Difference between revisions of "Usermap-develop"

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* Create nicer pop-up a la Google
* Create nicer pop-up a la Google
** Yves suggests the FramedCoud OpenlLayer popUpClass. Anybody against it?  
** Yves suggests the FramedCoud OpenlLayer popUpClass. Anybody against it?  
* I'm thinking about adding an extra column to the users table to define group dependencies for each user. So it would be possible to show just memebers aof a specified group (e.g. local chapter).
* I'm thinking about adding an extra column to the users table to define group dependencies for each user. So it would be possible to show just memebers of a specified group (e.g. local chapter).
* possibility to delete one self from the database.
* possibility to delete one self from the database.
* possibility to delete own mapViews from the database.
* possibility to delete own mapViews from the database.

Revision as of 12:04, 11 March 2009

This page is for the request of new features and the reporting of problems/errors according to the Usermap.

New features to test

I had a little "usermap code sprint" :) the last days and added a new "AdminTool", where you can set your map parameters and define several maps. I installed a wiki as a test playground for the usermap. Anybody can crate an account and play with it.

-> http://wiki.christian-willmes.de

I hope it will be not too much spam in the wiki because of the open account create functionality, when it gets to much I have to close the account creating option, so be fast ;)

If you find bugs, or want additional functionality make a comment on this page or contact me directly.

Requested features

  • Create nicer pop-up a la Google
    • Yves suggests the FramedCoud OpenlLayer popUpClass. Anybody against it?
  • I'm thinking about adding an extra column to the users table to define group dependencies for each user. So it would be possible to show just memebers of a specified group (e.g. local chapter).
  • possibility to delete one self from the database.
  • possibility to delete own mapViews from the database.
  • Change hyperlink in pop-up to target a new window

Reported Problems and Errors


If you feel like fixing a bug or want to add a feature yourself. The usermap code is hosted in an SVN repository: http://svn.christian-willmes.de/usermap

Contact Christian Willmes for commit access to the svn.

See also