapnik
== Links to related projects ==
* [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis/LiveImages DebianGIS Live Image]
: [http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-grass/packages/debian-gis/?rev=0&sc=0 build scripts in SVN]
* [http://livecd.ominiverdi.org/index.php?page=LiveCD&toc=livecd Omniverdi LiveCD project]
* [http://grass.osgeo.org/download/cdrom.php List of live CDs from the GRASS download site]
== Links to Build tool options ==
* [http://packages.debian.org/sid/live-helper live-helper]
* [http://www.gnewsense.org/Builder/HowToCreateYourOwnGNULinuxDistribution Gnewsense method]
* [http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-linux-mint-livecd-with-remastersys Remastersys]
* [http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd Debian\Ubuntu Tricks]
* [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization Ubuntu Help Way]

Latest revision as of 12:17, 29 January 2018

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