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{{OSGeo Member
{{OSGeo Member
|Name=Just van den Broecke
|Name=Just van den Broecke
|JobTitle=Open Source Geospatial Professional
|Company=Just Objects B.V.
|Address=Amstelveen, The Netherlands
|Address=Amstelveen, The Netherlands
|Country=The Netherlands
|Coordinate=52.312183, 4.85285
|Coordinate=52.312183, 4.85285
|InstantMessaging=Skype: justb4;
|Languages=Dutch; English; German; French;
|Info=Just van den Broecke is a software consultant/architect with ample experience in various projects and products involving and integrating OSGeo and other Open Source software.
Since 2011 Just is heavily involved in the [http://www.osgeo.nl OSGeo Dutch Language Local Chapter], first as initiator/trailblazer, currently as chairman on the board of the
OSGeo.nl Foundation. He is a regular speaker at various OSGeo-related conferences on OSGeo-subjects ranging from highly technical like the OSGeo Live DVD and specific
software/standards to Open Source and Open Data in general. He became [http://www.osgeo.org/charter_members OSGeo Charter Member] in 2013.
{{OSGeo Experience
===[[Just van den Broecke]]===
[[File:Justvdbroecke-gwf2012.jpg|thumb|right|100px|Just van den Broecke]]
Open Source Geospatial Professional at [http://justobjects.nl Just Objects B.V.] and the [http://opengeogroep.nl Dutch OpenGeoGroep]
Location: Amstelveen, the Netherlands
Just van den Broecke is a software consultant/architect with ample experience in various projects and products involving and integrating OSGeo and other Open Source software.
Since 2011 Just is heavily involved in the [http://www.osgeo.nl OSGeo Dutch Language Local Chapter], first as initiator/trailblazer, currently as secretary of the board of the
OSGeo.nl Foundation. He is a regular speaker at various OSGeo-related conferences on OSGeo-subjects ranging from highly technical like the OSGeo Live DVD and specific
software/standards to Open Source and Open Data in general. He became [http://www.osgeo.org/charter_members OSGeo Charter Member] in 2013.
Read more details on his [http://justobjects.nl homepage/blog] and [http://nl.linkedin.com/in/justb4 LinkedIn] profile.
;OSGeo Experience [[File:OSGeo_coder.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#Developers_and_Committee_Members]] [[File:OSGeo_user.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#OSGeo_Community_Members]] [[File:OSGeo_charter.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#OSGeo_Charter_Members]] [[File:OSGeo_chair.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#Voted_position_in_an_OSGeo_community]]
:* Trailblazer for setting up the [[Nederlands | Dutch Language OSGeo Chapter]]  (2011) and Chairman of the Board of the [http://www.osgeo.nl OSGeo.nl Foundation]
:* Presenter at FOSS4G 2006, 2010, 2011 and 2013 and FOSS4G-EU 2017. Chairing two sessions at FOSS4G 2013.
:* (Co-)organized several [http://www.osgeo.nl OSGeo.nl] Days: 2012-2017, supported [http://foss4g.nl FOSS4G-NL]
:* Organized and chaired the OSGeo [http://geospatialworldforum.org/2012/open.htm Open Source Seminar at the Geospatial World Forum 2012]
:* Presented OSGeo at the Geospatial World Forum Open Source Seminar 2012 and 2013
:* Keynote speaker at [http://osgeo.nl/osgeonl_dag_2012.html OSGeo.nl Conference 2012]
:* Implementation of INSPIRE using OSGeo software in [http://inspire-foss.org INSPIRE-FOSS project]
:* Initiator and core developer for the [http://www.nlextract.nl Dutch NLExtract ETL project]
:* Initiator and lead for the [http://heron-mc.org Heron Mapping Client]
:* Initiator and lead for the [https://stetl.org Stetl ETL Framework]
:* Committer for [http://geonetwork-opensource.org GeoNetwork Opensource]
:* Contributions to OpenLayers, GeoWebCache, [http://ole.geops.de OpenLayers Editor], GeoExt, GXP and Wegue
:* Member of the [https://geopython.github.io GeoPython GitHub Community]
:* Core developer  [https://geohealthcheck.org GeoHealthCheck Project]
:* Core developer  [https://pygeoapi.io pygeoapi Project]
:* Owner/developer  [https://map5.nl map5.nl map services], in cooperation with J.W. van Aalst, a.o. based on [http://opentopo.nl OpenTopo]
:* Working experience in various projects promoting and deploying OSGeo software like the [http://pdok.nl Dutch National SDI PDOK] and the [http://www.kadaster.nl Dutch Kadaster] .
: Email: just@justobjects.nl
: Skype: justb4
: Twitter: justb4
;Spoken Language(s): Dutch (1st), English (2nd), German, French (modeste)
;Profile last updated: August 15, 2019
[[Category:OSGeo Member]][[Category:Nederland]][[Category:Nederlands]] [[Category:OSGeo Advocate]]

Revision as of 14:59, 22 May 2020

OSGeo Member
Name: Just van den Broecke
Job Title:
Address: Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Country: [[|{{{Country}}}]]
Local Chapter: [[|{{{LocalChapter}}}]]
Instant Messaging:
Personal Description :
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