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===[[Paul Meems]]===
[[File:profile-small.jpg|frame]]Paul Meems
Privé adres:
[[File:profile-small.jpg|thumb|right|100px|Paul Meems]]
Julianastraat 128
9601LT Hoogezand
[[File:logo-topx-geo-ict.jpg|frame]]Werk adres:
Product manager Open-Source GIS and Sr. GIS Consultant at [http://www.topx-geo-ict.nl TopX Geo-ICT] and active member of the [http://www.mapwindow.org MapWindow Open Source GIS community]
TopX Geo-ICT
Zernikepark 12
9747 AN Groningen
== Current position ==
Location: Hoogezand, The Netherlands
* Release & Configuration manager of MapWindow GIS v4.8
* Active member of the [http://www.mapwindow.org MapWindow GIS community]
* Product manager Open-Source GIS and Sr. GIS Consultant at [http://www.topx-geo-ict.nl TopX Geo-ICT]
== Social media ==
Intro: Paul Meems is a software consultant/developer with a lot of experience in various projects and products involving Open Source and proprietary software. Since 2004 Paul is involved in [http://www.mapwindow.org MapWindow Open Source GIS project]. First as a user, later as a translator and forum manager. Currently Paul is the team manager of the development of MapWindow v5. In his team are developers from countries on different continents.
* [http://nl.linkedin.com/in/paulmeems My LinkedIn page]
* [https://twitter.com/#!/MapWindow_nl My Twitter account]
* [http://www.youtube.com/mapwindownl My YouTube channel]
== MapWindow links ==
* [http://www.mapwindow.org/ MapWindow home page]
* [http://mapwindow4.codeplex.com/releases MapWindow download page]
* [http://svn.mapwindow.org/svnroot/MapWindow4Dev/ MapWindow v4.8 SVN Repository]
* [http://mapwingis.codeplex.com/ MapWinGIS home page @ Codeplex]
* [http://mapwindow4.codeplex.com/discussions MapWindow v4.9 Architectural discussions]
* [http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2010/ 1st International MapWindow GIS Users and Developers Conference 2010 in Orlando, USA]
* [http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2011/ 2st International MapWindow GIS and DotSpatial Conference 2011 in San Diego, USA]
* '''Work in progress''': 3rd International MapWindow GIS Conference with the DotSpatial, SharpMap, OSGeo DotNet & FOSS4G-NL Community 2012 in Velp, The Netherlands
== Projects ==
Read more details on his [http://nl.linkedin.com/in/paulmeems/ LinkedIn] profile.
* KLIC Maat: A series of plug-ins for MapWindow to view KLIC-meldingen, using OpenStreetMap data and a GPS for location-awareness. [http://youtu.be/0jdzReZoWvY A little video]
* Cyclomedia: Plug-ins to use the aerial photos and cyclorama's of [http://www.cyclomedia.nl/ CycloMedia]
* AHN Index loader: Loads AHN grid file after clicking on the index file (which shows the ''kaartbladen'') [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZdvnmASRdk A little video]
== Skills ==
;OSGeo Experience [[File:OSGeo_coder.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#Developers_and_Committee_Members]] [[File:OSGeo_user.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#OSGeo_Community_Members]] [[File:OSGeo_translate.png|link=OSGeo_Advocate#OSGeo_Community_Members]]
* Project management (Prince2)
* C#
:* Presenter at the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2010, Orlando (USA)
* OpenLayer, GeoServer, PostGIS (''still learning'')
:* Keynote speaker at the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2011, San Diego (USA)
:* Release and configuration manager of the MapWindow GIS project
:* Organized and chaired the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2012, Velp (The Netherlands)
:* Presenter at the Hungarian GIS Conference 2013, Debrecen (Hungary)
:* Organized and chaired the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2014, Debrecen (Hungary)
:* Committer for [http://mapwindow4.codeplex.com MapWindow Open Source GIS v4]
:* Committer for [http://mapwingis.codeplex.com MapWinGIS ActiveX Control]
:* Initiator and core developer for [http://mapwindow5.codeplex.com MapWindow Open Source GIS v5]
:* Used and is using several OSGeo products, like OpenLayers, PostGIS, Geoserver in custom applications
: Email: p.meems AT topx-group DOT nl
: Twitter: mapwindow_nl
;Spoken languages: Dutch (1st), English (2nd)
;Profile last updated: July 28, 2014
{{#umSetParam: 6.726390|53.163087|Hoogezand, The Netherlands|pmeems|Paul Meems}}

Revision as of 13:10, 28 July 2014

Paul Meems

Paul Meems

Product manager Open-Source GIS and Sr. GIS Consultant at TopX Geo-ICT and active member of the MapWindow Open Source GIS community

Location: Hoogezand, The Netherlands

Intro: Paul Meems is a software consultant/developer with a lot of experience in various projects and products involving Open Source and proprietary software. Since 2004 Paul is involved in MapWindow Open Source GIS project. First as a user, later as a translator and forum manager. Currently Paul is the team manager of the development of MapWindow v5. In his team are developers from countries on different continents.

Read more details on his LinkedIn profile.

OSGeo Experience OSGeo coder.png OSGeo user.png OSGeo translate.png
  • Presenter at the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2010, Orlando (USA)
  • Keynote speaker at the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2011, San Diego (USA)
  • Release and configuration manager of the MapWindow GIS project
  • Organized and chaired the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2012, Velp (The Netherlands)
  • Presenter at the Hungarian GIS Conference 2013, Debrecen (Hungary)
  • Organized and chaired the MapWindow Open Source GIS Users & Developers conference 2014, Debrecen (Hungary)
  • Committer for MapWindow Open Source GIS v4
  • Committer for MapWinGIS ActiveX Control
  • Initiator and core developer for MapWindow Open Source GIS v5
  • Used and is using several OSGeo products, like OpenLayers, PostGIS, Geoserver in custom applications
Email: p.meems AT topx-group DOT nl
Twitter: mapwindow_nl
Spoken languages
Dutch (1st), English (2nd)
Profile last updated
July 28, 2014

{{#umSetParam: 6.726390|53.163087|Hoogezand, The Netherlands|pmeems|Paul Meems}}