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[[Category:Board Meetings 2017]]

Revision as of 04:59, 5 October 2017

This board meeting is scheduled for 7 September 2017 (the first Thursday of each month) at [1] through IRC and follow up voting on Loomio.


Current items

  • roll call
  • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  • Approve last meeting minutes
  • Incubation committee update
  • FOSS4G 2009 License Agreement for TIB
  • Web site hosting decision with SAC
  • Schedule OSGeo Candidate Review meeting with CRO
  • Schedule Project review meeting
  • Discuss and approve revised DOI MOU
  • Review outstanding f2f meeting action items


  • Attending: Venka, Anita, Helena, Angelos, Jody, Vasile, Sanghee, Michael
  • Presiding: Venka
  • Scribing: Angelos
  • Approval of previous board F2F meeting minutes on 2017-08-14
    • Discussion if F2F meeting minutes can be approved without separate approval of all motions on e-mail/loomio.
    • Motion to approve blocked because minutes need review
  • Incubation committee update
    • The website/rebranding push has scared up a lot of open source activity we did not know was happening in our community and a few of those projects are applying to become OSGeo community projects
    • The incubation committee also passed a motion with respect to making incubation branding available to participating projects while they go through the incubation process. specifically: Make the Incubation Committee Logo available to community projects participating in the incubation program for the expressed purpose of linking to their project graduation checklist.
    • Angelos reported that OSGeo-Live did not apply for being listed as a Community Project since some members of the PSC feel that Community Projects status does not reflect the maturity that the project has, and that this projects category was introduced to host small projects that would never have a chance to graduate incubation. Jody responded that this is not the case: it was introduced for projects that are not interested in incubation, and to attract projects that are focused on incubation - not necessarily the stability that is expected of OSGeo projects.
    • The rules of projects being listed as Community Projects was discussed and this will be followed up in Incubation mailing list
  • FOSS4G 2009 License Agreement for TIB
  • Web site hosting decision with SAC
    • Serious trouble with SAC and hosting, enough the board may need to intervene
    • Jeff McKenna has offered to handle website maintenance and learn how to host. SAC expects a proposal about content and sys admin work.
    • There are quotes about hosting solutions for the new web site, all quotes are within the SAC budget.
    • The board would like SAC to act on this issue.
    • Proposal includes to take this quote from get interactive (basically their sys admins would set up cloud hosting and integrate with our LDAP) as training wheels while Jeff learns how to run wordpress.
  • Schedule OSGeo Candidate Review meeting with CRO
    • Should the meeting be held even if no -1 votes? if there are no -1 votes it is a short meeting where we accept and publish new charter members
    • Discussion about providing a time extension for confirmation e-mails and seconding votes. All in favor to keep the deadline and extend the confirmation for 24h
    • OSGeo Candidate Review meeting with CRO at 14:00 UTC Sep 14th
    • Jody listed some questions that were raised in discuss list:

Q: Will the nominated person who has been vetoed be publicly named (this might be seen as insensitive and might be best to inform them privately). A:The board motion calls for transparency in this manner, it may be enough to indicate that the nomination was unsuccessful. Q: Will the person sending the veto be named? A: The review is conducted blind by the board. Q: Will the board member votes be made public? A: Yes (The board publish minuets of all meetings) Q: Will the reasons someone has been excluded be made public? A: Reasons will be discussed as part of the blind review process.

  • Discuss and approve revised DOI MOU
    • Jody raised the issue that this MOU does not have open source contributions in it. Proposed the following addition: 6. OSGeo shall endeavor to coordinate with DOI personal and subject matter experts to facilitate open source contribution, participation and collaboration.
    • Jody to get in touch with Doug Newcomb to make the changes
  • Schedule Project review meeting
    • Jeff McKenna will share review document with Board.
    • Review meeting dates can be decided on e-mail.


  • Angelos to follow up the discussion about Community Projects and incubation rules on Incubation mailing list.
  • Jody to get in touch with Doug Newcomb to make changes to the DOI MOU
  • Jody to add that clause with appropriate DOI contact


MOT1: Motion to approve Boston F2F board meeting https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Face_to_Face_Meeting_Boston_2017

MOT2: Motion to Sign the provided paperwork releasing all the salvaged videos to TIB based in them being published on the FOSS4G 2009 site under a creative commons license.

MOT3: OSGeo Candidate Review meeting with CRO at 14:00 UTC Sep 14th

  • Motion by Angelos
  • Approve: Jody, Helena, Michael, Venka
  • Abstain: None
  • Disagree: Sanghee
  • Block: None
  • Motion passed

MOT4: 24h extra time for confirmations for last minute nominations

  • Motion by Angelos
  • Approve: Vasile, Helena, Michael, Venka, Sanghee
  • Abstain: None
  • Disagree: None
  • Block: None
  • Motion passed

MOT 5: Approve DOI MOU in its current form