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; Tests written for: deegree 2.2, arramagong 2.0.1
; Tests written for: deegree 2.2, arramagong 2.0.1
; Test Description last updated: Sep 2009
; Test Description last updated: March 2010
; Steps:
; Steps:
* Click desktop icon "start deegree" which will run "catalina.sh start".  
* Click desktop icon "start deegree" which will run "catalina.sh start".  
: Verify firefox is opens a new tab at the page http://localhost:8081/
: Verify firefox opens a new tab at the page http://localhost:8081/
* Click links in top left box ("deegree Web Applications").
* Click the service links ("deegree-wms", "deegree-wfs", "deegree-wcs") in top left box ("deegree Web Applications").
: Verify the service links open test pages for WMS, WFS, and WCS with links to "Test WMS", "Test WFS" and "Test WCS".  
: Verify they open test pages for WMS, WFS, and WCS. These pages will contain links to
* Missing step? click on ???
:* "GetCapabilities" (for each of the services)
:* "Test WMS", "Test WFS" or "Test WCS" (depending on the chosen service)
:* a link for the "Generic Client", a client for sending XML requests (http post) to the services.
* Click on "TestW*S"
: Verify you get either maps or xml fragments.
: Verify you get either maps or xml fragments.
* Click on the client link (iGeoPortal)
:* TestWMS will contain some images (results of WMS requests), and links for further KVP requests (http get).
: Verify ??? ... will open in a new tab and should open a full working portal after choosing one of the offered WebMapContexts (Utah, SaltLakeCity or Playground).  
:* TestWFS will open a page with several links for WFS requests (KVP). Either one will return XML fragments. There is also a link to the generic client.
:* TestWCS will open a page with several links for WCS requests (KVP). Either one will return XML fragments.
* Click the client link ("deegree iGeoPortal") in top left box ("deegree Web Applications").
: Verify this will open a new tab with a list of available WebMapContexts. Either one of these links (Utah, SaltLakeCity or Playground) should open a full working portal in this tab. Once the WMC is loaded you may swith to the other WMCs by using the drop down box labled "Theme selection"
* Click on the desktop icon "stop deegree"
* Click on the desktop icon "stop deegree"
: Verify the deegree-tomcat process is stopped. (How?)
: Verify the deegree-tomcat process is stopped.
:* click any of the links previously used: you will get a "Failed to Connect"  message from firefox.
:* open a terminal and try <code>ps fax | grep deegree</code>. You should not get any results other than the grep itself.
= kosmo =
= kosmo =

Revision as of 23:44, 2 March 2010

This wiki describes how to test each application installed in the Live GIS Disc. Each section should contain enough information for an Ubuntu user who is unfamiliar an application to try it out and confirm that everything has been installed correctly.


Tests written for
.package. [version], arramgong [version]
Test Description last updated
  • .action.
Verify that ...
  • Eg: From menu, select GeoSpatial->Application->Start
Eg: Verify that a browser opens at url: http://localhost:... and shows the application start page.

test results from .date.
Run by: FirstName LastName
System: VMWare Player, 2Gig RAM, on ubuntu 9.0 base
Version: distribution version: eg: arramagong 3.0 rc2
Results: Pass, Pass with issues, Fail
  • link to bug reports

Add more test results below, most recent results at the top







Tests written for
deegree 2.2, arramagong 2.0.1
Test Description last updated
March 2010
  • Click desktop icon "start deegree" which will run "catalina.sh start".
Verify firefox opens a new tab at the page http://localhost:8081/
  • Click the service links ("deegree-wms", "deegree-wfs", "deegree-wcs") in top left box ("deegree Web Applications").
Verify they open test pages for WMS, WFS, and WCS. These pages will contain links to
  • "GetCapabilities" (for each of the services)
  • "Test WMS", "Test WFS" or "Test WCS" (depending on the chosen service)
  • a link for the "Generic Client", a client for sending XML requests (http post) to the services.
  • Click on "TestW*S"
Verify you get either maps or xml fragments.
  • TestWMS will contain some images (results of WMS requests), and links for further KVP requests (http get).
  • TestWFS will open a page with several links for WFS requests (KVP). Either one will return XML fragments. There is also a link to the generic client.
  • TestWCS will open a page with several links for WCS requests (KVP). Either one will return XML fragments.
  • Click the client link ("deegree iGeoPortal") in top left box ("deegree Web Applications").
Verify this will open a new tab with a list of available WebMapContexts. Either one of these links (Utah, SaltLakeCity or Playground) should open a full working portal in this tab. Once the WMC is loaded you may swith to the other WMCs by using the drop down box labled "Theme selection"
  • Click on the desktop icon "stop deegree"
Verify the deegree-tomcat process is stopped.
  • click any of the links previously used: you will get a "Failed to Connect" message from firefox.
  • open a terminal and try ps fax | grep deegree. You should not get any results other than the grep itself.







  • File → Open → /usr/local/share/osm/Barcelona.osm.bz2
  • Open a terminal
  • Import data with:
bzip2 -dc /usr/local/share/osm/Barcelona.osm.bz2 | gosmore rebuild




There are 29 example jobs built in, and a script to run them all:

  • Open a terminal
cp -r /usr/share/doc/gmt-examples/examples/ gmt-examples
cd gmt-examples/

[whiz .. bang .. whirl]

View results: (type 'q' to quit gv)

for PLOT in `find . -name *.ps` ; do
   echo "$PLOT"
   gv "$PLOT"


cd ..
rm -rf gmt-examples/


Tests written for
grass 6.4.0rc5, arramagong 2.0/3.0
Last updated
March 2010
  • Double click on the GRASS desktop icon
Verify you see a slick "Welcome to GRASS" GUI
  • Select Spearfish60 for location, User1 for mapset
  • Click on [Start Grass]
  • In the Layer Manager GUI window add a raster layer
    • On the toolbar click the icon with a + and a checkerboard
    • On map to be displayed pull down the list and select elevation.dem
  • from the PERMANENT mapset and click [ok]
  • In the Layer Manager GUI window add a vector layer
    • On the toolbar click the icon with a + and a "V" line
    • For input map name pull down the list and select roads from the PERMANENT mapset and click [ok]
  • Over in the Map Display window toolbar click on the eyeball icon to render
Verify you see the maps displayed
See also
(North Carolina dataset is already installed in grassdata/)





  • Click on the desktop icon
  • If you have used Google Earth before you should be able to figure this one out without much difficulty.
  • In the Settings menu select full-screen mode
  • Explore ...
  • In the bottom-left corner of the program window there is a subtle tab called "Map View". Click on it.
  • Select another map (e.g. 'Precipitation (July)')
  • Explore some more ...


  • Open a terminal
  • Start program by typing "octave" at the prompt
% Which way to Barcelona from Sydney?
sydney = [-33.8750 151.2005]
barcelona = [41+23/60 2+11/60]

dirn = azimuth(sydney, barcelona);
deg_symb = 176;
disp(['Heading: ' num2str(dirn) deg_symb])
% How far's the trip? (roughly!)
system('proj -le')
wgs84_a = 6378137.0  % major radius of the Earth, in meters
dist_deg = distance(sydney, barcelona)
dist_meters = pi * wgs84_a * (dist_deg / 360.0)
disp(['Distance: ' num2str(dist_meters / 1000) ' km'])

Type "exit" to quit.


Activate data
  • Open a terminal
  • Type "opencpn_noaa_agreement.sh" at the prompt
Run program

(assuming your GPS is not plugged in and gpsd is not running)

  • Double click the OpenCPN icon on the desktop or type "opencpn" at a terminal
  • Left-click recenters the view
  • Left-click-drag pans the view
  • Mouse-wheel zooms in/out
  • The blue bars in the bottom show previews of overlapping maps and clicking on them switches to them.
More details in the on-disc help page
and specifically the Getting Started help page.




If no GPS is plugged in

  • Double click on the GpsDrive desktop icon
  • You should see a map of downtown Sydney, after about 10 seconds a waypoint marker for the Convention Centre should appear.
  • Set the map scale to 1:10,000 either by dragging the slider at the bottom or by using the +,- buttons (not magnifying glass)
  • Enter Explore Mode by pressing the "e" key or in the Map Control button.
  • Use the arrow keys or left mouse button to move off screen.
  • Right click to set destination and leave Explore Mode
Downloading maps
  • Change the scale setting to 1:1,000,000 you should see a continental map
  • Enter Explore Mode again ("e") and left click on the great barrier reef
  • Options -> Map -> Download
    • Map source: NASA LANDSAT, Scale: 1:500,000, [Download Map]
    • When download is complete click [ok] then change the preferred scale slider to 1:500,000
    • This will be of more use in remote areas.
  • Explore to the coast, click on an airport, headland, or some other conspicuous feature. You might want to use the magnifying glass buttons to zoom in on it better. Use a right click set the target on some other conspicuous feature nearby then demagnify back out.
  • Options -> Map -> Download
    • Map source: OpenStreetMap, Scale: 1:150,000, left-click on map to center the green preview over your target and what looks like a populated area.
    • [Download Map]
    • When download is complete click [ok] then change the preferred scale slider to 1:150,000 and you should see a (rather rural) road map. This will be more interesting in built up areas.
Overlay a GPX track
  • In the ~/.gpsdrive/tracks/ directory you will find australia.gpx which is a track line following the coastline.
  • Options -> Import -> GPX track
  • Hidden folders are hidden in the file picker, but just start typing ~/.gpsdrive and hit enter. You should then see the tracks/ directory and be able to load australia.gpx.
  • A red trace should appear along the coastline.
  • Check that it lines up well with the coast as shown in map tiles of varying scale.

If a GPS is plugged in

  • Make sure gpsd is running by starting "xgps" from the command line.
  • The program will automatically detect gpsd and jump to your current position. This should bring up a continental map as you won't have any map tiles downloaded for your area yet.
  • See the above "Downloading Maps" section to get some local tiles.
  • If you have a local GPX track of some roads try loading that and making sure everything lines up, as detailed in the above "Overlay a GPX track" section.

That's it.


  • Open a terminal
cd /usr/local/mbsystem/examples/

Demonstrate use of program mbinfo for listing information about the contents of multibeam data files.

cd mbinfo
cd ..




Main Documentation

  • Confirm that Firefox is opened at startup
  • Confirm that it opens up at file:///usr/local/share/livedvd-docs/index.html
  • Confirm that the homepage is set to file:///usr/local/share/livedvd-docs/index.html
  • Confirm that you can see descriptions about the different projects.