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== World<br> ==
== World<br> ==
'''1- Representation:'''
''To use a world map for changing yoursite.com's language at any of yourwebsite.com's pages doesn't look that navigatable because the image has to be big enough to match the coordinates of each of yoursite.com's languages and some of them could have 'too' small area coordenates in a world view.
It could be used comfortably, as a yoursite/index.html (ex: at http://wikipedia.org )
'''.1- Representation:'''
.1- Eckert
.1- Eckert
Line 78: Line 82:
'''PHP-Python/SQL CMSs Projects'''
'''PHP-Python/SQL CMSs Projects'''
Admin Demos - http://opensourcecms.com
''All 'good' CMSs have multilingual features and have its 'Select your Language' in their incorrect Dropdowns + Flags which could be subsituted by Languages Maps.  
''Place an HTML and/or a 'Select Your Language' option as a Yoursite.com's Center Block.  
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-Add your code/coordenates and specify if HTML, PHP, Python, etc..
-Placing the mouse in an area where there are 2 oficial languages, it should show you to select language1 or language2 in a 'sort of' pop up.
-The sea can be used as a menu place, english language redirect, for esperanto, for ..
-Placing the mouse in an area where there are 2 oficial languages, it should show you to select language1 or language2 in a 'sort of' pop up.
-Same image coordinates + same images' size + diferent coloured = Map Coats
-All CMSs are multilingual and have its 'Select your Language' in their incorrect Dropdowns + Flags which could be subsituted by these kind of Languages Maps.
In the CMSs case, you can place this map as a Yoursite.com Center Block. I thought about to change the language of any page of the site through a world map and doesn't look that navigatable.

Revision as of 10:39, 21 March 2006



To use a world map for changing yoursite.com's language at any of yourwebsite.com's pages doesn't look that navigatable because the image has to be big enough to match the coordinates of each of yoursite.com's languages and some of them could have 'too' small area coordenates in a world view. It could be used comfortably, as a yoursite/index.html (ex: at http://wikipedia.org )

.1- Representation:

.1- Eckert


.2- Peters

.3- ..

.2- View:

.1- Physical

.2- Demographic

.3- Political


Localer areas

.1- Continents

Rigth click your mouse in the image above - 'Save as' - Upload it to yourwebsite.com/subdirectory - Paste this coordenates in a yourwebsite.com/subdirectory/index.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <TITLE></TITLE> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="OpenOffice.org 2.0 (Win32)"> <META NAME="CREATED" CONTENT="20060101;1530603"> <META NAME="CHANGED" CONTENT="20060101;2041948"> <STYLE> </STYLE>


<MAP NAME="MAP1"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="590,296,519,338,575,356,611,309,590,296" HREF="http://newzealand.yoursite.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="New zealand"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="537,220,491,251,491,309,563,309,611,269,575,220,577,220,537,220" HREF="http://australia.yoursite.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="Australia"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="250,99,355,95,355,154,412,192,388,310,253,291,251,291,248,291,250,99" HREF="http://africa.yoursite.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="Africa"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="595,15,601,218,465,220,365,148,355,16,595,15" HREF="http://asia.yoursite.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="Asia"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="353,20,355,95,271,94,271,16,353,20" HREF="http://europe.exchangeyou.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="Europe"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="43,108,232,164,217,330,64,328,43,108" HREF="http://southamerica.yoursite.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="Southamerica"><AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS="270,18,127,128,59,108,69,66,15,49,18,16,271,18,270,18" HREF="http://northamerica.yoursite.com/" TARGET="_self" ALT="Northamerica"></MAP><IMG SRC="http://yoursite.com/subdirectoryfortheaboveimage/eckert.JPG" NAME="graphics1" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=642 HEIGHT=374 BORDER=0 USEMAP="#MAP1">


Modify the urls - Continents division!

.2- Other


HTML Image cutting

http://openoffice.org/ :

Writer - Insert - Edit - Image Map - Save as - HTML Document

PHP-Python/SQL CMSs Projects

Admin Demos - http://opensourcecms.com

All 'good' CMSs have multilingual features and have its 'Select your Language' in their incorrect Dropdowns + Flags which could be subsituted by Languages Maps.

Place an HTML and/or a 'Select Your Language' option as a Yoursite.com's Center Block.


-Placing the mouse in an area where there are 2 oficial languages, it should show you to select language1 or language2 in a 'sort of' pop up.

-The sea can be used as a menu place, english language redirect, for esperanto, for ..

-Same image coordinates + same images' size + diferent coloured = Map Coats
