Difference between revisions of "Panorama SIG Libre 2014/Clientes"

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| [http://grass.osgeo.org/ GRASS GIS]
| [http://grass.osgeo.org/ GRASS GIS]
| -
| 1982
| {{yes|G}}
| {{yes|✓}}
| {{yes|✓}}
| [http://www.ohloh.net/licenses/gpl3 GPL 2.0+]
| [http://grass.osgeo.org/home/copyright/ GPL 2.0+]
| [http://www.ohloh.net/p/grass_gis ohloh]
| [http://www.ohloh.net/p/grass_gis ohloh]
| Python
| C/C++
| [http://udig.refractions.net/ UDig]
| [http://udig.refractions.net/ UDig]

Revision as of 11:38, 15 February 2014

Work in progress

Main information

Name Year OSGeo Live License Ohlohno Tech
gvSIG - GPL 2.0+ ohloh Java
QGis - GPL 3.0 ohloh C++ Python
GRASS GIS 1982 G GPL 2.0+ ohloh C/C++
UDig - BSD-3-Clause and EPL 1.0 ohloh Java
openJUMP - GPL 2.0 ohloh Java
SAGA GIS - [-] ohloh C++
OPTICKS - x - python?
