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This is a list of proposed abstracts to be presented at FOSS4G 2009
This is a list of proposed abstracts to be presented at FOSS4G 2009
The abstract descriptions can be found here: http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/c/c7/Foss4g2009_proposed_presentations.pdf
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Revision as of 03:35, 10 July 2009

This is a list of proposed abstracts to be presented at FOSS4G 2009

The abstract descriptions can be found here: http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/c/c7/Foss4g2009_proposed_presentations.pdf

Title Author
An Open Architecture for RESTful Geospatial Web Services Geoff Zeiss
Integration of Grid Service and Web Processing Service Gao Ang
The Use of Free and Open Source Software for Spatial Data Catalog in Indonesia Gatot Pramono
GIS in Banking Paul Zulu
Road Traffic Accident Analysis Using GIS and Data Mining tafireyi
Integrating OpenStreetMap, satellite imagery, and custom maps into Wikipedia Katie Filbert
Developing the implementing interface for agricultural decision support system using MapWinGIS Yong Li
Portable Wiki Map Server and Real Time Enivornmental MySQL GIS Server Stacey D. Lyle
Maptivism: GIS for the People! Jim Craner
MapTiler: map publishing a la Google Maps Klokan Petr Pridal
Building Custom GIS Applications using Open-Source Toolkits – A Case Study Dr. Daniel B. Koch
Building Human Sensor Webs with 52° North SWE Implementations Jürrens, Bröring, Everding, Jirka, Stasch
Proj4js - Coordinate System Transformations in the Browser Michael Adair
Web Mapping with Fusion Michael Adair
Developing SWE Client Applications with the 52°North OX-Framework Arne Bröring, Simon Jirka
The GENESIS Sensor Discovery Framework Simon Jirka
Orfeo Toolbox: from satellite images to geographic information Emmanuel Christophe
Enhancing the “P” in Participatory-GIS projects through the use of FOSS4G tools Marc M. Delgado
Engaging NGOs in geospatial initiatives using FOSS4G for improved development work at various scales Marc M. Delgado
Zonae Cogito - A decision support system for the real world Matthew Watts
GeoServer application schema support: complex features for the masses Ben Caradoc-Davies
eC4GPS: a cooperative platform for the self-calibration of GPS devices Maria Antonia Brovelli
The Time Series Toolbox Thomas Bleier
OCEAN Toolkit: Incorporating Local Knowledge into Marine Spatial Planning Tim Welch
Extension to Geoserver to read ESRI Mapcaches Pär Jonsson
LocStat, a sign-based digital location system Mark Relling
CityGML extension for Building Information Modelling (BIM) and IFC Léon van Berlo
Introducing FDO Toolbox Jackie Ng
A Facebook Application to Share Your Weather Data by Using Sensor Web Technologies Arne Bröring, Simon Jirka
A robust, low cost, GIS enabled data capture & management system for commercial/research vessels. Brent Wood
NICAMS: a spatialy enabled image analysis tool for photographic transect surveys. Brent Wood
A spatial and temporal analysis of New Zealand's commercial trawl and dredge data. Brent Wood
Styling with SLD, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love XML Mike Pumphrey
PostGIS and Oracle Spatial Simon Greener
Validation of Satellite Image with Ground Sensor Network based on OGC Web Services Framework Sarawut Ninsawat
Partner Management with Geography and Open Source Software Laurent Pierre
Irrigation decision support based on a link between pyWPS and IDL/ENVI, accessing multi-temporal WCS Drapeau
Getting A Pulse Sophia Parafina
Application of open source web-GIS mapping technology to visualize the hydro-climatic data network Jae
SoilNet SensorNetwork goes web Till Adams
Comparing apples and oranges: Uncovering the mystery of component selection in WebGIS projects Marc Jansen
Large scale collecting and processing of vector geodata with QGIS, PostGIS and UMN Mapserver Marc Jansen
Using Open Source to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development - CHILE César Medina
Use of cloud computing in impact assessment of climate change Kwang Soo Kim
SCENZ-Grid, The implementation of a Science Collaboration and Computation Environment Niels Hoffmann
Regiofreizeit.de - how to apply WebGIS techniques to the German Reinheitsgebot Till Adams
There is no alternative to OpenLayers...? Till Adams
GeoShield: a server side user permissions management to OGC services Milan Antonovic
goGPS: a navigation software to enhance the accuracy of low cost GPS receivers Eugenio Realini
Mapping interviews with open source technologies Chris McDowall
Spatial Data Infrastructure Components as Building Blocks for Early Warning Systems Hanko Rubach
Implementation OGC Sensor Web Enablement supporting Local Participation in Water Resource Management chaipat Nengcomma
Linking Open-Source SpaceSyntaxMap to GRASS GIS: an experimental development Wen-Chieh (Jeffrey) Wang
nWeb, a data-driven spatial modelling software Florian Mayer
Visualising animal movements in 'near' real time Ben Madin
How to build a sustainable FOSS4G business organization Toru Mori
Geodata and CouchDB Volker Mische
Building community information systems with Drupal and OpenLayers Charles Burnett
Streaming Softwood Harvesting Datastreams to Open Source Steven Cyphers
Mobile Mapping for Field Data Collection Paul Wickman
3D Modelling of Individual Trees Using Full Waveform Lidar Samsung Lim
Visualization of Historical Streetscapes with a Web GIS: Toshikazu SETO
Shortest path search for real road networks with pgRouting Anton
Geocoder.US, redux Schuyler Erle
OpenLayers: Vector Mayhem Tim Schaub
The use of Open Source in Canada's National Forest Information System Brian Low
How to Make a Point Cloud Rain Polygons Schuyler Erle
Building a SDI massively based on OWS David Jonglez
ZOO project : an open WPS Platform Gérald FENOY
From Geodata to Geoinformation-52North Web Processing Service (WPS) and SEXTANTE Bastian Schaeffer
Integration of ILWIS functionality in web based Spatial Data Infrastructures Bastian Schaeffer
Prioritized Geoprocessing in the context of cloud computing Bastian Schaeffer
Secure Delegation in Geoprocessing Workflows Bastian Schaeffer
GISVM Server, Your Open Spatial Virtual Server Ricardo Miguel Moreira de Pinho
Robust artificial structure detection and building detection from a single Satellite image Jyothish Soman
Best of both worlds: Bringing advanced analytical capabilities to open source GIS Carson J. Q. Farmer
Introduction to Geomajas as SDI platform Dirk Frigne
Building a web mapping application with GeoExt Sebastian Benthall
Free GIS-based land suitability model for fruit trees cropping in Colombia ljmartinezm
FLEX/Mapserver application for the Brazilian Industrial Fishing Vessels Monitoring Program Rafael Medeiros Sperb
UML2GML schema Eclipse plug-in Rafael Medeiros Sperb
Coordinating development activities in complex environments Bob Bouvier
A WebGIS for the management, use and protection of the heritage of the municipality of Orgosolo. Giuseppina Vacca
Web Mapping Performance Shoot-out Paul Ramsey
The State of PostGIS Paul Ramsey
Managing Hydrodynamic Models With PHP and MySQL Andrew Goodwin
Using open source geospatial technology in a national environmental regulatory program. Jon Soderberg
MIT GIS Services – Supporting GIS In A Dynamic Academic Environment Lisa Sweeney
A 3D Indoor Pedestrian Simulator using a spatial DBMS Chulmin Jun
A 3D Indoor Crowd Simulator using a spatial DBMS Hyeyoung Kim
Open Source GNSS Reference Server for Assisted-Global Navigation Satellite Systems binghao
A Campus Spatial Information System using the PostGIS Hyunjin
Maps and BI for large organizations Jules Paquette
Cloud database to store map data caio nakashima
Live Demonstration of DEWS Matthias Lendholt
gvSIG Mini. OSM for almost every phone. Javi Carrasco, Alberto Romeu, Miguel Montesinos
Sensor services in gvSIG C. Sánchez, M. Montesinos, F. Peñarrubia,A. Tamayo
OpenGeo: a 'dot-org' to build the Open Geospatial Web Chris Holmes
Improving Community Safety Though Wildfire Mitigation - an Open Source Case Study Alistair Hart
BioSIRT - A national system using Open GIS components Ian Miller
Rabbitscan - a community science challenge Ian Miller
Studio: web 2.0 mapping application generator Cédric Moullet
Case study. map.veloland.ch or how to provide high availability web mapping solutions ? Cédric Moullet
How to create a web 2.0 mapping with MapFish development framework ? Cédric Moullet
GeoServer, GeoTools and GeoBatch: supporting operational Meteorology and Oceanography Simone Giannecchini
The geoSDI project, the Italian Civil Protection National Spatial Data Infrastructure Simone Giannecchini
An hybrid GIS solution to manage the French gas utility network Nicolas BOZON
Web GIS: from Javascript to GWT Pieter De Graef
GeoPrisma : An Access Controlled Map Generator Julien-Samuel Lacroix and Stéphane Guillemette
Using cloud computing for high-availability large scale webmapping applications Claude Philipona
MarineMap: Participatory Marine Protected Area Design Using a Web-Based Open Source Tool Chad Burt
Enviro: a WebGIS interface to evaluate and manage the impact of climate change at regional scale Riccardo De Filippi
Modern Historic Tours: Location Aware Services for the Heritage Tourism Industry Joseph Reeves
expert systems: the improvement in the accuracy of direct georeferencing Daniel ODOnohue
Open Web Processing Services for Improving Accuracy of GPS tracks using Filtering and Map-Matching Venkatesh Raghavan
Mixing Open Source GIS with Microsoft Technologies Pete Smith
A “no-frills”, modular, work systems approach to selecting decision support software tools Frank Kizito
Free and Open Source Software in a Nutshell Arnulf Christl
Case Study: Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry Arnulf Christl
GeoServer in Production Andrea Aime
OSGeo - Globally Powering SDIs Arnulf Christl
The Definition of Open in OGC, OSGeo, and OpenStreetMap Arnulf Christl
Open source geospatial Business Intelligence in action with GeoMondrian and Spatialytics! Dr. Thierry Badard
GeoKettle: A powerful open source spatial ETL tool Dr. Thierry Badard
ebRIM interface for GeoNetwork OpenSource Heikki Doeleman
GeoServer: Past, Present, and Future Justin Deoliveira
Beyond "press Ctrl-P" in web map printing Jan De Moerloose
Development of User Friendly MMPS(MODIS Monitoring Processing System) Prototype SeungYub Kim
Behind the buzz of cloud computing- 52North Open Source Geoprocessing Software in the Google Cloud Bastian Schaeffer
Investment Attraction Support System using OpenSource Application KwangSeop, Song
GISVM, the ultimate tool for teaching FOSS4G Ricardo Miguel Moreira de Pinho
MapServer Project Status Report Daniel Morissette and Jeff McKenna
Oracle Spatial GeoRaster ilucena
Summary of MapServer OGC Web Services Jeff McKenna
Anatomy of a digital field mapping with BeeGIS Andrea Antonello,Silvia Franceschi,Mauro Dedonatis
JGrass, present and future Andrea Antonello,Silvia Franceschi,Riccardo Rigon
JGrass-uDig's sense of climate change Silvia Franceschi,Andrea Antonello,Riccardo Rigon
Development of Satellite Information Management System (SIMS) Shinsuke Kodama
Yukon Planning Atlas - Building regional capacity for land and resource management Jeff Hamm
The Use of Open Geospatial software in SOPAC for Data Cataloging Keleni Raqisia

Academic track

Title Author
Central Server for ‘Welstand’-policy Leon van Berlo
Using GeoDjango and libkml to Visualize 4-D Atmospheric CO2 Monitoring Data Tyler Erickson
UWS Online GIS GeoNetwork metadata catalogue Maria Piquer-Rodriguez and Andrew Lehay
Development of Track Log & POI Management System using Free and Open Source Software Daisuke Yoshida
BIMserver.org: integrating BIM and GIS Léon van Berlo
Visualization of Historical Streetscapes with a Web GIS Toshikazu SETO
Using Open Source Technologies to Spatially Enable Aceh Patrick Fitzgerald
A 3D visualization system for coalmine based on Ogre 3D Zhiwei YU
G3D Based Study on 3D Lane Modeling and its Visualization Zhiwei YU
Application of SWAT for Sediment Yield Estimation in a Mountainous Basin Xianfeng SONG
Developing a prototype of Indoor Geo-Portal service using 3D Open Map APIs BJ Kang
Framework for improving Geosoftware quality using TSPi process Maria Olmos-Siliceo
Geoprocessing in the Clouds Bastian Schaeffer
Open Access Spectral Library Firman Hadi
Spatial and Non-Spatial Information on Flood Monitoring Ponthip Limlahapun
The Capacity Building Tools ‘FOSS4G’ Phisan Santitamnont
Flood mapping and monitoring service build entirely with FLOSS software Vasile Crăciunescu
Media Mapping: Using Georeferenced Images/Audio to support Data Analysis Phil Bartie and Simon Kingham
GRASS for Dam Failure Risk Massimiliano Cannata, Roberto Marzocchi
OldMapsOnline.org: open source and old maps Klokan Petr Pridal
GISVM+Xenia Jeremy Cothran
Images analysis improvement by variational segmentation in GRASS GIS Paolo Zatelli
Quality Control of Digital Elevation Models Thomas Knudsen
Drift-X WPS: An atmopsheric dispersion simulation Web-GIS platform Venkatesh Raghavan
Web Processing Services for Remote Sensing Data in a Grid Environment – The SARoNGS Project Kamie Kitmitto
Metadata of spatial data quality: a proposal to report the positional accuracy element Maria Antonia Brovelli
Challenges and possibilities of Mobile GIS : perspective from a developing country Nimalika
Integrating dendrochronology and FOSS4G to evaluate natural hazards Marco Ciolli
Tools for wildlife data management: evaluation of kilometric indexes of abundance Clara Tattoni
Collaborative Web-Based Mapping of Real-Time Sensor Data Cristian Gadea
MapWindow 6.0: An Extensible Architecture for Cartographic Symbology Harold Dunsford
HIS Desktop: A CUAHSI Application for the Consumption of Spatio-Temporal Web Services Daniel P. Ames
A Modular Spatial-Temporal Modeling Environment for GIS Brian Marchionni